❝ Dump before school starts ❞

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Bonjour everybody!

School starts August 29th for me so here we are! I have been feeling low on the motivation scale due to certain things and it's fucking annoying but here we are!

It's been a real struggle this year but hopefully things get better when school starts and 2023, excited but nervous to graduate!

First picture is for the lovely FatYoshi5! I finally found Gravity's old design and I had to update it so that's EXACTLY what I did!

And I honestly adore it! Kept the wings and tail (even tho he doesn't need them since he can LITERALLY float using his anti gravity) ... I love the teal and how the greens mash together, I always had an issue with the uncreative color but it honestly came pretty natural to me, which is a plus!

❝ I am going to rip you atom from atom ❞

Ah yes, I love this bean. He went from a tragic anti-villain with loads of trauma to becoming an anti hero! I adore his design and had LOADS of fun redrawing my favorite oc in my beautiful partner's world ♥️

Did you think we were done with Nacht's content? You foolish mortal.

Gravity is dating my superhero oc in Nacht's universe: Shattered Reality! Shattered Reality was in my old roleplaying book but I unshared that since it was 🔥 cringe🔥

Love the shading and the lighting going on and I think their colors kinda correspond and are cute together! Two trauma beans coming together to do good, gotta stan that.

Love this drawing! Probably my favorite picture in this art dump so appreciate it

And the last gift art goes to a special somebody that really helped cheer me up when I found out my grandfather died and they're just a MASSIVE sweetheart that I adore in general!

pastelchromist, you deserve the world 💛

I drew our personas vibing out under a comfy space blanket! The blanket was a last minute idea and I was like huh, let's add this in there to create spice .0 and honestly, I REALLY like how it turned out, especially under the lighting! Now, I have a hard time doing space related outfits and galaxy designs but this is probably the best I have done !

Drew our personas being dorks and holding hands while probably talking about who knows what!

I hope you enjoyed your gift, Pastel! Thank you for listening to this old boomer rant about stupid shit and hanging out, really took my mind off of things! 💛

And next is a background character for their webcomic that I made for em!

Unicorn femboy!

I really like the softness and pastel colors of the unicorn femboy, I'd imagine that they'd lOVE to break gender stereotypes and be all for pretending to be a girl just for the fun of it! Also kinda shows that a male can be feminine and not HAVE to be a trans woman

I had a lot of fun sketching him and make sure to check out Pastel's webcomic series when it comes out!

Change of subject is to the Eeveelutions! I did them awhile ago but I only knocked out 7/9 so here are the finished two!

I don't really like how Umbreon turned out, the moon rings on their head and legs don't really... Look that good in my eyes? Maybe it's because of the angle that Umbreon is standing but yeah, maybe this drawing will grow on me hopefully but yeah!

Or I will redraw it in the future

And next one is my favorite eeveelution!

And here they are! I took the liberty of adding the pink dot in the back since I thought it would look sweet and it does! I made the bows look like hearts since to get a Sylveon, you have to have full friendship while having a fairy type moved so I thought it was a cute callback!

I love this drawing so much and I LOVE Sylveon! I am glad I did my favorite pokemon justice

Thought we were done with Pokémon? HA.

I decided to do a small collage of all of the eeveelutions together and here is how it went!

From left to right first row we have: Umbreon, Jolteon and Vaporeon! Vaporeon was the first picture I did of these guys and it's my favorite (Sylv is in second place). I love how Jolteon and Vaporeon are acting and facing one another and goth boi is just done with life!

Second row we have: Espeon, Eevee and Flareon! That row, they are kinda staring happily at you so there isn't really anything special happening? I put Eevee in the middle since... Eevee evolutions, come on now

And then last row we have Glaceon, Leafeon and Sylveon! I am sure you can identify two of my ships in here but ovo;;;

Another fandom?? Y E P.

This is for Overwatch!

I loved playing Mercy and Moira and so I drew Mercy after having a convo in a server and I decided to do a small headshot for her!

Overwatch used to bring me such joy spending long days grinding so I decided to make this as a small tribute! Maybe I will come back to playing when Overwatch 2 comes out but for now, take this

And that's all for my fandom art! Probably won't have any fandom art for awhile since I am not really in any fandoms but x)

Started a new sketchbook August 18th and this is my front cover!! I am planning on doing some more traditional artwork since I miss traditional and traditional was what I used to kick start my art hobby!

Since we are talking about traditional artwork, let's keep with that category!

A dumb au I have where Archie is wondering in the dark woods and ends up finding the camera (us) and we are basically walking with him and experiencing the paranormal activity of the woods, stupid but what can I say, I was in a horror-mystery mood x)

My brother left August 20th and he took his Xbox back to college and so I made this last traditional piece to mourn the lost world of my sims

Before we talk about what this drawing is about, let me describe the "season finale." Flar and Sylv's oldest son (they have seven children since Sylv had three sets of twins —) got a beautiful dark skinned wife named Roxanne and they moved into a big house! Flar moved in with his family since in the sims you can't have more than 8 people per household and it was dumb as bALLS.

Esp got a husband named Travis and moved into a big house and the others who were left (Glace & Leaf (lesbian couple),  Jolt & Vapor (male and trans female couple) didn't move somewhat else since I didn't have enough time to do anything so they're still living in with Umbr his wizard husband Morgyn

So I drew best boi Umbr since he went through so much changes from being some shy boi who was married to Sylv to coming out of his shell and being with his soulmate.

