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busan bro 🔒


Today at 9:37

Hey, guk?

Chim! It's been a while
since we last talked

I don't want to say this but
I miss your ugly face

Oh my god, chim
this is making me emotional 🥺

Shut up, squidward.
Anygay, are you free later?

I'm loaded today but
I'll make time for you
since you're forcing me to


Whatever you say, midget

I hate you sometimes

No you don't.
So where do you want to meet?

I'll send you the location later!
See you, Gukkie!

I'll see you later, jimbles

"Why are you so bouncy today, Gukkie?" Seokjin asks, placing a cup of coffee on top of the younger's desk. He sips his own, smiling warmly at the younger when Jeongguk beams at him.

"I'm meeting up with Jimin today!" Jeongguk answers him, mumbling a small 'thanks' to his hyung before taking the mug in his hand.

"Oh is that so? I thought you were having a lunch date with Taehyung," the older teases him, an amused smile on his face. The look on Jeongguk's face softens and he leans his back comfortably on his swivel chair.

"As much as I want to take him out for lunch, Storm needs him the most at school today. It's Show and Tell so there's no way Storm would let his Papa Tata go." Just watching Jeongguk light up while talking about Storm and Taehyung makes Seokjin's heart melt with glee.

"I'm glad you're happy now, Guk-ah. You deserve this," Seokjin taps the younger's shoulder.

"Thank you, hyung. How's Namjoon-hyung by the way?"

"Still as stubborn as ever, Guk. He said he wants to go to work but his therapist advised him to rest some more. He actually wanted to come here with me today but I told him no, and that everything's been taken care of. Mr. Choi already found a substitute for him for the upcoming photoshoot so I told him not to worry," Seokjin ends with a sigh. It's been weeks and Namjoon is still recovering from the surgery. A progress has been made, of course, but Namjoon still ends up getting frustrated since he's starting to blame himself for being useless. He feels bad that Seokjin had to go and run all his errands for him, but the latter wouldn't have it any other way.

["But, hyung! I don't want to mess up your schedules! You've got a photoshoot next month for this big modeling company and yet you're stuck here with me!"

"Did you ever hear me complain, Joon?"

Namjoon shakes his head aggressively, his lips forming into a pout.

"That's because I don't have anything to complain. You are my husband. We vowed to stay with each other through sickness and in health, so don't expect me to just sit here and leave you all by yourself because I'm not doing that. Never." Seokjin kisses his husband on the lips, assuring him that he will never be a burden to him.]

"Well, he'll never be Namjoon if he isn't stubborn," Jeongguk says jokingly which made Seokjin giggle.

"All he does is work for the past few years, Guk. That's why I'm kinda relieved that he's getting the rest that he deserves."

"He loves you too much, hyung. He wants to give you a good life, and I'd probably do that, too, for Taehyung and for Storm."

"You've been doing that already, Gukkie. Even before Taehyung, you already worked your ass off just to provide for Storm. You and Namjoon are definitely alike," Seokjin snorts at the thought. Jeongguk just smiles goofily at him before looking at his wristwatch.

"I think it's time for me to go. See you later, hyung! Thanks for the coffee!"

"Say Hi to Jiminnie for me!"

Jeongguk rushes outside the company building, sending a quick text to Taehyung informing him of his whereabouts and the latter replying with 'Tell Chim I miss him!" He shakes his head upon reading the message and drives towards the location Jimin had sent a while ago.

As soon as he enters the restaurant, he immediately spots Jimin sitting in the corner, the latter not being able to pay attention to him since he was busy fumbling with his phone. Jeongguk thinks it was one of Jimin's client at the clinic, but the smile threatening to form on his lips, tells him otherwise.

"Hey, Chim," Jeongguk greets rather loud. Jimin jumps to his feet and almost punches Jeongguk on the arms.

"You almost gave me a heart attack, idiot!" Jimin hisses at him. Jeongguk lets out a chuckle before settling himself on the chair right across to Jimin's.

"I hope you don't mind but I ordered already. Don't worry, though, I got you your favorite," Jimin assures the younger.

"Thank you, hyung. So, what's up?"

"Oh, a lot is up, Guk. First thing's first, why didn't you tell me you were planning on proposing to Taehyung?!" Jimin says out loud, earning a few stares from the customers inside the restaurant. Jeongguk could only bow his head in apology before smacking Jimin's hand which was on the table.

"Can you please lower your voice? We aren't the only ones in here!" Jimin scoffs at him, folding his arms against his chest.

"I know you're upset, but I was surprised, too, hyung. You know me, right? I wouldn't do anything out of the blue. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love, Tae, I really do, but... I kinda regret proposing to him this early. I promised that we'll take things slow, but look at what I have done," Jeongguk whispers.

"But, Guk, when you messaged us, you were so excited. What changed?"

"I- I don't know, hyung. Maybe I was too caught up in the moment? I was afraid that if I set things in a slow pace, I'll lose him, too..." Jeongguk answers. Jimin just smiles at him before putting his hand on top of Jeongguk's own ones.

"Taehyung will never leave the two of you, Gukkie. I know we can't rewind what has been done, but will you, at least, take some time before even preparing for the wedding?"

"We will, Chim. Don't worry. I also don't want Taehyung to think that I'm pressuring him or something. Being engaged for now is enough for me."

That ends their talk about Jeongguk and Taehyung's sudden engagement. As they were eating their food, Jimin's phone lights up with a new notification. Jeongguk, the nosy best friend he is, takes a glance on the device and smirks when he sees the contact name. He stops eating and puts down his utensils down the table. He wipes his mouth with a napkin before plopping his chin on top of his hand. Jimin, on the other hand, is too busy fumbling over the device to notice the smirk on Jeongguk's face.

