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All was absolutely well for the day, that is, until Taehyung sees Gail outside the faculty room. The little girl was distressed, her lips jutting into a pout. Taehyung failed to notice the other child behind her, but not until Gail steps aside to push Storm inside the room gently.

Taehyung immediately stands up, cutting the words the should've come out from Sana's mouth. The latter, however, also sensed that something was wrong so she looks at the direction of where Taehyung was heading to.

"Gail? What's wrong? Storm? Are you alright?" Taehyung kneels to level their height. He sees Storm's tiny fists clench and unclench, big fat tears escaping his eyes. When Storm doesn't utter a single world, his gaze shifts towards Gail.

"Teacher Tata, Storm's tummy..." Gail mumbles, voice wavering from fear.

"Oh, dear. Is Mr. Tumtum hurting you, baby?" Taehyung asks softly, fingers immediately reaching up to fix Storm's fringes. The said child nods in reply.

"Come here. Papa's got you. Do you want papa to kiss the booboo away?" He scoops up the child and bounces him in his arms in attempt to calm him down. Storm clutches at the collar of his shirt tightly, now releasing the sobs he was suppressing just a while ago.

"Hurts, pa..." Storm whines amidst his sobs.

"Thank you for bringing Storm in here, Gaily. You can go back to your classroom now for your nappy time. I'll take it from here," Taehyung makes sure to pat the little girl's hair after telling her that.

"Will he be okay, teacher Ta?"

"Trust me, he will, petal," Taehyung assures and sends a sweet smile towards the girl. She beams widely before skipping her way outside the room.

"Papa, daddy Gukkie please..." Storm whispers under the crook of Taehyung's neck. The latter hums in understanding, sitting back down in front of the stunned female who was just observing the two.

"Will you be a good boy and sit still for a while? Papa will just grab his phone-"

"No!" Storm protests, now squirming inside Taehyung's embrace. He tries his best to wrap his short legs around Taehyung's torso, pulling his papa closer to him. Taehyung could only sigh at the behavior and do nothing about it because he knows that Storm is usually clingy when he's sick or upset.

"Sana-san, if you don't mind, can you please get my phone from my bag?" The request was enough to snap Sana out of her senses. She immediately scurries her way towards the black bag that was on top of Taehyung's desk. She hands the device to him, her gaze lingering on the little boy who was caged inside Taehyung's arms.

"Is he your son, Taehyung-ssi?" She asks before she could even stop her mouth from blurting it out. "Y-you don't have to answer of course, how rude of me, I'm sorry, I'm just-"

"Hey, it's okay," Taehyung cuts her off with a soft voice. "Legally, he isn't, but soon, he will be. I treat him as my own, anyways."

"So, uh, he's your girlfriend's then?"

"Actually, my boyfriend's," Taehyung replies, eyes full of pride and happiness. Sana breathes out a soft 'oh' before emitting a tight-lipped smile.

When Taehyung makes sure that Sana is done interrogating him, he instantly presses speed dial to contact Jeongguk. Not a minute had passed, Jeongguk accepts the call, voice probably strained from exhaustion because of work. The latter had mentioned a rush photoshoot for a new group that was to debut under the same company Namjoon worked for back then. The management was strictㅡ not only pressuring the trainees, but also the people that work for them; and as much as how Jeongguk would like to turn down the offer, he can't because Namjoon already dragged him into this, plus the pay was undoubtedly too good to reject.

"Babe? What's up?"

"Is my timing bad, Gukkie?"

"Nothing's really bad if it's you, Tae. What's wrong?"

"Storm has a stomachache and he wants me to call you. He wants to go home but if you're busy right now, we can just ride a cab-"

"I'm on my way, Tae."

The call ended that way, leaving a bemused Taehyung who still had his phone pressed to his left ear. He frowns, looking at Sana, whom he assumed, was also feeling lost and very much confused.

"Well, the boyfriend's on his way," Taehyung mutters humorously, trying to brighten up the atmosphere. Storm was already fast asleep and Taehyung thanks God for that because it saved him from dealing with the kid's tantrums.

"I'm sorry to ask you this, but what's your boyfriend's name again?" Sana asks, catching Taehyung off-guard. He doesn't want to admit, but Sana being invested in his personal life is borderline creepy, and it's making him uncomfortable. Just a while ago, they were talking about the kids in the daycare, and the institution in general, but now that Taehyung had mentioned about his love life, Sana just doesn't let it slip.

