Chapter 4

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while. School has been crazy, I had a fencing tournament and Orchestra auditions... XD XD :), but here's the new chapter. Hope you like it! (Also guess in the comments below what cat this is!)

Patchpaw walked side by side with Icepaw, one of the new apprentices. He and his siblings, Whitepaw, a small white tom with green eyes, and Pebblepaw, a dappled pale ginger she-cat with blue eyes had been made apprentices around a moon before. They joked and laughed and chatted about the battle that day. "Patchpaw, what did you things of the rouges today?" asked Icepaw.

"I wasn't there. We were outside in the training hollow,"

She paused and stopped walking, then turned to Icepaw. "Wait. Rouges?"

The pale gray tom nodded. "Yeah, we were attacked by rouges. You didn't know that?"

Patchpaw shook her tortoiseshell-and-white head. "We were attacked by a badger,"

She thought back to the attack. The badger had claws marks and fresh wounds on its pelt as if something had attacked it before and driven to towards them to keep them away from the camp. As if the rouges had tried to keep them away. But how would they have known that they would be there at just after sun-high? Had someone told the rouges? But only a clan cat could know about the assessment. So who had given information to the enemy? It was sensible to have as little warriors in the camp when attacking. If she were part of the rouge group, she would have done the same. All of these questions whorled violently around Patchpaw's mind, swirling her thoughts into a confusing and dizzying spiral. The SkyClan apprentice sighed quietly and shook her head. I'm probably just over-reacting over nothing. Well, but it isn't nothing. Boulderheart died because of it! she worried.

Fresh grief shrouded Patchpaw for a moment over her dead clanmate. He didn't deserve to die. A shockingly cold sensation seeped into the she-cat forelegs as Patchpaw stepped into the lake. She had been so wrapped up in thoughts she hadn't seen the edge of the lake. Freezing water splashed up soaked her pelt as she quickly scrambled out of the lake. Icepaw purred in amusement at her clumsiness. "Sorry I didn't warn you. I just wanted to see what would happen," Icepaw apologized from his perch on the tree-bridge.

"It's fine. I should have been the one paying attention," Patchpaw shook her pelt thoroughly before leaping somewhat gracefully onto the bridge. Her wet paws slipped on the smooth wood, and she dug her claws and struggling to find a foothold on the tree.  Icepaw quickly reached down and sunk his long white fangs into her scruff, then heaved upwards. Patchpaw scrambled back onto the bridge. Her eyes met Icepaw's. She held his gaze. "Thanks for saving me." she mewed.

Icepaw purred. "Anytime, Patchpaw."

The two continued walking along the tree-bridge to the Gathering-Place. 

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