❝ Shooting Fireworks Like It's The Fourth Of Julyyyyy ❞

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Bonjour everybody!

The title is a reference to an old song I enjoy and that gets stuck in my head but hey! Still posted something in the month of July! Hopeful updates will be more frequent like they were but
/shrugs, I don't really think anyone is interested in this book anymore—

This month has been extremely busy for me so far so I hope that the rest of it goes swimmingly and that you guys are having a good July !

I may also start a DA with Pastel's help sooooo be on the lookout for that if you're interested and have your own account!

This first picture is a birthday gift for one of my beloved friends lilspacebirb! I know you don't enjoy the thought of being 17 but hey! I hope you enjoy this gift!

I split this up into three sections
1.) Favorite ship drawn
2.) An oc you always wanted to draw
3.) Iconic duo

Let's start with category one. I LOVE Andell and Lawson from the bottom of my heart and I realized you drew these two out for me in your winter art dump so I decided to "redraw" that scene but in my style! Those cuties are my fav of your ocs and I just had to

Second one up is Solace! I always wanted to draw em and I finally got the chance to yeye! Couldn't help but not draw a hot man x'D

And last is Topaz and Zander! Last year, I drew these two vibing and holding a rainbow banner so I wanted to include em!

I did pastel rainbows for the background and neon rainbow for the words so yeye! I hope you enjoyed your gift from me 💛💛

Another gift is for my lovely boyfriend, FatYoshi5! Suffering from art block and getting out of it usually ends with me drawing Fatcht but I can't complain!

I decided to do this picture traditional for
1.) I miss doing traditional and you'll see more traditional in this art dump since I plan on bringing it back

2.) I want to give this to Nacht when I see him next!

Anyways! Nacht is giving a sleepy Fate a piggy back ride since I wanted to do something like that for awhile and I just think it is sweet!

I used a mixture for the background between markers and colored pencils since I was at my Grandma's and I had the supplies to do that! And I thought it would make it unique

This is one of my favorites not going to lie lmao!

And the last one is for pastelchromist, seems like I did a lot for my friends, aye??

Cause I love those bootiful beans and you should FOLLOW AND SUPPORT THEIR WORK IF YOU HAVENT


If you have been on discord and noticed our profile pictures, we decided to do a COLLAB! We had talks about doing this back in Feb but we both lowkey forgot —

Anyways! I did the lineart and the amazing Pastel did the beautiful coloring!

If any of you guys wanna do COLLABS with me, DM me

Grumpy Dad squad. We have Shadow and Archie looking all grumpy and totally over bullshit that is going down and flipping the camera off while Max is in the background, all heart broken !

Had a lot of fun uvu

And this last piece for them (however, we aren't done with mentioning them-) is an art trade we both did! This is my side of the trade uvu

It has been awhile since I drew Max and Camilla and I had a lot of fun! Decided to make Camilla all flirty with her tail since a lot of Disney and movies in general that feature foxes, they ALWAYS slash their partner with their tails???

So yeah. Had to do that and Maxwell is all blushing and in love since he is a sucker for romance lmao! Max's plaid I did lowkey sucks but please ignore how bad it is drawn for a second—

Now that we are off of stuff I did for people, let's move onto redraws!


I know I usually don't do a lot of these since I don't have TOO many scenes to choose from but this is one of the most iconic things I have drawn!

This is all what is left of a picture of Archie looking all menacing in a chair with lyrics from a song called "This Is Alice" from Shinedown.

Here is the song if any of you are interested!


If you're reading this and wondering where it went, I hidden them to make this into a reference and then my Ibis crashed and I lost it all sOOOO yeah. Couldn't really find the lyrics to match the redraw but just note I have done something for this song, okay??

*lips smack*

I had to redraw it sine I didn't have anything to do and ummm

Hold onto your hats and butts

I invite you to a world where there's no such thing as time


I don't even know how I managed to make it look so much cooler and sinister as I always meant to make this piece??

Archie's sinister look adds to this compared to his shit eating grin in the other and glitching and distorting and adding a red glow to the shadow creatures next to him added very well as well!

The reason they are there is because in the original the lyrics went to the second part being:

And every creature lends themselves
To change your state of mind

But it muddied what I was going for and I am glad I got rid of those two lines and just added them for aesthetic!

And yes, you have the cheshire smile in the backdrop all sinister and glitchy to add to it! I just can't stop staring at how I ended up with something as cool as this!

