Chapter 9 part 2

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If the mornings sun never ever came up I'd stay in bed. You see I decide not to wear my day light ring to bed. That's how much I want to kill my self. I'm not kidding


When Amaya never came home with Stefan I felt like


my self over and over. Honestly I'd rather date klaus then lose Amaya and that's saying something... I just have no idea what?

The rays wake me up sheepishly. The burning sensation of the suns rays would be a warning for any vampire to close the blinds but not I. This is where I plan to die, at least it's better then Amaya leaving and dealing with Damon Drama for the one hundredth time.

This is a better way to die... Right?

The sun rises high up in the air, this was no normal heat to skin contacted anymore. It burned! It was like nothing I had ever felt before! Little screams escape my lips before a horrifying screech of pain escaped my lips.

Maybe I was wrong this was no way to deal with stress. It's like a human commuting Suiside. This hurts like a bitch and I can't move. I hear the door slam open, another horrific scream escapes. My body twitches. I can't move, so is this what death feels like? I don't like it one little bit. Another scream escapes, I feel limp just like a rag doll. Then the pain stops and the room darkens. Damon must be by my side.

Stefan prov


A horrific scream tears the house apart. It's coming from the opposite side of the house. It has to be Hadley.

I try my hardest to push my self out of bed, the sheets are warm on my side, but I know they are cold on Amaya's side. I had to just mess things up didn't I? (You didn't mess things up! This is what a relation ship does to you after ninety years.) some times I wish my consence Would desipear

Another ear piercing scream eco's threw the hall way... Katherine must be here!

I rush up forgetting to shove on pants and push my way threw the door way. Hadley's door is shut, but not locked. I slam it open,

Another blood hurling scream escaped her mouth, her body arcs and no Katherine. It's the sun she's trying to kill her self. I rush over to her side and close the blinds, she burnt to a crisp!


Three hours later

She finally woke up an hour ago but hasn't come down the stairs. She apparently lost her daylight ring so she won't be able to leave the house. The last thing todo is call Damon and explain to him what happened. "Ring, ring, ring"

"He's not going to answer, you know that right?"

I look up, she finally decided to come down the stairs. "Do you mind explaining why you tried to kill your self?"

"I don't know what your talking abou-"

"Cut the crap Hadley! I watched her stumble back in shock.

I could tell the inner princess in her was about to explode... And here it comes. Her face squints like it always did when she gets angry, her eyes turn a bloody red and her fists clench in fists of rage. "How- how dare you! Why do you care anyways!" I was about to say something but before I could even get a word out she collapsed to the floor balling her eyes out.

"Hadley I-"

"Shut up! I don't need your sympathy okay?"

What happened to her? What did that ideate do to her!?

"Stephan don't look at me like that! I know what I'm doing okay?"

I step closer to her kneeling and pulling her into a huge. She looks up at me. "Stephan?" She asks in a question. " I'm hungry"

Really? This girl is a fucking pig! Even when she try's to kill her self she hungry! But it wouldn't be Hadley if she didn't so it's good to know she hadn't changed to much...

Hadley prov


God love Stephan what a saint! Dealing with me and Amaya? He'd have to be.

Anyways once Damon walked in and Amaya disappeared up stairs to what I assume was to talk to Stephan.

Damon just looks at me, no emotion he just glares at me. "What did that bitch tell you?!"

He yells at me. Wow if he really wanted to stay on my good side he was doing a terrible job.

"First off don't call Amaya a bitch, second Elena? Really? Out of all the people to cheat on with me you use your brothers ex? That's low even for you. And by the way I will never for give you! I have had it being a push over! I'm done playing games Damon! I'm done being with you! We're over!? I'm sorry..." I say loader toward the middle and fading softer.

Well that's it then I have final ended it... I'm free... I'm free? I'm free! Yes!

He's face glows with shock. He didn't see that coming now did he? "Hadley! You need me!" He yells. I glare at him the stock away into the kitchen. He follows asking me why I'm ignoring him but I don't say a word. Walking over to the fridge I picked up the white bored marker my messages reads. "Dear Stephan

sorry you got stuck with the worst brother ever! Tell Amaya I'll be fine just going on a vk away from here. I'll be back when ever and if you need anything just call, I'll be with nike.

Bye! ( )( )

-( . . )-

(()_() Love Hadley"

Now to find a nice big bottle of vodka to sort out the rest of the day! And get outa here! Then find Katherine and dispose of Elena. :)

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