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My Joonie ❤️


Today at 17:55

I forgot to tell you this but I'm at Yoongi's rn
Poor guy's not having it
Drank five bottles of soju but he's still not asleep or knocked out
I'm gonna keep an eye on him just in case he'll do something stupid

Oh god
Is this about Tae?
Do you want me to come pick you up later?
Or maybe I could help

I got it, babe, don't worry
He's been crying non-stop I just want him to fall asleep and rest. He's been to hard on himself
I'll just message you when I secure everything in here, okay?

I feel really bad for him and for the people involved in this mess.
I hope Yoongi hyung pulls himself together and makes everything right
Be careful, alright? Make sure to call me later

You too, honey

Have I told you how much I love you lately?

I-i love you too, you dork
Now shoo, I have a big baby to tend to

Am I not your baby?

Ofc you are
You're my biggest baby ❤️


I'm just kidding hhh
You know I'm the only one who could break your back like a glow stick and i'm your daddy 😋
I love you!

You're unbelievable
But I love you too, my Joonie bug ❤️

[read 17:58]

"Yoongi come on. It's time to stop drinking and rest. You've had enough," Jin says in frustration for the nth time. It's been hours since he's trying to convince Yoongi to stop crying and drinking over Taehyung. The younger didn't even spare him a word before opening another bottle for him to consume. Jin groans at him and he quickly snatches the bottle out of Yoongi's grasp. The latter whines in protest, but Jin didn't faze and then he starts picking up the bottles which were scattered on the floor, careful not to lay a hand and hurt himself from the broken ones.

"Jin hyung! What're you doing? I'm not done yet!" Yoongi wails, hands reaching out to grab the bottle from Jin clumsily, resulting to him landing face first on the floor with a loud thud. Jin could only shake his head in disbelief and leaves Yoongi for a while to put the empty bottles inside the trash bin. When he returns, he almost screams in terror when he sees the blood dripping out of Yoongi's feet.

"Fucking hell, Min Yoongi," he mumbles, rubbing his temple. Yoongi looks at him with an annoying smile on his face, giggling when tries to take out a shard of glass from his plantar. "Are you trying to tell me that you're numb at this point?"

"This, Jin hyung," Yoongi answers after taking the glass out of his skin and showing it off to Jin, "Is just a piece of glass that has pierced through my skin. The wound is visible, you get hurt physically, but it heals, forms into a scar and sometimes, they disappear. This wound in here, however," Yoongi throws the glass away before pointing at his chest, "Takes a very long time to heal. It doesn't bleed out, and it makes the pain unbearable. But when it does heal, when you finally make yourself believe that you're okay, it will suddenly go back to the way it was before. That numb and aching feeling you were trying to escape so hard comes back to kill you."

"And when you're wounded, you tend to use a lot of band aids, right? Well, in your case, you're just using one. But, even band aids wear out and at some point, you have to remove it and replace it with a new one. Is that what Jimin is to you, Yoongi?"

Yoongi doesn't answer. Head hanging low and his gaze is now focused on the floor.

"Answer me, Yoongi. Is Jimin just your band aid? Did you just pretend to love him for you to use him to taper that ugly truth hidden behind your facade?"

"Yes. Yes, Jin hyung! I only used him for that! But, I tried! God, I fucking tried so hard to love him, to make myself believe that I've moved on, that I'm ready to start anew with him! But Taehyung just- he just makes everything much better. When he smiles, everything around me gets brighter. When he laughs, it's music to my ears, a symphony I could listen to every second of everyday. He has his flaws, yes, but God, I love each and every bit of it."

"What about Jimin? Haven't you noticed the way Jimin's eyes turn into crescents whenever he smiles and laughs? The way he tells us to stop making him laugh because he can't see a thing when he does. How about his voice which I'm sure, belongs to an angel because of how soothing and sweet it is. Hell, have you even heard him sing? Have you ever tried staring at your boyfriend and ponder at how lucky you are because out of all the people that's more deserving of his love, he chose YOU, a motherfucking liar and an asshole that does nothing but break his heart! Have you ever thought of any of these, Yoongi? I think the fuck not, because you're too busy loving someone who clearly doesn't love you back!"

"No! Please stop!"

"If you don't want to hear me say hurtful words, stop being a selfish prick!"

Yoongi, much to his anger, grabs the vase which was just resting on top of the coffee table, and throws it across the room. It makes its way first to the side of Jin's head before crashing towards the wall behind him.

"Just leave me alone! Leave before I day more things that I would awfully regret in the morning. Please," Yoongi says amidst sobs, letting his body slump down the floor to a fetal position. He was sobbing uncontrollably, and Jin, albeit still shocked from the vase incident, quickly collected himself and moved towards the younger. He picks him up and settles him inside his bedroom, calming him down by whispering apologies and soothing words to him. Yoongi clutches the hem of Jin's shirt; he cries his heart out, and Jin doesn't really mind the wetness forming on his shirt.

park jimothy


Today at 18:37

Are you home?
Please tell me you're home

I'm at Taehyung's to drop him off
Why? What happened?

Can I go over to yours

Okay, chim
You have your spare key, right?
Use it. I'll be home right before you know it


"Is there something wrong, Gukkie?" Taehyung asks when they arrive outside his apartment.

"I don't know, Tae. Jimin just texted me and something's off." He looks at his boyfriend wearily. Taehyung takes Jeongguk's hand in his and kisses every knuckle in attempt to keep him calm.

"Do you want me to go back over to yours?" Jeongguk shakes his head.

"You have to rest, baby. I have to go though. Storm's sleeping inside the car and Jimin's coming over to mine. I'm fine. Everything'll be fine." Taehyung tries his best to believe him, and places his hand on Jeongguk's cheek before leaning in to kiss it. The younger sighs and pulls him in for another kiss, this time, on the forehead. He bids Taehyung goodbye with a promise of texting him if ever things go out of hand.

Not a moment later when he arrives at home and he's made sure that Storm's comfy on his bed, Jimin bursts inside, catching him off guard after seeing his best friend in such a disheveled state.

"God, Chim, what happened?" He asks, scurrying his way towards the crying man. Jimin flings himself towards Jeongguk, hugging him as tight as he could.

"He doesn't love me... Yoongi... He never did."

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