❝ MAY-day the ship is slowly sinking ❞

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Reference to a good old song in the day —

Still a bop but I don't listen to Starset as much as I used to so ! .D

This month will probably be the least content filled or making as ... I have honestly lost my motivation to do art for awhile...

So yeah. That's why this art dump is shorter than the others. I just couldn't —

I have a crippling feeling that my depression and stuff is coming back so yAAAY

Had a concert May 9th and yeah! It was probably the best concert I have done and my solo was 👌 even if it was just "then join in the fight and will give you the might to be free" from Les Mis —

Anyways 👏

Before we get to things I did for others, like we usually start off with, I wanted to share some projects that I did for school cause I can as this is my book .D

This was for my AP English class! We had to take a selfie with a pink flamingo; however, I just drew it out and just took a picture of that cause I suck at doing selfies —

OF COURSE I had to add the corny "Let's Fla-mingle" joke cause I live on Dad jokes .'D

Alright. Now time for artwork for others

First picture is a redesign of one of lilspacebirb's characters, Hayden!

I was very excited when I was tasked with Hayden as I remember the OG drawing and then the old redesign so it was very interesting seeing the improvement!

And dang, do I love how Hayden looks —

Kept his iconic green cape since I felt like that was the only thing I liked looking back at the old redesign of Hayden and kept his iconic greens while adding onto his palate as well!

He looks like a hot librarian that causes people to come in and just be in the library to just?? Fan over him?? I mean, you know some teens & adults —

Love his fairy boots, his plaid and I am quite proud of his outfit! Probably my favorite redesign of one of Lils' ocs I have done yet

Gave him a dark academic feel since he IS a librarian and I personally headcanon that he went through a dark and emo phase! Which is why his hair is long and he has a dark green strand that never went away

And Lawson being the supportive brother he is, bought Hayden that cane and helped Hayden attached another gift he got from Lawson, a dictionary

Does this make me want to draw an emo Hayden in his younger years? Duh.

Incase the glasses and blushing is obnoxious, take a clean picture of Hayden!

The next picture is a book cover of a new book I have published called "Sinners & Thots" - Ask Book and you can ask my ocs anything! I'd be happy if you guys would go check it out qwq

However, here is the close up on the boi Nergui .D

Of course, the knee is too high on the male's leg but honestly!! Still love his design and how this turned out!!

I remember when he was all soft and shy and I am glad I went more with a confident approach to him that ... Two people have a crush on him =v=

Looks hot! Holding an ask box since it is the cover so yeah!

And the next one up is of my cute boy Holmes! I couldn't help but finally digitalize the sketch of him I did awhile ago!

I know this really isn't a lore picture but it shows a bit about his sleeping conditions!

And yes, he sleeps under the stars, on his desk, under the night sky! It sounds charming until it beings to get all horrible and stormy and water splashing you every second —

However, despite those conditions, he still loves his life and what he does! And I can't hate on a positive bean like that qwq

Change of topic to shipart! Remember the two new characters that I introduced!

One being an adoptable named Canticle and the other being the albino peach spider oc I needed to keep and name Ganymede!

I genuinely love and adore these two so I decided... Why can't these two be a thing and bOOM!

Romantic and in the rain because I live for that —

I just wanted to draw them under Canticle's umbrella mannnn ...

I really like this! I love the shading, the lighting, the coloring of how they look and their poses! They just look really lovely and sweet here, really cute qwq

This next piece is kind of vent art but feel free to skip over it if it makes you uncomfortable or whatever!

The end will be in bold

I drew this when I was down and I wanted to show it because
1.) I can

2.) I actually really like how I incorporated the lyrics from "Cake by Melanie Martinez"

And 3.) It's good to vent out in art sometimes! That way I don't push things onto others —

This is venting how sometimes I feel like I am being used and that's all I will say here!

Here is the song if you wanna listen to it, personally one of my favorites from her



Since Fate was in the vent art, guess who is starting us with the redesigns??


I have always loved having my persona be pastel since... I really like that and I wanted to mash my two outfits together!

