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Jeongguk locked his phone the moment he finished reading what Jieun had sent to him.

He felt his chest tighten for a minute and he was barely breathing anymore. His head was pounding so hard he couldn’t focus. He was so so scared of losing his son, but he couldn’t afford to lose Taehyung, too.

He had to think of somethingㅡ a plan that could trick Jieun so that he would be able to rescue Storm. But it’s as if his mind was a blank slate at the moment. He was terrified because he had to do this alone. He had to fight for his family.

He was pacing back and forth inside their apartment, and he would tug the ends of his hair whenever he failed to think of something good. He needed Taehyung with him because Taehyung would always bring out the best and the calmness in him. However, he managed to fuck up and said some things that he never really meant in the first place. Now he had no choice but to face everything... alone.

‘If Taehyung was here, he- stop. He’s not here, Jeongguk. He can’t be here. Fuck, I have to do this alone. I have to save my family,’ Jeongguk scolded himself whenever his thoughts went astray.

He decided to sit down the couch as he buried his face on the palm of his hands. He was close to crying but he can’t do that right now. He had to be strong even if he was already at his weakest point.

He bit his bottom lip hard enough to stop himself from choking out a sob. He took a deep breath and as he exhaled slowly, he suddenly thought of something.

He contemplated a lot of times, weighed the pros and cons of his plan, but after a few minutes, he finally decided to carry it out. He was going to do it, and he would surely risk everything if it meant putting his family back together.

With shaky hands, he reached for his phone which was lying on the coffee table, and dialed the number which belonged to the woman whom he despises the most.

It rang a few times before his call got accepted. It was silent for a moment, but then Jieunㅡ with her annoying (well, more on mocking) voiceㅡ decided to break the silence.

“I see you already made your choice, Gukkie,” she purred and it irked the hell out of Jeongguk. He was well aware of how his hand started to grip his phone tightly.

“Let’s get this over with, Jieun. Send me the location,” Jeongguk whispered through gritted teeth. He can easily sense how satisfied Jieun was on the other side of the line just because she began humming. She started fucking humming a tune.

“Patience, love,” she giggled. The fucking audacity, Jeongguk thought. “Remember, the moment I end this call and send you the location, you’ll be mine again, Gukkie,” she added, and Jeongguk knew she was already grinning wide. He closed his eyes for a moment as he tried so hard to breathe steadily.

“I fucking know that already, Jieun. Just send the goddamn location already.” And just like that, the line went dead.

Jeongguk's plan was actually something like this:

The moment he would see Jieun face to face, he would cover up the truth with a lie, and would tell her that he had already broken up with Taehyung.

If by any chance, Jieun would insist on going home with them, he will change route and bring her to the police station instead.

It’s fucking easy, right? Jeongguk had already planned everything in mind. Nothing could go wrong, right?

Jeongguk was confident that it would work. That he had what it took to trick her.

Jieun wouldn’t really find out, right?

Well, except, she did.

- 🎨 -

The moment Jeongguk arrived at the location Jieun had sent, he never really pegged it for an apartment complex.

He was expecting something more... cruel, because it’s Jieun.

He expected for it to be a warehouse or something but a part of him felt relieved knowing that, at least, she had the conscience to take /his/ son in an environment which will not traumatize the boy even further. 

It only took seconds before Jieun buzzed him in, allowing him to enter the establishment and as soon as he got inside the elevator, his hands were already clammy as they were, fingers shaking as his mind started to wander across all the possibilities that might’ve or had already happened to his son.

If he ever see a tiny scratch on Storm’s face, he will definitely go nuts and God forbid what will happen to Jieun.

The door to Jieun’s flat opened wide enough for him to barge in immediately, eyes searching frantically for his son.

When he spotted Storm sitting on the couch, head resting on top of his knees, he instantly bursted into tears, and it didn’t even surprise him anymore. The pent up frustrations and longing finally took a toll on him.

The dam finally broke and seeing his son who looked as broken as he was made him realize how much of a failure he was. He failed as a father, which meant that he failed as a person, too.

“D-daddy?” Jeongguk rushed towards his son, arms wrapping his frail body into a very tight hug. He started showering him with kisses, not really minding how messy their faces were.

“I’m sorry, Stormy. I’m so sorry it took forever for daddy to come find you. I’m so sorry,” Jeongguk muttered repeatedly, heart breaking when all he could hear was Storm’s tiny sobs and sniffles.

“Let’s go home, daddy. Please. It’s scary here. Let’s go home to Papa Tata. He’s waiting for us, right?”

However, before Jeongguk could even reply, the front door closed with a loud bang, startling Storm and he started shaking once more as he buried his face deeper on to Jeongguk's neck. He was holding his father tightly like his life depended on it.

“Who said anything about leaving? You think you can outsmart me, Jeonggukkie? We had a deal, remember? So what are you waiting for? Phone. Now.”


-🎨 -

Jeongguk and Storm became a prisoner in what Jieun had deemed to be their home. It wasn’t the home they were looking for. All they wanted was the home where there’s warmth and a certain man who has loved them with all his heart.

With Jieun, everything felt like hell.

She forced herself to them, thinking she could worm her way inside their hearts once more, but Jeongguk remained strong, so was Storm. They never let her inside the walls they’ve built, hoping that maybe one day, Jieun will finally realize that she will never be a part of their lives ever again.

However, that day never came. Jeongguk tried, of course he did. He tried to get help, to attempt getting his phone back from her whenever she’s asleep or not looking, but Jieun always knew.

