Chapter 5 part 2

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Hadley prov 5

I wake up to a quick nudge on the shoulder "who is it?'" i moaned

another nudge is made and a soft voce came with it "wake up Hadley, Amaya needs to talk to you about something." he rubs my shoulders and plops me on his lap so I'm staring up at him and his beautiful eyes. "Alright i'll get up but you owe me with a date." I moaned he smiled "fine dear but no double dates okay." I sigh "Alright Damon no more double dates." we both are getting out of bed, I'm slipping on my slippers and shuffling out to the bathroom where i'm getting ready for the rest of the day. I shove on bright red shorts and a black tank top I reach my hands to the back of my head pulling my light blond hair in a high pony tale. Damon walks in slowly "how on earth did you get ready so quick?" he questions. I'm smiling and kiss him on the check "easy I left this clothes in here a few days ago and forgot to put it away." i chuckle and rush down the stairs into the living room. the living room was a dark shade of brown but with lots of colors in the paintings that surround it. In the back of the room is tv on the wall and an entertainment center then an ugly classic coach from like 1950's. its so ugly i can cry and the only reason why we still have it is because Stephen,Damon and Amaya know i hate it. I'm walking to the tv and sit on the couch when i sink in. now i'm searching threw the couch to find the remote because Stephen lost it a couple of days ago when he was watching it with me. because Amaya went and hung out with Catsy and Damon went with Rick playing blues clues in caves for something i'm not aware of. Unknown to both Damon and Amaya, me and Stephen go way back to 1915 when i was twelve years old.

Flash back-1915


I'm walking into my favourite store, Walters department store. not only does Mistake Falls have to best store to get food it also sells Chocolate. I had it for the first time when Katherine a good friend of my older sister Willow. came over for dinner with my family and me. My family doesn't believe in sugar only in tee but in nothing else so there was never any hope for me and chocolate.

"hey!" the voice broke my contraction. honestly its a voice i haven't heard in a while.

"Katherine, where heave you been? I thought you left for Europe a couple of days ago." i smile as now i'm confused. she just walks past grabbing my hands and haling me threw the door. what if i hurt her feelings and she thinks i don't want her here? I feel terrible now, i love it when she visits i could never wish her gone. "Katherine i didn't mean to sound like i don't want you here it's just you just took me off guard thats all but i am great full to see you." i say shyly.

she just turned at me and her greedy smile faded "Not a minute did i ever think you meant that to be mean or to wish me gone." her smile appears again and she robs my head scrunching up my curly hair. "thats good" I say cheerfully. rushing over to the chocolate I grab one that reads "pure greatness." yet again i'm rushing over to the counter. an old man takes the chocolate bar " is this it for you young lady." I bring my hand to my forehead and salute him and say "yes sir" I think i made him cheerful.

i'm hearing foot steps come up behind me and a hand lightly touch my shoulder. my head raises from Walter who was smiling and over to the man who was also smiling and touching my shoulder. "Katherine who's this? is he your boyfriend?" Katherine just left the store, whats she doing and who's this guy? and why is he touching me? wait he must be one of her friends! but still why is he touching me?the man broke my concentration when the man picked up my chocolate bar. He grabs my hand and halls me out of the the store. "Hey! Let me go!" i struggle to get out of his grasp but he his grip gets tighter. "Let me go you blood sucker! I felt his grip drop, maybe i hurt his feelings, what if he lost his parents because of one of those monsters. I can see hurt in his eyes when Katherine grabs me by the hand and pulls it up into the air. her eyes filled with anger. her voice is stricken and full of anger. "How dare you call some one a blood sucker! Just because your parents are dead doesn't mean you can act as you please!" I can't believe it! why would see bring that up. I could feel the tears rolling down my cheek and hear the two argue. I heard Katherine call him Stefen and i heard him standing up to her but i cant understand over my own sobbing. wait! Stefen was the name on the wall over my parents! is he the same perso- no he couldn't be! he wasn't human! But there the same!

why? and how?

Running away now is my only chance to get away. Gosh why are vampires apart of my life?! I want out now! awwww! Theres a path way that leads straight to my house and thats how i get to the store all the time. thats how I'm getting home right now. My heart beats and trembles as I'm running threw the path passing shady trees and red coloured rocks those where not red stones they where covered in blood! oh god. As i whip around a corner a bright blond long haired women covered in blood was sitting on the ground.