"So, how are you and Hoseok hyung?" Jeongguk asks, amused.

"We're fine! We have a date this coming-" Jimin stops talking when he realizes what he's gotten himself into. He stops typing for a while, his full attention now on Jeongguk who is grinning like a madman.

"Did you ever plan to tell me about your blooming romance with Hoseok?" Jeongguk lets out a laugh this time, his hands now slapping his thighs when he sees the look on Jimin's face. His eyes were as wide as saucers, lips parted in shock.

"How- what- the fuck..." Jimin barely mutters. When he recovers from the shock, he rolls a tissue paper and throws it towards Jeongguk, hitting the latter on his nose.

"I fucking hate you, you nosy ass bitch," Jimin curses, poking the remaining of his food with his fork, his phone now long forgotten.

"Seriously, Minnie. Just when did all this happen?"

"Remember Storm's birthday party? He asked for my number and we started communicating after that," Jimin says, cheeks now painted pink.

"I'm sorry for asking this, but, does Yoongi hyung know about this?" Jeongguk asks him, concerned. Jimin smiles warmly at him.

"You don't have to worry, Gukkie. This is not even serious. We're just testing the waters," Jimin assures him, but Jeongguk notices how his expression was a bit off. He had the urge to comment about it and remind his best friend that maybe it's best if he focuses on his self first before entering into another relationship, but he chooses to keep his mouth shut because he trusts Jimin.

Jeongguk decides not to pry further, shifting the topic towards how Storm drew on the walls of their living room and how Taehyung freaked out upon seeing the crayons scribbled dirtily on it. Jimin, albeit aware of the other things that's been happening in Jeongguk's life- hence, Jieun- just smiles and laughs with the younger, setting aside the urge to ask about her. As long as he sees the smile on Jeongguk's face, he's more than happy as well.

"Papa, I want to eat strawberries!" Storm whines, reaching for the said fruit which was inside Taehyung's lunchbox. Taehyung shakes his head and picks it up using Storm's fork to feed it to the little boy. Storm beams at him and mutters a quick 'Thank you!' before taking a sip on his strawberry milk.

The two of them are having a peaceful lunch under the tree which was not too far from Storm's classroom. It was interrupted, however, when Kyungri, the director's secretary rushes towards them.

"Taehyung-ssi! Someone's looking for you outside!" She says after catching her breath.

Taehyung lifts up an eyebrow before putting the lunchbox down from his lap.

"Who is it, Kyung?"

"Wait, what was her name again?" Kyungri mutters to herself. "Jiyoung? No... Jieun?"

Taehyung sits frozen on the ground for a minute. Once he snaps out of his reverie, he immediately scoops up Storm and cages him inside his arms too tight for the little boy's liking.

"Papa, what's wrong?"

"Stormy, I'll leave you to Kyungri-noona for a while, okay? Will you be a good boy and wait 'til Papa comes back?" The little boy nods, eyes wide with fear.

"Don't talk to someone or go with someone else that's not Papa or Kyungri-noona, okay? Don't leave noona's side." Taehyung lifts up his pinky finger and Storm follows his actions. They latch it together and Taehyung plants a quick kiss on Storm's temple before handing him to Kyungri.

"Kyungri-ssi, I entrust him to you. Please, don't give him to anyone that's not me or Jeongguk. Are we clear?" Kyungri hesitates at first, and Taehyung notices that she has a lot of questions in her mind, but now's really not the right time. She then nods otherwise, taking the whimpering kid away from Taehyung's grasp.

Storm resisted at first, legs kicking and arms reaching out to cling back to his Papa but with a few more assurances and a promise to get ice cream before they go home, Storm detaches himself from Taehyung and he lets Kyungri hold him. He takes one last look at his papa before they go back inside the office.

Taehyung cleans up the lunchboxes which are now scattered on the ground and after doing so, he pats his jeans clean and drops off his things inside the faculty office before going outside to meet Jieun.

"I thought you wouldn't go out," Jieun greets Taehyung with a small smirk on her face. Taehyung fights the urge to roll his eyes on her.

"Let's cut to the chase, Jieun. Why are you here? Didn't Jeongguk tell you to never come back again?"

Jieun scoffs at the question.

"Well, isn't it obvious, Taehyung dear? I'm here for my son and my fiancé."

Taehyung definitely rolls his eyes at that.

"You don't have a son nor a fiancé, Jieun-ssi. You lost them the moment you walked out the door of your shared apartment with Jeongguk. You have nothing now," Taehyung says bluntly, earning a scowl from the other.

"I made a mistake before and now I'm trying to fix it. It would be selfish of you to deprive Jeongguk and Storm away from their happiness. I am their home, Taehyung. Not you," Jieun spats at him through gritted teeth. Taehyung chuckles at the statement and he shakes his head.

"Who the fuck said that? You and your delusional ass? How dare you come back like nothing happened? How dare you call Storm as your son and Guk as your fiancé when you already lost your rights of becoming one years ago just because you are so fucking selfish. You didn't even know your son's name after you gave birth to him!" Taehyung keeps on pointing his index finger accusingly at her.

"Yes, you were once their home, but now they have me and I won't let you destroy everything Jeongguk had built after you left him with nothing!"

Jieun stays silent, her eyes no longer meeting Taehyung's gaze.

"You have a point right there, Taehyung-ssi... but, if you don't willingly give my family back to me, I guess I'll just force my way back in to their lives instead."

Taehyung's eyes went wide when he sees Sana who's now holding Storm who is crying frantically.

"No. Fuck, Jieun! Give Storm back or I'll fucking call the police!"

"I'm his mother, Taehyung. You can't sue me," Jieun gives him a sweet smile before rushing her way inside the car that was already waiting for her.

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