❝ Art You Can Gobble Up For Thanksgiving ❞

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Wow. The title is a real doozie, isnt it? It's been awhile since I posted and here I am, ready to get back into posting art and feel motivated beyond what I should be feeling!

Since I am posting this at the start of November and my trimester ends for Thanksgiving and having a five day week, I have ambitious plans to get another one out before December! I remember getting a crap ton out during the summer and maybe those days of spamming people are over? We will see.

The movie Dune was pretty good! Follows the book pretty good and helps set up part 2 since it is a LONGGGG movie (2h45mins)

I don't really have anything to really add anymore to this subject; however, to link last art dump to this one, the wedding was well, I felt kinda out of place; however, the reception and hanging out with Nacht really helped lift my spirits (he always makes me happy so what can anybody expect?)

Oh! Speaking of Nacht-

Heres a gift for the lovely FatYoshi5 ❤️

Had to draw some Fatcht to fuel the fire man, just had to! The story behind this is that Nacht had gone to sleep and Fate woke up in the middle of the night and peers over their lover and just take in the beauty of em!

I'm really proud of this piece, I had so much fun doing another cuddling shipart and I cant wait to do more with Fatcht in the future!

On the topic of tagging people for art, here is payment for pastelchromist for two fullbodies (which are shaded as well)

The outfits and the changes in character belongs to our Au, "Heavenly Light" with Maxwell being a holy angel while Shadow is a priest (going by "Father Shadow")

Father Shadow has always been salty and edgy that Maxwell had won over Camilla's icy cold heart and so, he doesnt really like being around Maxwell and was quite happy he disappeared (although he was acting of being a good friend to the happy sunshine since he actually is HEAVENLY *HEH PUN* jealous of the angel bean-)

Maybe there will be a prequel to the "two main oneshots" (which one is still in the progress of making, blame work)

Next we have pieces I am really proud of and so, why not start with one that I freaking adore??

When I finished, I couldn't help but stare at how aesthetically fitting everything is. The colors, the characters, the shading, THE FLIPPIN BACKGROUND-

I referenced Lils' background and from there, it only went up. I see nothing I dislike and the family picture and Micah and Nevis blushing are sooooo cute qqq

I had a lot of fun drawing this fam picture and speaking of family, we have the two Bros!

I miss drawing these two bonding and having fun qq

I wanted to draw them in my new style and why not draw them together and show height differences between the two (not like the two beans need it but-)

I think the pink outlines really fit the two of em and will obviously draw more!

This next one goes back to a batball I adopted from Lils named Bellatrix! When I drew this picture, I accidentally drew the wrong owner and I decided to give Andiry a different pet that Maple gifts him! (Maybe I'll design my own-?)

So here is Jan and Bellatrix!

Dumb shading for the win-

Andiry with bellatrix would've been really cute; however, I am too lazy to start over and fix it so maybe Bellatrix doesn't have an exact owner and is used as a therapy pet??? Just an idea.

I love how happy Jan looks, usually he is all sad but with his comfort pet, he feels a lot calmer and is wholesome qqq

Also, Bellatrix's color palate pops out against Jan's??

Off of that topic (technically)! While looking through my ibispaint app, I stumbled upon this character


I don't like any of her outfits and she doesn't seem like an interesting character for me and so, I got straight to work drawing a new character to give me satisfaction and after hours of struggling, I FINALLY found something I loved

Plus a background -

I kept the name since I really adored it and all I did was change everything else! She is a quiet, mysterious kind of figure who wears a mask to hide her mouth and face and she also plays the flute!

How does she play the flute with a mask? Good question.

I did another nature background and although I don't like it as much as the NeMiGab picture, it's still alright! ALSO THE LIGHTING LOOKS GOOD FOR SOME REASON-

Don't worry peeps, I brought an unshaded version !

Still love the design of her for some reason mans-

Before we get into just one character arts, why not talk about shipart?

Remember Epsilon/Polaris?

Yeah. I wanted to find a partner for her that she would love and adore with all her soul and I finally found the perfect someone to!


If you remember Erwin, he's a heartbroken guy who can't get over his ex; however, thankfully Epsilon comes in and swoops him up from that unhealthy behavior since people can change and realize what they're doing is wrong and unhealthy!

Plus, it helps give some attention to the underrated boi and helps make him pop out as a character


We have the confident girlfriend who loves her "cocky" boyfriend and a bf who is trying to learn how to get back into loving! I love the shading and stuff I did, it was so fun to complete while figuring out how their relationship would work!

Sorry Vanny, Epsilon has a new partner -

Sorry Polaris' (second name) blush looks REALLY bad

Next up is a couple I've been wanting to draw since forever but struggled with for ideas, PortNeth! Then an idea popped into my head; cuddling !

And yanno me, couldn't turn that opportunity down -

Awwww yes, I just had to draw them as floating busts but they're laying down on a pastel bed since soft boi needs pastel stuff (tHATS. A. fACT.)

I was debating on putting them in different clothing; however, I decided to just, draw em together xD

Why aren't they under a blanket? Good question-

I feel like Miguel's blushing is a LILL too bright; however, I was trying out a different shading technique and qwq

Next one up, let's get onto stargazing!