I will one day draw all the sims and maybe even write a sitcom but take this drawing as a small memorial

Let's crawl our way toward the adoptables section!

First adopt we are starting off with is Noi ! I adopted him by Pastel!

The theme was medicine cherry but we decided to spin it to be grungey and I like the end result so I had to draw Noi (full name being Noise) . Noi is Georgia ... No, not the state.

I couldn't get the shirt tuck right so I decided to place a sweater from the old design you sent me back onto it since I adored it! Loving the plaid pants, the mismatched sleeves and I kept the original eye color since I liked the softness compared to his design!

Other than that, everything is the exact same! Good to have simple characters in your background so you can draw them a lot!

Last adoptable by Jackiepie!

His egg was the kiwi butterfly and I really adored the design being cottagecore based, it was adorable! Both of these beans had plaided pants and ... Yess??

I need more cottagecore designs so expect some outfits for this guy, we love!

Also, can we appreciate his face expression and how he looks like he is about to cause trouble?? I honestly adore that about my drawing of him.

Next adoptable up was adopted from the lovely lilspacebirb... When I got back to having internet, I could NOT help myself but draw this guy! Helped me out of my art block I was having

Definently takes edginess to an all new level. I did a small colored red and dark red background behind him since I felt like it and I am not disappointed!

Maxen is an important character in EOTUF and represents Reversed Austria! I am probably gonna design his cousin, Capucine really soon when I feel motivated to do so

I kept the design the same, exposed skin, the lines, how his hair is, everything! It was fun sketching out his design and how everything clicked in the end. I kept the pose so he still reminds me of genocide sans dodging and giving all those smirky comments, haha!

Last adopted oc was from AshieLikesBunnies!

I am going to be blunt. I adopted to adopt since I liked the design so I am going to figure out where I want this individual and everything like that! I do plan on getting rid of old designs in my adoptable book so they may fill whatever spot I decide to get rid of!

Anyways, yeah. Mushroom boi.

So yeah! That caps off our adoptable beans, let's now clap for these beautiful redesigns done by Pastel!


These designs should have been in the art dump before this but I lowkey forgot until it was too late so ya get em here >.)

Zlatica's old design was... Something else. However, I really love Jackie's take and the colors blend A LOT better than they did originally! I love the preppiness and hippie combined style and she just looks like such a bean qwq

I didn't change a thing and had so much fun drawing her in my style, thanks Jackie!

Her colors are gonna go great with her goth girlfriend!

Last redesign of the day is probably my most favorite design Jackie has done for me!

I gave Jackie the theme of the orchid preying mantis (they have beautiful colors) and Jackie really did an amazing job melting it into a tropical island oc! I couldn't help myself but draw her out and I didn't change a thing about the already amazing design!

I had a lot of fun and I adore this design, thanks Jackie!

Now, onto familiar ocs! I honestly don't give these beans enough love so I decided to redraw them for the fun of it: starting with Hana! I HAD to update her in my new style

I still adore her design and I wanted to draw her again since she is a sweet and cute oc, why WOULDN'T I draw her again??

She didn't change at all except for me adding some light brown strands in her hair and making her cinnamon inspired buns and hair to stick out a little more!

But anyways, I adore my sweet muffin girl and she was a lot of fun to draw! Totally gonna draw her as a yandere sometime

Next oc is also in Asia so we are continuing with that train of thought!

I love drawing background ocs and I wanna try giving them a LOT of love so I drew an updated Zakariya reference since my old one was in my old style and let's just say it has a lot of errors with it—

❝ Beware the boogeyman that stares in the shadows  ❞

❝ Beware the twelfth hour that strikes ... Allowing evil spirits to fly by ❞

❝ Beware the Crypt king that comes when you're on the brink of death, cooing out a deal that will only come at a price: your body  ❞

❝ Beware the darkness that inhabits the darkness ❞

❝ Hello, Maxie. Did you miss me? ❞

❝ Beware. Beware. Beware. ❞

Anyways yeah. I have been PRETTY excited to share with new oc and I am very proud of how they turned out!

Capucine was originally a tryout for the deciphered egg but I decided to keep the bio but change the theme of being undead instead of full on ghost so there are some differences!

Anyways I L O V E how Capucine turned out! Prince Capucine was the younger cousin of Prince Maxen and went to go return Maxen and get him back on the thrown... Ransom killed him.

He was laying there dying when the Crypt King (the God of the Undead) made a deal with him that he can hunt down his assailant if Crypt got half control over the body and Capucine would be his undead avenger!

Let's just say that Capucine finds a redeemed Maxen and things get ugly and bloody. Probably will draw and write this scene out

I went with purple and dark purple since that's kind of the color for darkness and space and I really liked that! Made Capucine a nebule since it only made sense and nebules belong to Lils! Ransom chopped off the left wing to REALLY hammer in that he wasn't going back, poor bean ;;;;;

The eyes are inspired off of Springtrap's phantom eyes since... Crypt King would probably act like a mellow William Afton —

Anyways yeah! I adore Cappuccino man.

Anyways, I hope you guys have a good day / night everybody! Stay hydrated

❤️ suggestions / tips ? ❤️
Ibis paint (phone) welcomed !

🧡 requests 🧡

💛 art trades 💛

💚 customs 💚
— custom trade with Lils (not started yet)

💙 redesigns 💙

💜 waiting list ? 💜

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