Will that mean I won't ever use the best Dad outfit or the original space outfit? They still exist so they will be used from time to time so!

Light purple sweater and added "space king" onto it and other than that, nothing really else changed about it!

Light trans colors as that is my identity so it is only fitting if I made that pastel and used blue and pink for the cape! I love capes so I couldn't help myself lol

I have a beret so it was no brainer that I would add it here and make it rainbow and have a pencil on it since Fate is an artist and a writer! Helps bring a bit of color more than purple, white, blue and pink !

All in all, Fate was very fun to draw!

Next one up and lets just... Say I redesigned Aren because I said I was going to and here I am .'DD

As you can see I left the original design in the corner so you can do a side-by-side comparison but this is definitely an improvement!

I kept his original colors in this one since I am soft for a tough individual having softer colors and all that jazz and I enjoy the contrast of the dark blue for his coat and gloves!

Gave him shorts since I havent drawn a character in shorts for awhile how and I KINDDD of miss doing so!

Next two up are two that are in the same picture; Eve & Helena! I never really liked the waitress style I went with and the plum was kind of obnoxious in my opinion but hey! I gave her as a NTA and I am glad that someone else is enjoying her!

And the last one was Helena, who I got as a custom trade from Jackie and I just wanted to draw her since... I hadn't drawn her in my style yet —

The theme for Eve was inspired off of another character's suggested theme from Jackie (André) and I needed more green characters so I decided to change her soft purples and went with this!

I'll give you a cookie if you see the message in her design =v=

Kept her yellow eye color, skin and hair color! Her bear ears that were in her original design have turned into green apples! Gave her a simplistic dress and I really like it!!

And next is Helena! Her theme was a swan so she wasn't getting much colors within her design! Gave her a frilly dress and some makeshift, prop wings! Gloves and dark gray eyes while having stars on her face (probably tattooed there —)

Next up are these two individuals that I havent touched or talked about ever since I had drawn this picture of them

Alpha & Delta.

I really like Delta's design still! It is so simple and just... Loving the pinks and the oranges but I wanna redesign and tweak things about them

And Alpha... Just wait and see their redesign, really proud of myself!

Let's start off with Delta!

Made more oranges in her design have more of a focus rather than being the background colors and letting pink have all the fun!

I am quite proud of the skirt and the pokadots within it! I was worried it was going to turn out dumb but thankfully it didn't!

I really like the tall socks with the pattern on it! Even if it isn't my best (Izet's pattern and August's pattern are my best when it came to this) I still really enjoy how it looks on her and helps add a bit more detail in her!

She isn't meant to be this super hard oc to draw so her design is fairly simple and straightforward! In a world you need a balance of both simple and complex so I am glad she adds one more to the simple category!

And next one up is Alpha. First of all. They don't go by Alpha anymore and is more of a nickname between them and Delta!

Their new name is Flora! I really liked the name Flora for a long time and their design radiates that name to me

Decided to go with a dark purple-blue cloud themed design and gosh, I really love and enjoy how new and fresh they look!

First of all, the cape. The cape is a fluffy cloud turning to dark gray, symbolizing the clouds abrupt change in color that can happen! Gave em heart symbols here and there since I am a sucker for that kind of stuff !

Their upperhand is more on the lighter side, the small pullover being a clear example of that while the skirt is a nice contrast!

I sketched this bean up in and I fell in love with this first design of them so I went with it!

The next one up went through a whole theme that was new to me and I honestly think I nailed it in the coffin!

This character is now a BTA (that is still open) if you want to attempt for her design — just change the name and go from there.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with her design - I still adore it but I wanted to take her design in another direction as I already have a lot of purple characters and my world would be fine if I changed that.

I asked a server I am in if they had any ideas for themes for ocs (which is where the idea of the green apple came from) and I suggested for a character that I was going to do a strawberry shortcake theme!

Jackie said feedback about having too many strawberry themed characters and I agreed that I had a lot and offered up an alternative; Neapolitan icecream themed.