She always knew what Jeongguk was up to, knew every movement Jeongguk made, and it was exhausting. Jeongguk felt like he was being suffocated, being squeezed to death, and he couldn’t even do anything because the last time he had attempted to escape with Storm, Jieun caught them and threatened them.

“One more step and I’ll make sure you’ll never see your boy toy ever again.”

That’s why Jeongguk always found himself stepping backwards, shutting the door close behind his back. It was like shutting the whole world, too.

Jeongguk never slept with her on the same bed, never ate with her on the same table. He had himself enclosed, but he still made sure that Storm was happy and well taken care of, even though the soft sobs at night tell him otherwise.

Every night, without a fail, Jeongguk would go inside Storm’s room and he would find his son whimpering under the thick blankets. He would scoop the boy up into his arms and cradle him until he falls asleep again, but not before saying, “I miss Papa.”

Jungkook misses him too. He misses Taehyung like crazy.

A perfect opportunity presented one day, when Jieun went out to do grocery shopping.

He pretended to be sick, making Jieun panic and it was the very first time she insisted for Jeongguk to stay at home instead of going to the supermarket with her.

She took Storm with her, much to Jeongguk's chagrin, but before they could even step out of the apartment, Storm whispered in his ears, “It’s under her bed, daddy.” And the door clicked shut.

He wasted no time in entering Jieun’s bedroom, body immediately pressed down the floor as he rummaged all the boxes that was placed under her bed.

At the farthest corner, he saw a small box, and he immediately reached for it with the tip of his fingers. Once he held it close to him, he sighed in relief when he was met with the sight of his phone, screen slightly cracked but it still worked as soon as he pressed the power button.

Knowing he had little time left before Jieun and Storm would come home, he immediately pressed the name of the person he was desperate to reach out to. Taehyung.

It took a couple of rings before Jeongguk gave up.

Taehyung never picked up the phone, and Jeongguk was so close to crying. He then did the second best thing to doㅡ and that was flooding Taehyung with messages. There’s no way Taehyung will not read the messages, that’s for sure.

my angel


Today at 10:45

Fucj i cant believe
i had the chance to talk to you again
Tae i dont have much time

She had me and Storm locked up inside this crappy apartment of hers
And would always threaten us when she catches us escaping or do somethinf suspicious to her
Tae if you read this
Please send help

Send the cops
We're here tae
We didnt leave for good
I would never do that to you

I know i said shit but i didnt mean all of them
Im sorry if i disappeared
Im sorry if i chose to save Storm alone
I couldnt risk losing you too
I love you

I love you so much, taehyung
We want to go home
Want to be with you
Help us

[read 11:30]

Unfortunately, help never came.

And Jeongguk wasn’t sure if it was because Taehyung already gave up on them, or if he had not read the messages he sent. Every negative thoughts kept on running inside his mind, but Storm’s hopeful smile always kept him at bay.

“Papa Tata loves us. Never doubt him, okay?” Was what Storm would always say before he would bid his father good night, and  though tired and all, still believed.

- 🎨 -

It happened during one of their trips, when Jeongguk was driving them back home.

Jieun always pointed out how it was important to spend time “as a family” every once in a while, so /she/ decided for them to always go out of town every last Friday of the month.

Jeongguk really had no choice, but their trips were anything but fun. They’d always end up fighting, Storm refusing to hug and interact with his own mother, and it irked the shit out of Jieun.

The car ride was silent at first, no one really dared to say something, and it was becoming uncomfortable. Jeongguk wasn’t used to this kind of silence. It was nowhere near Taehyung’s ability to make, even silence, calming.

“Can you at least pretend that you enjoyed this trip?” And well, Jieun decided to break that silence. Jeongguk didn’t pay her any attention so she took that as a sign to continue rambling.

“I’m so sick of doing an effort for the two of you! You can’t even fucking appreciate it!” Jeongguk's grip on the steering wheel tightened.

“No one told you to do an effort, Jieun. If you let us go, then things wouldn’t end up like this. Can’t you see, Jieun? We’re fucking unhappy with you!” Jeongguk reiterated, not sparing a single glance towards Jieun’s direction.

“It’s still him... You still love that fucking wh-“

“Don’t you even dare finish that sentence Jieun or I swear to God-“

“Whore. Your fucking whore. You thought I wouldn’t find out that you sneaked into my bedroom and messaged that bitch for help? Do you really think I’m that dumb, Jeongguk? Well, I got something to say to you. You’re mine! Mine alone and I would kill anyone, Jeongguk. Anyone that would come our way.”

Jeongguk decided he was done. He’s tired of running away. Tired of being a coward just because he wanted to protect Taehyung and get him out of this mess.

He changed route, like what he was supposed to do months ago.

Jeongguk... this isn’t the way back home. Where the fuck are you taking us?!” Jieun had become delirious, panic seeping through her veins and she removed her seatbelt hastily.

“To the place where you fucking belong, Jieun.” Jeongguk answered. Jail. She should rot there for all he cares.

“You’re not doing this to me, Jeongguk!” It was then she started prying Jeongguk's hands away from the steering wheel, body desperate to take over Jeongguk's.

“Stay on your fucking seat, Jieun!” He was struggling to keep Jieun pressed against her seat but it was becoming too much.

She was squirming, screaming for her dear life and it wasn’t ‘til Storm screamed for him that he managed to turn around and notice a big truck that’s coming towards them.


- 🎨 -

Jungkook wakes up from his sleep, body shaking in terror. He wipes his face with his hands albeit shaking, and he sobs. He sobs till he can’t fucking breathe anymore, sobs till he lies down on his back once more, exhaustion taking over his body.

His head hurts. His heart, too.
Everything hurts.

Everything hurts because finally, finally, he remembers.

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