Mercury x Augustine! Also known as SalLize! I wanted to draw some more art of them and I finally did!

Mercury is showing Augustine the constellations and they're bonding under the stars while Auggie is flustered since his bf is very happy to point him out stars and he has no knowledge on constellations-

I really adore this picture; however, Mercury's hand looks funky, too long and I should have brought em closer together-

We all love Rivals-To-Lover tropes, dont we? OKAY, MOST OF US I SHOULD SAY-

And to fuel that love for that trope, I drew that couple .>

And this time it isn't FrUk LMAOOOO

TurGre! Or Ayberk x Kai! The ultimate haters-to-lovers out there! This is probably my most laziest one out there since I was like "KaixAyberk" and slapped it together so xD

Kai is a blushing mess although he wants to murder Ayberk for hitting on his mom when they were younger (cuz that existed-)

Ayberk looks nice here! I forgot to color his moons but they're white (just pretend they're white, too lazy to color em)

My favorite of the shipart which includes two redesigns for two of my comfort characters, Angela and Lex!


I enjoyed redesigning and adding flowers to Angela's dress, and I am glad she isn't a plain white how she was. Her wings are really look really good and I love how she's leaning into Lex qqqq

Now onto the nonbinary bean, Lex! Changed their suit completely and made it more royal and is a dark purple! Changed the species rule and so their tail is now a grayish-purple! Although I hate seeing them sad, their pose and expression is really good qwq

I used a beauty and the beast lyric, "who could ever learn to love a beast?" As I believe I used that in the oneshot I wrote forever ago-

Off of the topic of shipart + romance! ( I probably put you all in the mood for it, didn't I? ,> )

Let's take a look at redesigns before jumping in! While looking at some old character art, I stumbled upon Bernardo (who is one of Lex's MANY brothers) and I decided, why not? Why not design him once again?

And bOOM.

I had to change some of his species rules so he has marks since his subspecies under deceitful-demises are wrathful-demises and so! BOOM!

I never really had colored or finished the design concept of Bernard so this all came off of the spot! He's cocky so give him a nice suit, red and black since wraiths are like that and the iconic cape!

Unfortunately, wraths don't wear masks so Bernard doesn't get one, he just gets markings on his tail and horns that store his power -

Next up are some style redraws / redesigns! First one up is a bean who hasn't been digitalized, Buck!

All of these were drawn without the use of paper and were just sketched, colored and shaded all on phone .>

Ah yes, the boi I always felt unmotivated to draw since whenever I would sketch for it to be digital, it never turned out how I wanted it to, so I decided to sketch on phone (without paper) and honestly, he looks so much better!

He looks so professional, like a teacher and I kinda dig that for Buck since he loves seeking more out of his knowledge while overworking himself to be the best at it -

Next one up is Rayan!

Sorry, the background kinda makes their transparent features appear darker the more I look at this?? The shading on Rayan was a lot of fun and I had a lot of fun drawing and coloring this boi out!

They look so full of confidence that it makes me happy qqqq

And yes, their "side" job is a fashion designer

I always hated the way I drew Qasem before when I adopted him from Pastel so I decided to redraw em!

Instead of looking like a lanky boi when I last drew em, he actually looks really good in this and looks better in my new style!!

His face is hidden under the mask and yeah! I'm glad that this picture of him turned out better then the first one I drew! I plan on drawing him out with his brother so expect that in the future!

And here is Esther! His case was kinda like Qasem's where I didn't like the picture I drew for his first reference and so, had to change that!!

... Yes, I did give him bit of a redesign-

Anyways! I really like how he turned out! I like how he has different yellow stripes going on his arms differ from the way his front looks! Gave him a jacket and made his black vest under his sweater more noticable!

The black makes everything pop out in my opinion and I enjoy how his dark yellow eyes pop out!

On the topic of small redesigns, here is Bonny!

I decided to add some yellow patches to her! And honestly, I like how it came out to be! Her colors pop out, and she was so much fun to draw in her comfy thingie qqqq

Nothing else changed about her but I do like the shading and how she stands against the background!

And the last piece.

The last piece is a fandom piece and also something that brought me nostalgia, lemme explain

I was cleaning out the side of my bed and found my old markers that I used to draw with in my first art book before turning towards color pencil (and finally digital)

I miss doing traditional in a way; however, I'd need to buy new color pencils since they're all broken and been used up A LOT-

If you have me friended on discord, it's southpark themed and so, I decied to draw said character in my new (?) art style but with markers!

Craig Tucker and I drew him without his hat .D

I honestly really like Craig, I can relate to him in many aspects and I had a lot of fun drawing him out as I had that on my list (along with Stolas - and the other southpark cast-, we will get to daddy hoothoot in an upcoming dump-)

Maybe seeing the markers and sideways pictures brought back some nostalgia? Anyways, yeah, I just finished this before posting (4:50 EST to be exact) since I always drew so quick while doing markers and such soooooooo (and I have art block)

Anyways, I hope you guys have a wonderful day / night and stay safe and hydrated!

❤️ suggestions / tips ? ❤️
Ibis paint (phone) welcomed !

🧡 requests 🧡

💛 art trades 💛

💚 customs 💚

💙 redesigns 💙

💜 waiting list ? 💜

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