As someone who works in an ice cream shop, I was excited —

And I adore how precious she looks haha! I tried to make her hair the iconic colors of chocolate, vanilla and strawberry and I think I succeeded on it except in the long ponytail cause it was looking off so I defaulted to chocolate and strawberry —

Her sweatshirt is strawberry cowed patterned because it is a lot of fun doing the cow patterns and yeah!

Made her shirt vanilla-white themed and gave the iconic Neapolitan design on it to really hammer in the idea and put a yellow circle around it! The yellow could symbolize caramel, just saying —

Brown plaided skirt and the iconic stockings in the original one returned but as strawberry pink and so did the bow as vanilla and chocolate! Could symbolize twist if you were REALLY wanted to get into icecreams —

And yeah! She was really fun to redesign and have the background be icecreams as well!

This next one is a new addition to this published art dump since I wanna include it and be at 20 pictures

But I have been struggling for so long to draw Andre

I redesigned Andre out; however, pastelchromist colored him so don't give me too much credit on the colors!

And frankly, I really like the colors and such! I think having the colors be the outside of the kiwi was genius so thank you Jackie!!

And yes. Kiwi sunglasses. Kiwi umbrella.

Tried to do the background being kiwis to act as a support against the usual background colors but they look alright lol! 

Thank you so much Jackie for helping me feel motivated and coloring him for me!! 💛💛

Last but not least is an art contest for gaypenguinhaslimes! I posted this here since one of my friends is joining and I didn't wanna discourage them so I am giving Jackie the option to skip over it!

But just note it is a redesign =v=

This guy was originally going to be tbe only character to have a dad pun on his shirt and be nothing more and nothing less than that.

And the more I redesigned some ocs and the more I added corny lil Dad jokes - like Yaro - this guy's design became more and more ..  Lacking to me in terms of creativity and ideas.

Going through my sketchbook, I noticed a character that was wearing a hood and was 0.1% finished and had mushrooms here and there on them to help me practice the two and let's just say I was sold —

This design took me ages to finish sooo .'D

Welcome Mukisa's new design and he is going to be a steampunk inspired botanist that loves nature and the wild! His pockets carry a lot of herbs or ingredients around since.. Storage and so does the box that he treasures at his side!

His hood looks amazing! I love the red and how the white and light red correspond and it is just  💛

Kept the mushrooms as I adored the mushrooms and just mushroom themed characters are adorable??

Got rid of the stripes since... I love stripes but there was no fitting them in here... They were just ... Forgettable.

Love the browns and the contrasts to the pinks and reds... Cause dayum, looks good in my opinion! Probably the best idea of taking just a head of a caped figure and turning it into something, aye?

Speaking of GayPenguinhaslimes ! They already saw this but I wanted to put this here since this counts as art and I havent been motivated (and struggling) in doing art for awhile when I drew their adoptable out!

This adoptable belongs to them so please don't try to claim it as your own if you aren't them. I have one last color adopt open and a free BTA if you really want an adopt from me —

Or you could just request a custom from me

I don't normally draw animals and I am quite happy that I was finally able to draw a cat that doesn't look like vomit!

They wanted a fantasy theme and so I went with wings and made them fluffy since I love fluff .D

Gave them more colors than what's on the adopt since the others didn't look good for the stripes and I wanted the wings to look pastel and soft because that's adorable —

They have a blanket covering their body so that's why there is that covering more pattern and I decided to go with a new ear style and draw tufts on em! Tried my best to draw em in an unique pose but I struggle with animals —

Added spots since details and I love spots on cats lol

Probably my best drawn animal yet that I have done .D

Sorry for inserting something from my adoptable book here, it was art and I wanted to share how good I felt on it cause I can!

2 pictures short? Yeppers. Sorry to cut you guys off like that but meh, I don't really know if anyone cares or whatever —

Anyways. Have a good day / night everybody

❤️ suggestions / tips ? ❤️
Ibis paint (phone) welcomed !

🧡 requests 🧡

💛 art trades 💛

💚 customs 💚

💙 redesigns 💙

💜 waiting list ? 💜

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