"His name is Jeon Jeongguk, and this," Taehyung pats Storm's head carefully, "is his son, Storm. He's a single dad. We met not too long ago, and trust me the first impression we had of each other was something you wouldn't want to know. He fucked up, but he then deemed himself that he's worthy of my forgiveness. We became close friends ㅡ too close, actually ㅡ and then we started dating! Now, I'm living with him and our son," Taehyung explains in one go, his voice laced with annoyance, but trust me, he does his best not to let it show. Sana was left speechless, her face going pale.

"Where's the mother?" She asks insensitively, and Taehyung could only look at her blankly.

"Gone, disappeared into thin air. Why are you asking me this, Sana? Do you have a problem with me being gay or something?" Taehyung decided to be blunt, since he really doesn't know where all of this is heading to anymore.

"I-I'm sorry if I overstepped some boundaries, Taehyung. I'm just... curious, is all," Sana breathes out an explanation, now playing with the ring on her forefinger nervously.

"I- It's okay, Sana. I'm sorry if I snapped. I'm just stressed out, I guess? I may not show it but I'm worried for Storm right now and the questions you're asking out of the blue are making me uncomfortable. If we were in a different situation, I would've answered you politely," Taehyung apologizes, sending a small smile towards Sana.

"You really don't have anything to apologize for, Taehyung. I should've been more sensitive. It was really rude of me."

Before Taehyung could say another word, Jeongguk bursts inside the room, panting and covered with sweat. He must've ran his way inside the center, and he was too worried to even look at his surroundings, not realizing that there were actually three people in the room.

He struts his way towards Taehyung and Storm, kneeling in front of them so that he could caress Storm's back and Taehyung's arms at the same time.

"Is he feeling any better?"

"I think so, Gukkie. He's been asleep for a while now, but I know he'll be throwing his infamous tantrums again once he's woken up," Taehyung whispers, chuckling a little. Jeongguk just smiles at him.

"Let's get the two of you home," Jeongguk says, standing up and lending his hand for Taehyung to hold on to. They made sure that they were careful of their movements, too scared to wake Storm up. However, the moment Jeongguk turns around to grab Taehyung and Storm's belongings, that the air inside the room suddenly becomes thick and suffocating. He makes an eye contact with the woman in front of them; he's now fully aware of her existence. His jaw clenches at the sight, and Taehyung instantly knew something is wrong.

"Gukkie? O-oh, I forgot to introduce you to our newly hired teacher! Her name is Sana. Sana-san, this is Jeongguk, my boyfriend," Taehyung beams at the two despite the awkward tension between them.

"Tae, let's go," Jeongguk says sternly, grabbing Taehyung's wrist along the way and dragging hin out the room before Taehyung could even complain. Jeongguk doesn't say anythingㅡ just walking his way towards the parking lot with a confused Taehyung behind him.

"Hey, what was that back there? You could've showed some respect to her, Guk. You were rude-"

"Don't talk to her anymore," Jeongguk cuts him off, his back facing against Taehyung. The latter wants to shout at him frustratingly, not really understanding the situation as to why Jeongguk was acting like how he is now.

"Guk, we literally work in the same workplace! How can I not talk to her?"

"Just, please... Listen to me just this once, Tae. Avoid her at all cost. Don't let Storm near her. Do you understand?" It's when Jeongguk mentions Storm that had Taehyung ponder for a minute. Oh. Oh, he gets it now.

"Sana... is she..."

"Do you understand?"

"Y-yes, Guk... I understand. But I must tell you that it'll be hard since we work at the same institution, but I'll try my best to avoid her," Taehyung assures the younger, his lips wavering at Jeongguk's sudden outburst. The younger suddenly feels guilty. He really didn't expect to see her at all- especially at the daycare his son and his lover goes to- out of all places.

"I'm sorry, Tae... I just want to protect the two of you. I can't afford to lose you. Not now, not ever," Jeongguk breathes out, his forehead now resting against Taehyung's. He hugs the two of them gently, placing a kiss on Storm's head in the process.

"You won't, Gukkie. You will never."

The three makes their way inside the car, talking things out some more in hushed voices. What they didn't notice is the figure standing just outside the gate of the center.

Sana fishes out her phone from her pocket, and with shaky hands, she dials her cousin's number.

"I found them. I found your family."


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