And the last piece to end us off on our redrawing of scenes is another piece that involves an old piece where it has Jan hiding behind the tree and has the lyrics:

I got no time
I got no time
To live

Fun fact! This is actually a redraw of one a version that was a month old... Talk about indecisive lmao

I never did anything else with this picture so it was kind of abandoned! And since I needed something to draw, I guess you could say I was inspired from the one above to do something dark themed and edgy

The background and lighting may be a bit too much but I wanted it to be dark and show Jan's fear of the two shadows that are glitched and coming to hunt him down to haunt him!

Yes, I did give the shadows distinct personalities since they are actual ocs and not there for aesthetic vibes

Made everything static-y and glitchy since I felt like it really fit the vibe I was going for! I also feel like the sides being different colors and Jan being glitched REALLY added to the lyrics

I got no time
I got no time
To live

I probably should have put there somewhere more "fun" but that kind of blanked my mind until I put the old version in and I guess that makes it look a lil bland but I think giving it a shadow made up for it tho-!

This next piece isn't a redraw but it does actually use music lyrics so it fits the transition lmao!

The store I work at plays the same songs EVERY DAY; however, I really like this song since it is Imagine Dragons 😭😭


The misery

Everybody wants to be my


For some reason, wattshit is being weird and separating the words so that's why there's the ugly spacing 😭

I have an oc named Misery—

So why not mix these two together??

I honestly really adore Misery's theme of being a ying-yang bat theme (originally was going to be something else but-) and this song was a major inspiration for the name of this character!

Now, are you confused why there is space around this oc?
1.) This oc was transported by Galaxy to HOD while REDACTED went over to EOTUF. There will be some kind of picture representing Misery bridging over but yeye

2.) Because I felt like it and I wanted to do a spacey theme... Let me have this

Anyways, I adore this beautiful bean and I am glad they exist cause originally they were going to be an adopt but I am selfish and I love their design more and more

Change of subject is actually to comics!
These are old comics I made back of December 24th, 2021 and March of 2022 but I finally found the motivation to color and finish so lemme show you!

Let's start with the oldest of these comics

I never liked Xmas and always had bad feelings when it came to the holiday so I projected that feeling onto the grumpy Archie since he'd honestly feel like this A LOT when it comes to holidays and stuff do to still feeling upset that he couldn't hang onto his empire and the fragments of his family falling away from him—

First scene is an introduction to this comic with a box (that is cut off by the  camera angle) saying: I have never been a big fan of Christmas...


Second frame is him thinking: reminds me of empty memories

My Mom didn't understand the transition , probably cause she doesn't understand the LORE of Archie but I was planning on making the memory colors gray anyways soooooooo yeah

M: can we PLEASE have a tree? Can we? Can we? Can we?

Fourth scene
A: we don't need one, M. Want to go do something... Different?

I actually messed up on Archie's dialogue here. It was originally suppossed to be "what is so important about a tree" but I wrote want


Fifth frame
M: Thank you so so so so so much ! You're the best!

Sixth scene
Every year he invites me over but...

You're invited to Mitch's Xmas party. Get over here Arch, would love to have you over and catch up! ❤️

Seventh scene
Not this year...
Not this year...
Kind of messed up on Arch's shadow but don't mind that —

And this one is actually based on a song and I had it completed but I didn't know how I felt with it CONSIDERING it is a darker themed piece with a dark themed oc soooooooo

Trigger warning for those who don't like murder , death or violence . I will BOLD a sentence when this piece is over if you want to skip past

This actually a redraw from an old assignment in English class where I had to make something angsty happened and I was having a hard time so I decided to use " I can't decide " by the scissor sisters to help me so why not redraw that?

Scene 1
I can't decide
Whether you should live or die

Scene 2
Oh, you'll probably go to heaven

Scene 3
Please, don't hang your head and cry

Scene 4
No wonder why my heart feels dead inside
And hard
And petrified

Scene 5
Lock your doors
And close your blinds

Scene 6
We are going for a ride

I won't dwell on this since I don't like bringing up one of these characters up so yeah! We are going to end the category of comics!


This art dump has a little of everything, doesn't it x)
Art trade
Ocs posing
A sketch I gave up on (lmao)

The list goes on and on

I updated Pablo in my new style and how could I resist not drawing him in a sexy pose for his nice ass??

He has his iconic shirt still that reads "Pain in Spain" and I STILL adore this redesign I did back in 2020! I was bored and decided to give the neglected bean a fun background as I need to draw this bean more —

And now, we are onto adopted ocs! First I am going to start with an oc I got from one of my amazing  buddies and my adopted child on discord, Aiko!

