❝ Colorful October ❞

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Welcome everyone to my art dump for October Oc-tober! As you know the prompts were chosen by me and I decided to do it alongside anyone else who wanted to do it as well. Here are my entries!

Just note that I decided not to repeat characters as I wanna give different characters a chance to shine unless I HAVE to overlap for something! I honestly had so much fun drawing these and although the explanation maaaaay be a little short, hopefully nobody thinks bad about it!

Although I felt motivated about it in the beginning, I gave up 13 days in; however, there are some none oc-tober drawings so hopefully you guys enjoy those too!!

Fortunately we aren't homeless yet, we are staying in a motel; however, there isn't any private wifi so I am not taking the chances with that; however, being at Nacht's has allowed this publication to happen! I hope work was good for him today úwù

Hopefully nobody is too stressed over me and thanks for everyone supporting me! 💛

1st day is Autumn Leaves!

Decided to draw Mitch in this scenario since it's been awhile and to get him out of the way! If I was planning on drawing Archie, Paris and Sergei, why leave the main boy of the original 4 characters I drew for this world out lol.

So. This picture is supposed to be transparent; however, wp doesn't like that soooo that's why there is a black background-

Decided to try out a new "form" with just making some of picture stand out, adding a frame around it and calling it good! Although it probably isn't the best I could do, I really like this picture -

The dark orange lineart makes him look toooootally soft, kind of fitting for this prompt!

2nd day is Horns and Halos!

Shipart on the second day???

Y U P.

I'm sorry, I originally was going to draw Matthew and Sergei; however, why not knock out some shipart while we are at it? And who best out of one of my favorite ships, FrUk .> ?

I decided to make Archie an angel who is very respectable and one day, he meets a lusty demon and can't help but fall for her! Does he end up getting dominated or does he survive the ordeal? Kind of reminds me a bit of the oneshot I wrote-

Will there be more hOT stuff like that in the future? Maybe, you're the readers of my shitty writing so .-.

I really like their poses and I was experimenting with their eye shapes, maybe I'll update and play around with how I draw eyes?

Paris got an outfit change for this one since she is a beautiful woman and I wanted to draw her in something that gets the blood flowin' to Archie's face -

3rd day was Witch/Wizard & Magic.

Hmmm, didn't I introduce a new character that fit this theme?

Hmmm... 🧐

Who better than Remy?

Come on, are any of us really surprised I chose... The bean. The myth. The legend?

I really liked how this turned out! I made it into a bust since I am too lazy to sketch out the lower body and I think it looks better like this xD

Candy theme witch awayyyyyyy

4th day was amusement park

I adopted Rehan from the lovely lilspacebirb! This is my second time drawing him and honestly, I love his design (although I gave it some small tweaks here and there) qvq

Unfortunately for the poor bean, he got stood up and doesn't wanna go back to the amusement park again qvq


His nonbinary partner is actually REALLYYYYY supportive; however, why not showcase Rehan's fear of being stood up and replaced? qwq

5th is a new oc based on fall!

Great. I was lacking a lot of creativity this whole week.

That is, until I drew this amazing character in astronomy while I was supposed to be watching something on Galileo.

I gave this boomer on the left away to FatYoshi5 since he loved him so much qvq

One on left (Spades)

How does this scream fall?


Why not try doing another card themed character since I already designed Desiree for that theme? Although I love this dood's attire and color scheme, he didn't have a clear purpose in my world and I am glad that Nacht took him! qvq

Honestly, could've been more based on fall; however, meh. Didn't feel like it.

Next one was more fall themed and I honestly had drawn him back in September and didn't do anything with him so why not draw and color him out?

Maybe I'll give that one away as an adopt if someone wants them badly-

Day 6, Hanakahi or however the hell you spell it-

It involved flowers so who else better than involving my flowery boi .> ?

Yeahhhhh, it was evil of me to do this, wasn't it?

You can see he doesn't have his flower crown; however, his flower crown colors are being used in the way of the disease and I kind of like it? I probably could've done better but I enjoy how soft Andiry looks!

Does Maple not love him anymore and found someone else by the representation of the bloody flower Andiry is holding?

No but play along for the piece-

The bloody flowers in the background represent his demise of suffocation and the flowers are squeezing so hard that it's making him bleed!

Day 7 is an uncolorful oc in something colorful

There were A LOT of characters that could technically be "uncolorful" so, why not do Kaito who I need to give more love to?

I actually really like this outfit for some reason! I tried to add the whole rainbow to it; furthermore, this may become a "spoof" outfit since I need to make Kaito an alternative outfit to his traditional robes that Lils drew for him! He's not too happy to be in those bright colors tho xD

Day 8 is genderswap!

Decided to draw Maple's genderswapped version because I thought she'd look cute and I wasn't wrong! I kept most of her colors, added the color pink on her legs and straps to her color palate and I decided to make Maple's girl counterpart Ivy!

Unlike Maple, I believe she'd be alright with showing skin in the winter time unlike Maple since he likes baggy clothing!

