Patch Me Up

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Shinra's pov:

I ate my lunch quietly, observing the statue of thought in front of me known as shizuo heiwajima. Man, he was really in deep thought, he hadn't said a word ever since he entered the school gates and not receiving an injury for a whole two days showed that something was terribly wrong.

I hesitantly tapped on his shoulder, not wanting to receive a smack from his hand of steel. He stayed still, not moving a muscle. I rubbed his head worried. Getting a clear view of him, His eyes consisted of deep dark circles, his hair were oily and it seriously seemed like he hadn't washed his face in days. "Shizuo...what's the matter with you...? You look like a wreck..." I spoke, concern present in my voice.

He looked at me, surprising me. His honey brown eyes seemed dull with exhaustion and lack of sleep. "There's something he won't tell me...something he doesn't wanna share...and that something is the boundary line between us." that's's about Izaya-Kun. "don't you think you're overthinking this?" I asked, he sighed and shook his head in dismay.

"I wasn't thinking hard enough before...if only I had put my mind to it earlier...I would have figured it out...and he wouldn't be so far away from me..." he held his face in between his hands. This once playful, idiotic, non-serious friend of mine..was thinking so seriously, so carefully, so cautiously for someone...this has to be love..and I have to be there for him.."I wanna help you...any way I can.." I smiled, putting a hand on his shoulder.

He looked at me, a small smile present in his dull face. The blonde pulled me in for a hug. "Thanks man...that's a lot..." I hugged back with a smile, patting his back. "Wanna know a trick?" I smirked, he looked at me confused. "A..trick?" He repeated. I nodded and smiled, "ever thought of using reverse psychology on his boyfriend?" I could feel my idea getting through to him. "I never even encountered him properly." He was reluctant, but seemed into it.

"Encounter him, and I'll make sure he comes clean."


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