The girl looked up and i took a rushed stop as I try to look pass all the blood i could beryl see who it is but now there was no doubt who that girl is, its willow.

"willow are you okay?!" i rush over to her and gripping her into a hug. her long blue and red stained ball gown her head snuggled into my neck, her breath was cold stoned "i'm sorry" she whispered and in seconds her body went limp. i look at her face as it slowly turns gray, there was no way she was a- no thats silly how could she be? i look up to see a depressed and crying Stefen. "how did she-"i say sobbing. he just shuck his head as if to say no and not to ask. "how do yo- you spell yo-ur nam-e?" his face now turns convulsed. but he did give an answer."well i spell it like S-t-e-f-e-n, why"

my sobbing got harder."theres no way your the one that killed my family right? you much nicer so theres no way you to are one in the same right? Even so that Vampire spelled his name the same way. I hope you don't mind but for right now I'm spelling your name with a "ph" instead okay?" he just nodded and held me close to the lights outside went dark and all i can see is pitch black.


"Earth to Hadley!"what! what! oh its only Damon, he doesn't look to happy actually he looks kinda pissed off. wait how long was i out for? why am i saying this to my self? "What where you thinking about?"asked Damon most likely questioning my face i'm most likely making.

"well Damon I-" in seconds he was sitting next to me holding the remote." how the hell did you find it?" good grief tho because if Stephen wanted to watch tv later he most like would kill us because the remote was missing only its his fault it went missing anyways.

Damon reaches over and lands his cold arm on my shoulder. " your avoiding my question Hadley. It must be about are date coming up. your not nerves are you?" he says smirking. I cuddle up into him and shake my head. why would I be nerves.

sudden foot step walked into the room, it had to be Amaya because I haven't seen Stephen in awhile. If i was Amaya i'd be pretty freaked out because Stephen doesn't just leave, only in times when Klaus was around. Amaya walked and sat on Stephens recliner which by the way is his chair. The first words the broke the silence was Damon who slightly had demands in his tone. "now Hadley you're the one who put the moon stone in the well. so you got to get it out." I shrug "yeah okay no problem... but why?" i ask. only because Amaya told me to keep it safe so this meant trouble for not just Stephen but all of us and i bet Katherine has something todo with it.

"The bitch Klaus took Stephen. He will kill him!" she explained but it wasn't her normal tune for some one being kid napped it was more like someones feeling exploded. It wasn't hard to tell she loves him because I know for a fact that when Jeremy Disappeared. He was avery cute but i don't think his sister will approve of me chancing him but he is my first option if Damon over reacts again. why am i think about this Stephen is in danger, Stephens in danger! but

how and why!... i already know the answer to that question... Klaus. Hadley braces my concentration"we need to hurry!" but before she can even finish her sentence i'm out of the house like lighting striking. Both Damon and Amaya follow me as I reach the hidden well In the dark red rose bushes. I reach over the well and pick up the first bucket of the rope. Back in the day i was bright and covered The well with magic thanks to a good friend of mine back in the day's when i First turned Vampire Tegan she was brilliant, i also lived with her for a few years after my sister died. Also a great thanks to Tegan for getting wolf-span and revain... i never did learn how to spell it. Thanks to her magic i'm the only one who can get due to something i can't even remember.

Once i unhook the first bucket i hand it over to Damon who sarcastically ask's "What am I supposed to do with this?"

"hold it dumbass." I say giving him the look of a dah. I crank the handle and another bucket comes up. Yet again Damon lacks trust in me and may have mentioned the sentence "wait there's two buckets?" but i quickly correct him "Actually there are three" i say pulling up the third bucket. on the same topic Amaya had her inputs heard to "how many buckets are there?" she asks. "three i say replying.

I think Damon lost his cool for a second because like he always does he raises his voice . "so where the fuck is the moon stone?!" he lost control and let hints of anger enter his already cocky voice. I take a rubber glove out of my pocket that i randomly already had."wink wink" i shove it on and reach into the third bucket. the colour slightly faded from the rock, it used to be a dark red to represent blood but now its faded... to bad really i really liked it before. I grab the round rock that was the size of my pam and hall it out. As i reach into my pocket i hall out anther random glove and toss it at Amaya only because it had revain on it.