Day 9 is cuddling and so, who else then the cuddly person himself FatYoshi5?

Here he is!! I referenced a drawing off of pinterest that I accidentally forgot to save so if anyone sees it, lemme know-

I really like this drawing! It's cute and I tried to draw the bed wrinkles and such and it sucks qwq

I drew our son, soft bb, next to him so that's a cute easter egg!

Speaking of Nacht! Day 10 was style challenge and guess who's style I did?

I probably could've done better; however, I was busy qwq;;

Nacht says I did good on his style so I guess that's a plus?? qwq;;

Day 11 was rain!

Decided to draw Josef since I wanted to and ... Yeah. Here he is surrounded by rain?

I am shit with drawing rain (and in general) so somebody please send some references of how to do rain because videos confuse me -

My birthday was the 12th and so I planned a "meet the artist" kinda thing!

Celebrated my bday in a motel sooooo yeah. Very melancholy honestly. I've never had a really good childhood and I had to grow up too fast and that realization had cut up to me

I'm 17 tho soooooooo 🍰

Here's grumpy boi you guys all love and ... Wanna kill?

I had a lot of fun with the background soo yeah, it was pretty fun! I had a lot of fun and if you have some questions about me, feel free to ask for more! I'm uninteresting soooooooo -w-

Face reveal at 800 followers?? Maybe -

Also. Hollywood Undead has become INSANELY relatable over the past weeks and they were already relatable and good but they took the crown of being the best

This song is stuck on repeat in my brain sooo-


Day 13!
Because we all need a good angst

This probably ties into Jan's decline in health after everything that happened and I just wanted to draw em!

The tears look... Good??

I actually like this piece a lot for no reason whatsoever -

The line is a song lyric from this talented singer, Will from Da Games


Anddddddd 14-21 since I'm lazy and unmotivated to continue Oc-tober. I may continue to do the prompts some other time but... Take em

Anyways -

This next section are full of redesigns! Some are in my *new* style while the first one was made back in Sept

Josef! I love my edgy czechia boi who tries to push everyone away; however, Samuel sticks right with him. I gave him a dark color scheme, to give him some edge and the purple highlights well!

Next one is the second outfit for Omar! I gave him traditional robes and he looks good! Gave him green since I really liked that green on him and he deserves a second outfit!

My favorite of the bunch is Fletcher! I changed him completely and he looks like a bean! I gave him steam punk wings since Vacro probably made em for him and they're broken unfortunately. I love mismatch clothing on characters soooooooo he gets that treatment as well!

Next redesigns are these three

Ffion never really got a good design. His and Stephen's were meh and so, I decided to change that! Kept most of the colors the same; however, I added on and I really like the additions! I am also glad he has the Irish flag on him!

Sirius got their name changed from Cho to Sirius and got a small design tweak. I can send you the original designs in dms if you're THAT curious. Added tattoos. Fixed the coloring that was their dye. Added a small "tail" to his belt

And Darius didn't get a redesign, I liked the one Nacht gave him and so, I redrew him!

Next two up!

Elie and Melly! This is the first ever form of my new style in this chapter I believe?

Elie was kinda a tricky one to design and with the help of FatYoshi5, she is finally complete! Kept all her main colors, made yellow her main color and LEG WARMERS FOR THE WINN

She still has her second costume but since she is a baker , why not make a second outfit for her as well? Also, Hana is getting one too since her and Elie are baking buds

And Melly! I love the pose he is in and the bee aesthetic makes him a bean qwq. I gave him a bee-headband and put bee accessories on em! LEG WARMERS FOR THE WINNNN

I forgot to draw their bee pet named BuzzBuzz around em so forgive me qwq

With the help of pastelchromist, I tweaked one of my fav bois, Mathias

Jackie gave me the theme of medical and I adored it a lot and so, here is the design tweak!

Nothing really changed since I adore his original outfit and so, I added a few things here and there and updated him in my style! Added stripes in his color since I am obsessed and gave his orb color!

The green is VERY close to being lineless owo

Speaking of Jackie, adopts!

Bolin, or the Jeweled Owl egg! I honestly adore his design! I had so much fun that it pratically stayed the exact same!

Gave him bandages on his prop wings and instead of doing the dots on em since I sadly can't, I decided to write "ROYAL" instead

Love him! Totally gonna draw him, Deweii and Xu Zhu together

The next one came from payment but also designed by payment!

Odette! I needed help with India since Vihaan got the bucket since I hate his design and I LOVE her theme and such! She was so fun to draw so thanks Jackie qwq

I didn't change anything about her besides making her skin color darker!

Anyways guys, although I dont have wifi every other week, thank you for understanding and supporting me through this troubling time. Hopefully my mom finds an apartment or cheap flat

Stay safe, stay hydrated

Have a good day / night 💛

❤️ suggestions / tips ? ❤️
Ibis paint (phone) welcomed !

🧡 requests 🧡

💛 art trades 💛

💚 customs 💚

💙 redesigns 💙

💜 waiting list ? 💜

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