🎃 ❝ I Can't Help But Fall In Love With You ❞ 🎃

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Bonjour everybody!

October has ALWAYS been my favorite month so I am glad that I got an art dump published in this month since it has been a hassle to draw ;;;

For last art dump, I told people that I was doing this challenge and I have posted this after 20 days since that's the limit! However, I ended up just giving up half way through and sketching them out on the same piece of paper since... Yeahhhhh -

But before I start on the LGBTober prompt thing, why not share a special drawing that... I made, lmao?

October 12th, 2004 is when I was born and that date is today (unless you are reading this late-)!

I didn't get anything last year so why not change it around and self gift myself lmaoo ... Kinda needed a soothing thing-

I made the dumb joke that Pablo and me are going to celebrate since we both share the same birthday and... I finally did that this year! This is my 18th birthday so I had to make it as special as I could, and why not share it with the funky gay boi!

Fate is wearing an outfit that was designed by Lils! My persona needs a wardrobe badly soooooooo yeah, this would be apart of it!

N-no Pablo didn't get a redesign, felt kinda lazy so I made his shirt a crop top over his yellow since he likes changing up his style every-so-often?? Don't @ me

But anyways, I really adore this. I love the lighting, the small chibi heads celebrating with cake and how awkward Fate looks with Pablo who is barely breaking a sweat-

Is it scummy to draw myself a birthday gift? Not really, I had a bad 17th birthday since two days before that we became homeless and I had shit mental health but hey, this will hopefully soften my blow, so don't judge .w.

NOW 👏👏

LGBTober prompt.

Of course I did other things during this time and that ended up being my first priority when it came to this project, my bad lmao... HOWEVER, at least I finished it.. In like... 6 days .D

These are the rules I followed:
- friend ocs allowed
- no oc repeatings after a prompt
- doesn't have to be digital - traditional works too
- prompts don't have to be LGBTQ+ related

Thank you so much to the tumblr creators that made this two years ago, had a lot of fun with it and I hope you guys enjoy my artwork~

Let us start with day #1!

Day #1 was rainbow and WHO better off to start this challenge than Isti?? Let's just sweep Axel under the rug-

Anyways! I took the rainbow colors from the prompt picture since I thought that'd be a cute reference and a fun kickstart to our October!

Fun thing
Well! Today was Oktoberfest for a german company and the choirs got to go sing! Since I am in Singers AND The All Men's Choir, it was quite an experience .)

And today was also our Homecoming! I asked FatYoshi5out and he said yes so THANK YOU SO MUCH for coming with me to the football game (that was Sept 30th and to the dance ❤️❤️)

To break away from the LGBTober prompt list, I had to make a poster for my friend's solo in Schnitzelbank since they kinda through it at me

Langer mann is german for long/tall man and why not go with Buck?? Of course, I asked my choir teacher if I could keep my poster; however, I decided I wanted my choir teacher to keep it to remember me since ... He genuinely seemed to like my art and I value my choir teacher 💛

Buck fits the vibe of Schnitzelbank ... Okay?? Grumpy langer mann vibes right there

Anyways! Oktoberfest was a blast...! We are going to sweep the statement where the announcer said it was "mostly a men's choir" under the rug -

#2 is Autumn and this one is honestly also a no brainer -

Maple! Just like prompt #1 we are gonna pretend that my oc Autumn doesn't exist-

But I really love Maple! Literally the blushing, the way the background and the oc collide and clash together makes this work for me. The reason I chose Maple is because

1.) MAPLE leaves are a muST
2.) Because Autumn would blend in too much with the background colors-

Probably my favorite drawing of Maple!

Day three was a roadtrip vibe and I honestly just picked a random oc-

This boi!

