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Yoongi does find Taehyung inside the faculty restroom within five minutes after arriving at the center. He sees the younger's frail figure inside one of the cubicles, and Yoongi curses when he observes how Taehyung's body shakes and how he's choking on his sobs.

He whispers his name, and then he's met with silence. Few seconds later, all he could ever process is Taehyung flaunting his arms around his neck, calling him Yoonie hyung.



Today at 13:17

He's turned little.

Fuck is he okay?
He's not hurt, right?
Did you bring him home?

Yes chim i-
It hurts
I saw him crying inside the restroom
And he was all alone, chim

He was shaking so bad
and i fucking arrived late
God I cant fucking imagine
how scared he must've been

Chim i cant fucking do this
I cant fucking see him like this
I swear to god if Jeongguk fucks up
I'm gonna hunt him down
and kill him with my bare hands

Hyung i'm so sorry
I really am
Jeongguk... he can get a bit impulsive sometimes especially when he's frustrated and angry
I know he didn't mean all of the hurtful things he said to Taehyung

I'm gonna talk to him once everything's alright and once he's cleared his head and he finds Storm
I promise

Chim you don't have
to apologize on his behalf
You've been doing this ever since day 1
You've done enough. Let him do his part.

Just give Jeongguk time, hyung
He'll eventually regret everything and apologize to Tae
I assure you that

Chim please
Just... stop
The moment he does something to hurt Taehyung again, i'll make sure he won't see Taehyung ever again
I'm serious

You can't just do that hyung
Jeongguk is Taehyung's boyfriend!
They'll fix this
Jeongguk will fix this
I have faith in him

Well i don't, chim


I'll text you later



my koo ☺️💓


Today at 16:35

I can't do this anymore.
I'm sorry.

[read 16:38]

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