⚰️ ❝ Art Contest 3 ❞ ⚰️

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❝ I know what you did last summer ❞

Bonjour everyone, welcome to the third art contest of this book! I honestly thought I would NEVER see the day where I would actually see 75 chapters since I haven't been on this app in forever and haven't been updating it either... until recently

I am going to be DEADLY honest but doing art has been kinda hard recently with no free time, my grandfather's recent death and college looming in the background so who knows if I will be able to talk on any platform or draw like I used to so I am proud to announce the prompt for 3rd art contest!

❝ Don't hug me, I am scared ❞

Theme idea:

Design a scenario of my ocs and your ocs interacting in a setting where fear is all around them. Where the doom is either psychological or physical. Where the doom is in one's own mind or is a shared experience.

Bonus points

If the picture is dark and scary...

You get me to feel fear for your/mine characters

❝ Do you really think there is someone out there?? It is ALL in your head. ❞

What can help with motivation or ideas for this?

Honestly, I have been watching retrospectives and videos on the game UNTIL DAWN, which inspired this very theme! If you feel low in motivation / ideas, try watching some horror games and build an atmosphere around that! However, if you're not a fan of watching horror games or movies then here is a list that can help!

A fear of thunder/lightning

An intruder

A fear of blood → gore being present


Trapped underground and everyone is unsure of where you are


Look up scenes from iconic horror movies and draw our characters in those scenes!

Look up Creepypasta artwork and draw our characters inspired by what you see!

If you have any questions about what is allowed or not, feel free to ask me! This art contest is going to be pretty open to anything revolving around angst, fear and blood!

❝ The earliest we will be able to get you is until dawn ❞


#1 Please don't whine...

No guilting or whining if you don't get the place you want. You guys are all talented and creative individuals so it is going to be really hard to judge you and your ideas. Just note that creativeness will be primarily focused on and not skill.

If you belittle your art skills just because you didn't get first place, I will have a stern talking to you whether you're a close friend of mine or someone who stumbled upon this. This is just for fun! It's okay to feel unmotivated and uncreative but don't worry - your entry is just as good as anyone else's!

If you have a question about your placing, take 24 hours to process your emotions to approach me; that way you have your emotions under control. Like I said before: this is going to be tough to judge

#2 No tracing

If I find out that you traced your entry, you will be disqualified and if you had top 3, your prizes and stuff will be revoked from you and given to the next one in line. It is not fair to trace when people put in a lot of time and effort.

Of course you can reference bases or references, just no tracing.

Tracing results in a blacklist

#3 All art and your oc MUST be yours

Dont steal art. If you steal someone's entry/oc then you will be disqualified and blacklisted. Not cool man, not cool.

#4 Must use one of my ocs

You can use as much ocs you want in your entry, it's all up to you but I ask to include at least one of my ocs in here and see how they'd interact with your oc(s) in the setting / theme! It just makes it easier for me to judge if something of mine is in there as it can be kind of awkward if I am judging something completely yours when your world, characters, etc are completely something I shouldn't judge upon considering if it is canon/not canon

If you need references, you can check out my oc book, this art book or I can just dm you the google drive folder with ALL my ocs in it → they are all under "Arthur" if you decide to go that route.

If you wanna change my oc into an animal, a ghost, a mermaid, whatever you need them to be: feel free! Just give them some sort of object I'll recognize them with

(For example: Mitch's sunglasses) or their iconic article of clothing!

#5 Follow the theme

Not following the theme results in lower points regardless of how good your art is.

#6 No cyberbullying

Instant blacklist, disqualification and black from me. Do not cyberbully. Be a nice individual and be a nice sport. This is all for fun

#7 Where do I submit my artwork?

If you have discord, feel free to dm me it if you don't want people to get motivated or demotivated with your picture.

However, not everyone has discord so tag me in your art book and the comments of it when you finish your entry.

#8 Gore allowed?


Gore is allowed; however, make sure it isn't too... random and make it make sense for the scenario. Were they stabbed by an intruder or are they randomly just bleeding cause you felt like it? Story matters here! Make me invested!

#8 Romance? Shipart?

Don't show cleavage, genitals or straight up draw R34 is all I ask.

My characters don't have canon ages; however, some are coded to be young teens (12-13) like Holmes, Auelie and Bonny and Angel as a four year old so don't ship them with any adult ocs.

#10 Traditional?

Traditional is allowed!

This won't affect your place compared to those who did digital, all I ask is a nicely clean photo taken if you go with traditional!

#11 This is for fun

Last time before we delve into prizes and due date is that this is all for fun. There will be no ill intent behind any of my judging and your place won't be affected by your art skills.

This is all judged on creativity and how well you develop the theme into the setting! Effort will also play a role in the judging period but hey! You all get first place in my heart

❝ Can you survive five? ❞


Two fullbodies of any of your two characters (whether shipart or just interacting) fully shaded


One fullbody


A bust shot


September 4th, 2023

Extensions are going to be kinda hard since college and stuff but I am willing to give an extra three days if you produce a WIP of your image

❝ Is this where you wanna be, I just don't get it why do you want to stay? ❞


Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro