Tag #4

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Got tagged by brownjade for this one (and I'm really flattered that you think I'm a good author *blushes*) ✨

1. What is your real name or do you have a pen name that you go by and why?

Well, my Wattpad name is a-dora-ble and my real name is Dora. :D I've never thought of using a pen name before, or, at least, I never felt the need to use one. 

2. How old were you when you started writing? Is there some kind of story behind it?

I was 12/13. Of course there's a story! *sits back into my velvet armchair*

It all started back in the seventh grade, when, for my English class, we had to read J.R.R Tolkien's The Hobbit. The long, never-ending descriptions were a little boring for a tween, but I really liked the story! Anyway, as an assignment, we had to write a short adventure story, using The Hobbit as our inspiration. My "short story" ended up being twenty pages long, which, at the time, was super long (now it's a joke). 

The characters from my story were almost identical to the ones in Deadly Secrets; by this, I mean that Aurora, Zara, Orion, and Saffron, have retained their roles, with the only name changing between them is Zara's, who used to be called "Alyccia".  Arion, the old helper dude, and Alyccia's adoptive parent became Simon, Zara's grandfather, while Seth became Max (except that Max ended up being a good guy). 

The story revolved around Zara having this magical sword that only gained its powers under the blue moon, but she had to collect its fragments around Lochholt (the imaginary world) in order to fuse them together and defeat Seth, the evil bad guy with the twin, red sword. 

Basically, Deadly Secrets is the third re-written version of this story (the second I retained the fantasy genre for a school project), but in a more modern and realistic setting. 

3. How did you choose the genre you write in?

As brownjade I realized that I neither have the creativity, nor patience to delve into science fiction/fantasy (at least without writing a story that has a million plot holes), but also because I'm not too interested in the genres.  I'm a sucker for romance/action/contemporary fiction, so Deadly Secrets is a mixture of all of those. Ever since Wattpad removed the double genre system, I've had some trouble decided which genre it properly fits into, so I decided to just go with General Fiction!

4. Do you experience writer's block? If so, how long and what do you do to get rid of it? 

*forced laughter* Just ask any of my earlier readers—Deadly Secrets took me more than a year to complete BECAUSE of writer's block. My main issue is, that although I have a plan written out, I often find that the words don't actually come to me. Like I know what scene I'm supposed to write, but it takes me forever to mull it over and jot it down on paper. Which is why even now, I'm still adding/re-writing certain parts of Deadly Secrets, because I feel like things are missing from it. (Writer's block is also the reason why The Carbon Copy is kind of on hold right now lol) 

There's really no concrete answer to getting rid of it. It comes and goes—when it leaves, it's a relief, as I can sit down and write a chapter in one day. 

5. What pieces of writing are you currently working on?

I'm currently revising Deadly Secrets and writing a rant book called Salty Rants. I've tried to work on The Carbon Copy, but unfortunately, until I'm at least 95% happy with the way Deadly Secrets has turned out, I won't be able to get back to it. Call it an obsession, but that's just the way I am (it's like my baby). 

6. How did you come up with the titles of your books?

Oh fuckkkkkkkk. It took me forever to come up with Deadly Secrets! First it was called Trust, then L.A.I.R, then the last one, which hopefully won't ever have to change. It was really hard because it had to relate to the overarching story idea...so yeah it took me forever. I'm happy with it now.

The Carbon Copy came right away, because it's basically about the protagonist trying not to become a "copy" of his older brother, in a way. 

Salty Rants is called that because...I'm a salty bitch. 

7. Which of your characters would you say are the most like you and which one is the least like you?

Zara is me 300%. I'm sarcastic, sometimes humorous, tomboyish, snarky, insensitive...but I'm also loyal, trustworthy, and really caring when it comes to my family and friends. She's also hella cool. ;)

The person who's least like me is...Aurora. She's like the complete opposite of Zara.

8. What was your favorite chapter that you've ever written?

Damn, this is a good question, but a toughie. My favorite chapter ever is Chapter 45ish (which will become a later chapter as I continue adding parts). I was so proud of myself with that one hehehehe *salacious wink*

9. What was the toughest criticism you've ever received and what was your greatest accomplishment?

Some guy for a book club compared Deadly Secrets to some trashy movie and I was seriously offended. He practically had nothing good to say about the story and implied that I had copied or gained inspiration from that shitty movie (whose name I cannot remember now) even though I'd never seen it LOL. That's the worst criticism I'd ever gotten because the rest have been a lot more positive and helpful. I know I'm not perfect, but I'm not a bad writer either...I hope. 

My greatest accomplishment...following through with finishing the book. It was so hard for me because I felt like I kept running into walls, but I'm sooo happy I managed to complete it.

10. Is there anything you would like to say to your readers and fans?

Lmfao what fans? 

For those who've actually read this, thanks for stopping by, and I hope you've learned a little more about me ✨✨✨✨✨

I'd also like to thank y'all for supporting me and my work. You're too awesome. ✨

Now I must tag!







Yeah, that's it for now. Toodles x

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