Negasi needed some love so coffee boi got his own picture of just going on a road trip and placing his luggage into a truck! The background isn't so... Accurate to where this individual lives but it's okay! It's art x))

Day #4 is a sweet kiss and if you remembered back to my other art dump and how I was going to draw shipart for that, you best be prepared uvu


Wolf x Butterscotch was honestly VERY fun. I adored drawing these two together since they are background characters and I am probably not gonna draw them as often but still a fun shipart piece to do! qvq

Anyways! Onto the sunrise prompt #5!

I S T R U G G L E D with motivation on this piece, it was honestly so hard to feel motivated while drawing this-

And the next prompts are all on a doodling page since... I couldn't handle it anymore hAHaHa

So yeah! Here we are! I am not gonna get into it too much but here are the prompts I used my friend's ocs in

Prompt 9- Camilla pastelchromist
Prompt 10- Mavy pastelchromist
Prompt 13- Caramel lilspacebirb

Sorry they're not the most accurate or detailed, I was doodling those prompts in the car 99.8% of the time and yeahhhhh qwq;;;

So yeah! That includes prompt 6-30 and prompt 31 will be on its own special day since it is for someone special.

And now a change from the LGBTober prompts to my characters!!

I honestly had a lot of fun drawing these over 90% of the prompts so yey... However, I didn't want to quit since I SUCK at staying motivated with these types of things...


I honesty really loved how Pastel drew Bonny in her old reference so I decided to keep most of the style from it... Would it be awkward to say that I traced Pastel's handwriting LMAOOOO ??

But anyways! She got a slight update with the yellow patches and yeah. I like to believe that she doesn't have armholes and just keeps her arms under her massive hoodie-blanket thing-

Anyways yes! I love this bean and her flipped look doesn't look so bad lmao!

Time to move off of Bonny and onto a more well-known oc of mine!


Sergei needed a reference update BADLY... Honestly, most of the main cast do but Sergei's reference picture was grimacing...

I remember a time where Sergei was just some edgelord, some killer who didn't have any feelings but he has changed from that early rough draft into someone who has just been through A LOT of childhood trauma mixed with his antisocial personality gene -


And here is the boi in the limelight! No edge, no dark lighting, nothing. Just Sergei and honestly, kinda glad I finally went with something that isn't so ... Over the top edgy for da boi! I don't mind edge but there is a fine line and it has been cROSSED quite a few times

Didn't change any of his colors since he is honestly, my most favorite and iconic design?? Or, that's what Nacht tells me and honestly, I don't disagree😭

I miss drawing Sergei.
And I am glad to finally replace his awful reference picture!

Next ones up will include
- Mitch
- Maple
- Archie (just using an au drawing of him)

Yanno who is missing from this list?

Da queen.

And if you're wondering if I am referring to the Queen of England, no-

I am referring to France-

Which I am excited to show!


Paris has "two forms" since she practically was Francis all up until 1960 where she transitioned over so had to include da boi for her reference so it would be more accurate!

Let's talk about Francis since left-right. Francis got a redesign! I wanted to make him look more "feminine" since Francis had a LOT of gender dysphoria so she should obviously embrace her feminine side out! Furthermore, helps bring out why Archie was so defiant about Francis's outfit when her old one... Covered her up, this one doesn't and isn't as "traditional" as society wanted it to be!

Let's move on over to Paris and after Archie being a closeted pansexual... The queen herself! I had this background from FOREVER go and decided to put her on it since... Eiffel tower??? NO BRAINER??

Paris didn't change at all LMAOO!! However, you will get a cookie if you can figure out what object is similar in the two designs but different uvu

Lowkey done on purpose for a motif. Enjoy!


We are still on the topic of character references and putting them into my style! I am sorry homies, I love using your art but I can't push drawing these beans off forever qwq;;;


Truth be told when I first drew Micah in my own style, it sUCKED. However, I'd like to say that I conquered over that feat and drew Micah really good!!

Didn't change anything about this bois design. I love em. I probably admittedly made the pink in his hair a little... Standoutish; however, I think it's a nice clash for his angsty personality!

The next one is Rose!

Again, didn't like how I originally drew her since her lineart looked REALLY shaky in my version?? So I decided to take the original and redraw her!