Amaya growls at me "Why the fuck were there two empty buckets?!" She reached retiredly why wasn't there four buckets she should have asked... haha that would be silly if she did she the only vampire that always 'by the book' she didn't know how to have fun from what i can see. exiting my thoughts again i replay "We'll the first one would be to obvious. The second one would still be a little obvious. but know one would think the well was deep enough for three buckets all twenty feet apart. " i stated, Damon started laughing most likely at use. "you could have said it was in a bucket!" I shrugged " you didn't ask."

he face gets screwed up as i can smell the anger off her." Hadley you're telling me it was in that bucket the whole time!" shes says angered. "yup" i say all percy like.

she gives me the death glare "Hadley i'm going to murder you!" she mutters under her breath. "oh shit!" i yell, then i boot it out of there getting a head start. As i run I scream " I said it was at the bottom of the well!" she screams back " you didn't say it was in the fucking bucket!" once i realise she wasn't chancing me i flashed back "actually-" i say before being interrupted. She kinda flipped

"Oh my god, you never mentioned the bucket!" she yells after me. i guess she never noticed i returned because she yelled it out to the direction i ran in.

Damon giggles at her then brings up a terrific idea. "lets just give the moon stone to klaus" I notice Amaya bite her bottom lip and mutter the word "fine" the sighs. I notice her hall out her cell and dial that Demon klaus.


I here the doorbell ring, we all go over and Damon opens the door. The second the door started to open i could here his voice. "Give it to me!" he demands

Amaya stands her ground as the two fight with words. Klaus disappears then reapers what felt like seconds holding a tragic looking Stephen. are they sure it him? I mean he looks kinda like him but a little disfigured and shabby hair. Then klaus teleports to the well and we all follow.

poor Stephen hovers over the well and a very piste off Klaus holding him. "hand it over or i'll drop him" klaus warns. I can see Amaya start walking over toward Klaus but Damon stopped her by putting his arm out in front of her.

klaus replies in a bitter tone. "Its none of you business" I glacé from Klaus to Amaya and Damon when i notice Damon steal the moon stone from Amaya. "Damon!" she yells. I could here Stephen mumble the words "don't give it to him." It was very weak, it was hard to hear even with super hearing.

I know i couldn't save him even if I wanted to and trust me i did but it wasn't my place. no matter what i felt years ago Hadley made him feel human and more him self. The feels i have for him are love but its a family love, he took care of me after my sister died so i was twelve.

Amaya suddenly broke threw my thoughts nudging me. " you can't have it until you tell us what you need it for." said Damon crossing his arms. Klaus's eyes rolled and in frustration yelled "I'm not kidding if you don't give it to me now! i will drop him!" my emotions got to me, my heart if it betted it would beat a hundred times faster then a normal hear beat. Damon beard his fangs and snapped "actually I don't." klaus loosened his grip on Stephen "Fine if you wont give it to me then" he let go of Stephen, my heart dropped and was already half way down threw the deepest part of the ocean. "Stephen!" screamed both me and Amaya. I see her run after Stephen, I let the tears flow my body froze in time and it wouldn't even throw i tried. I try to run after Stephen after i hear a splash in the water and my mind final rapes around the situation but a strong grip was raped around my hand. I look behind my self and Damon looks at me, his eyes go dark and grim but kind and upset. He tugs me close to him and whispers "let Amaya Handel it." I let the tense that built up in my body go and look forth at klaus he was holding a wooden stack his eyes turned to Amaya who was helping Stephen. He's eyes taunting and in a swift movement it hit her. The way she jolted when it hit her and the scream she let out was blood curling. yet again i wanted to be there to help them but new where i stood on this scale and what i had to do to protect my own ass. " Get the fuck off of my property klaus and don't you ever hurt my friends again!" I yell. Damon leaves my side and charges toward Klaus pulling out a wooden stake out of no where. I seen klaus grab hold of Damon's neck, his face turned devilish has he slammed Damon across the yard. All Emotion drained from me and anger spilled out, quickly i speed over to Damon's side. "Damon wake up please In the corner of my eye

after along time when I finish up there /\

_____ l

What happened? oh wait! Damon! I look over to Damon, his eyes fully shut with no smile. How could Klaus do such a thing? and wheres that dame Moon Stone? I hope Klaus doesn't have it or were all fucked. I try pulling my eyes open again a few times and it worked but there was no sign of Damon,Stephen or Amaya and where was I? The room was covered in white every thing from the floor up the only thing that wasn't white was the pink bedspread that looked like the one i had when Stephen first took me in. ... I couldn't be in heaven could I? ... what no theres no way i'm super natural i would still be chilling on earth.

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