Art belongs to them in the corner of the picture, everything else is mine tho

They dmed me and asked me if I wanted this cute bean and HOW could I turn this bean down??? So I adopted em and INSTANTLY went into action

I was talking with Pastel for awhile and we decided on the name Larkspur since it is an adorable name?? Why not use it?? I tried to get the shirt as good as I could to the original but I definently changed it up here and there; however, everything else is pretty much the same!

Larkspur is an albino night satyr who is reversed Romania! Larkspur has permanent tears and instead of being cousins to Italy (like how Roman and Anastasio are) they are siblings!

I completely adore this bean , they are ADORABLE

you think we are done with adorable beans yet?? Excuse me, we have only JUST started

I adopted Willie as a custom from Pastel and all I changed about this oc was the hair since I wanted to make em a blond baby to give a bit of nostalgia for their OLD OLD design!

Did my best to copy your koi features but it kind of looks bad sooooooo don't mind that—

But Willie is a baker and I know it doesn't convey well here, just wait until I get a small sketch reference going of this beautiful bean!

This bean was also adopted from Pastel; however, was apart of a custom trade we did (he was the other bastard I got alongside Malcom)

This fucker has an ugly personality and I didn't really wanna draw another oc forward so I decided to do a back look and yeah! I honestly adore how it turned out

Fall colors for the winnnn

Expecting me to continue on with Pastel? Haha —

I got this adopt from the lovely americxn-idiot!

I replaced Solomon Island (Rose) since I wasn't adoring the pastel - bird goth theme I went with and decided to just go with goth and I adore it! She is still a shortie next to her tall boyfriend but she isn't an "uwu bottom" anymore... She has graduated to a "goth girlfriend bottom" now!

In all seriousness... I ADORE this design. Her colors and stuff are so fecking pretty to look at... That I can't help it

The next one is a weird one.

She is TECHNICALLY an adopt but also a redesign for an old oc that I wanted to replace for awhile and finally did with guess who's help lmao 😭

I changed it a little from Pastel's design by adding a paid undershirt and corset on her chest, gave her scarf some leaves and added a bit of details to her hat but regardless, I still love the design Pastel did for me and I had a lot of fun!!

Her nature - witch theme really shows and I think that is charming, honestly qwq

Damn. Here we are at redesigns. Is ANYBODY REALLY surprised I have redesigns in all my chapters?? Probably one of the most consistent things I do in my dump

Let's start with a redesign I got from lilspacebirb from their wonderful book they had opened, I appreciate your service! 💛

I really adored the pose so I tried my best to copy it and I think I did alright! Definitely took me awhile to get it at the right pose and angle but it was worth it!

I didn't change anything from the original design; however, I did add a marionette doll onto Ali's hair since they are into marionette dolls and it is a small teaser for something that is coming up , I totally forgot about it until I saw this picture so oOP—

And the last redesign of the chapter is Daymare. I always loved Daymare but I couldn't help but feel unsatisfied from his recent redesign. I gave him a day-night theme but that wasn't Daymare.

So I gave him back his space theme but added "dream" objects to his design and I couldn't help but fall in love with his new design

Space boi looks so different and I COMPLETELY adore and stan for it! Looking back at the old design Lils did, this one is probably the closest to the original and yeah! I FECKING love the stars, makes it seem like he is carrying the night sky with em!

Gave him a lightup corset since he is very active in his community and goes around lighting up the night for homeless children or at orphanages to give them a bit of light qqqq

And the last dream related thing was the dreamcatcher accessory on his head and I feel like that adds to the design as well!

I kept the plaid knee warmers since I honestly liked that in the old design and I feel like he would keep stuff to have a small bit of yellow in his purple - dark purple theme!

Anyways, I just ADORE this beans new design and him and Yvette are still GIANT opposites with her alice and wonderland card theme —

Like I said, this art dump has a lot of stuff so what is it without an unfinished sketch??

I kind of forgot about this drawing and if you notice the date, you will see that this is an old drawing back in April 20, 2022.

This drawing was to show different height and just because I wanted to draw the three brothers out but since I kind of forgot about it, not much I can doooo but show it and wait until I feel motivated (whenever that may be)

I'll catch you all on the flipside! Make sure to hydrate and stay safe! 💛

Have a good day / night!

❤️ suggestions / tips ? ❤️
Ibis paint (phone) welcomed !

🧡 requests 🧡

💛 art trades 💛

💚 customs 💚
— custom trade with Lils (not started yet)

💙 redesigns 💙

💜 waiting list ? 💜

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