And honestly, looks very well! Feeling pretty good. Her lineart looks smooth, crisp and wonderful!

This next section is just gonna be characters who just got tweaked a small bit!

I had adopted this character from Lils a long time ago and I had often struggled with his design. However, I like to say I overcame that

Practically looks the same; however, I changed up how their symbols looked on their mask, socks and tie!

The hair looks pretty much the same, just added a bit onto the big braid in their hair and other than that, everything is the same in the original!

I really liked the colors so I left them in place and tried to just incorporate Zig-Zag into my style and I would say it's a win!

Giovanni also got a small tweak!

Mainly, it was updating them into my current style, actually giving them goat legs and making their tail a lil more fluffy!

I also thought it would be cute that their symbol on their shirt could change into different things! I didn't make it into a gif since I forgot but if you're curious, I have rough sketches of symbols that shift depending on his mood!!

The symbol is the big dipper so Giovanni is feeling anxious (which is their normal)... Their original symbol is content or happiness!

Since we finished small tweaks, let's move onto redesigns!

Admittedly, these used to be big categories for my art dump but I am content with that..!

Let's talk about the Korean brothers since I eluded in a server that they'd be getting a redesign so yeah!


Seo-yeon got a fancy outfit since he really likes wearing fashionable but simple things! I dressed him like a prince since... It felt like a good choice since his original design was prince-like and why not go back to that?

Changed his hair since ... I thought he would do better with longer hair and yeah, I really like how it makes him and N.K look different and have differing views! Also, I need men who have longer hair, okay?? Don't judge.

Transparent cape?
Transparent cape.

And now time to show off N.K and let's just say... I had a lot of fun redesigning and doing small doodles on the side

Let's just say that I love the plaid and the mismatch here and there! Added a lot of skulls since he is an eDGELORD and he is really good at sowing things together, like his cape-

Bish loves his sowing soil

Even if I don't have a lot of energy to create oc doodles on the side 24/7, I really enjoyed this and makes me wanna do more... Depending on when I feel motivated.

Yes, I had a lot of fun figuring out how NK would "roast" Deweii and his younger twin brother lmaoo

Anyways, I really had fun drawing NK, totally going to draw him being a goofy villain while everyone is just like "STFU"

Last redesign of the day is Raziel!

Positive that Jackie is excited for this one since.. They think Raziel is a pretty bish, WATCH OUT JACKIEEEEEE


I am not gonna beat around the bush but Raziel is a pretty bish. Gave this darling some lanterns since what better than an astrology angel theme?? It was a last minute choice choice and I think it fits his ugly two-faced personality -

I digress, had a lot of fun!

Anyways! That concludes that section so let's move onto the traditional piece!

This is actually an old drawing that was a redraw, actually! And since it is Halloween related, why not throw it in here??

A ghost popped out infront of Isti and Tobias, Isti freaked and Mathias wss playing a joke on them because hAHA

Anyways Isti, was PRETTY funny.

And the last but not least is technically a ✨ new oc ✨

I have noticed that my palate just... Doesn't like green, at all and I wanted to try and fix that!

So here is my attempt at doing more with green!

I honestly really like the green and the magenta! I think this was a good attempt at getting out of my comfort zone.

I wanted to give him a dashing cape since I really thought it would fit his outfit and I wanted to draw him in a ... Pose that had something to deal with the cape-:

Another thing is that he looks fancy because his younger brothers Royal and Giorgi are fancy as well, so it really only fit uvu

I am probably going to draw him and his girlfriend sometime soon and I really like how it turned out!

And yes, your eyes are right. He does have a long scar. I wonder from what =v=

Sorry that this art dump isn't so thrilling; however, I hope you enjoyed it regardless...!

❤️ suggestions / tips ? ❤️
Ibis paint (phone) welcomed !

🧡 requests 🧡

💛 art trades 💛

💚 customs 💚

💙 redesigns 💙

💜 waiting list ? 💜

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