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The first people to be sighted when they walked into the house were the twins - Kiran and Eshaan. They were so engrossed in painting, that they did not even acknowledge her presence in the room.

With unshed tears in her eyes, she called out to them with stretched arms; "Eshaan. Kiran baby." How much she missed them couldn't even be fathomed. She had initially thought they were burdensome and too loud, until she had to stay away from them for many days - only then did she realise family will always be family no matter how much they tend to irk or annoy you.

"Aunty Sam." They squealed simultaneously and ran into her waiting arms.

"My babies." She planted multiple kisses on Eshaan and likewise Kiran. "I missed you both so veryyyy much." She emphasised. "Did you miss me as well?"

"Yes, aunty Sam. I missed you so much. I cried a lot when I didn't see you. Mummy said you traveled, but you will be back very soon. Are you back already?" Kiran inquired.

Not wanting to break the little kid's heart, she cleared her throat awkwardly and changed the topic by speaking to Eshaan next. "It seems you didn't miss me, Eshaan." She feigned hurt. "Did you?"

"Of course I did. I even asked daddy about you." He replied.

Sam smiled and ruffled his hair. She couldn't help admire the little boy's maturity. She opened her mouth to speak, but before she could, Kiran beat her to it.

"He's lying." She countered. "He's never asked daddy about you."

Sam smiled - Kiran still hadn't changed at all. She was still the same troublemaker as always.

"Please ignore her. She always speaks rubbish." Eshaan rolled his eye.

"You -"

"That's enough now, kids." She cut her off, for she knew they weren't far from starting a meaningless argument. "Say hi to my companion here." She said, intertwining their fingers once more.

Instantly, they gazes darted to Samar, who had a big smile on his face.

"I have seen this man." Kiran commented.

"Who are you and why are you holding my aunt's hand?" Eshaan frowned.

"Calm down, kids. This is..." She trailed off as soon as she saw Durga emerging from upstairs.

"Sam?" She called in disbelief and while rushing down from the stairs, she almost slipped, but thankfully, Samar was quick to go to her aid. "Please be careful." He remarked.

Sam released the breath she didn't even know she had been holding. Even though she didn't say it out aloud, she was relieved her mother didn't fall and slip.

Instead of thanking him like she was supposed to, she narrowed her eyes at him and withdrew her hand from his. "Sam." She muttered again and engulfed her in a tight embrace. "My baby." She cried. "Where have you been? Why didn't you come home to us sooner? Do you know how worried I was about your safety? I thought something bad had happened to you."

Sighing, Sam disentangled herself from her. "I'm perfectly alright." She replied.

"You don't know how relieved I am to see you Sam. I'm glad you finally decided to come home to us." She smiled, then turned to the kids. "Go call grandpa in the room, Kiran and Eshaan, please call your mummy and daddy. Tell them Sam's here. Stay in your rooms afterwards."

"Okay, grandma." They chorused and ran upstairs.

"Be careful kids." Durga yelled after them. "Please take a seat, Sam." She said, purposely ignoring the presence of Samar.

"We're okay - 'standing'." She emphasized with a fake smile on.

Samar caressed her hand reassuringly. "Let's sit."

Durga watched in astonishment as Sam did as she was told, without hesitating. She cleared her throat awkwardly and impatiently waited for the family to arrive at the loving room.

Not long after, Pratik arrived. Just like Durga, he was very surprised to see Sam in the house. Ambling close to her, he hugged her. "How have you been?" He asked after pulling back from the hug. There was many things he wanted to know about her for the last few days. Many things he wanted to say to his baby girl, but the right words could not find their way pass her lips.

"Alright." She replier, curtly. Only God knew how much she wanted to throw that attitude of hers aside and tell her parents how much she really missed them in spite of everything they did to her and Samar's relationship.

"That's nice to know." He smiled. "I'm glad you're back home with us."

"I'm not here to stay." She sighed. "I will leave soon, for I don't belong here anymore."

"What do you mean?" Durga asked.

"Sam? Sam!" Roshni ran to her and hugged her tightly. So tight that Sam began to find it hard to breath normally.

"Sam!" Raj neared them and joined in the hug. "Where have you been, Sam? Do you know how worried we were? How worried mum was?"

Smiling, Samar continued to gaze at the little family reunion. He could not help, but pat himself on the back for a job well done. Right there and then, he knew he made the right decision by bringing Sam to see her family.

"Why aren't you replying?" Raj questioned and his gaze darted to Samar. "What is this loser doing here?"

As if waiting for the opportunity, Sam pushed him farther away from herself, vigorously. "This loser right here is my husband!"




"What!" Durga sprung up.

Pratik's eyes widened.

"You're kidding, aren't you?" Raj questioned.

"Really?" Roshni asked, gleefully.

"Yes." She replied. "We just got married."

"Wow! I'm so happy for the both of you." Roshni hugged her once again.

She was yanked back by an angry Raj. "I heard wrong, didn't I? You can't possibly be married to this nonentity without our parent's consent."

"Unfortunately for you, I am." She scoffed. "And for your information, this man you're referring to as a nonentity is far richer than you're right now. I'm not telling you this to show off, but to put you in your place. You like calling people names, don't you? Well that particular insult isn't for my husband anymore. I'm sure you've heard of Verma enterprises - right here in front of you is the new CEO." She introduced with a smirk. Hopefully that would teach her brother to stop looking down on people.

"I don't care who he is right now, but trust me, he is up to his dirty works once again." Raj accused.

Sam rolled her eyes. "We did not come here to get ourselves insulted by you." She turned to Samar. "I told you this was a bad idea. Let's leave, please."

"Wait, Sam." Pratik spoke. "You came for our blessings, right? Why do you want to leave without taking the blessings with you?"


"What we did in the past was wrong. I'm sorry you had to suffer emotionally because of that single lie. I realized that the moment you left and I promised myself to rectify that mistake. I have been thinking about this for a long time and I think it's time." He smiled. "Please come closer." He motioned and when they both did, they touched his feet. "Bless you. May your marriage be fruitful and successful."

With tears in her eyes, Sam hugged her father and cried hard. "Thank you so much, dad. I forgive you. I love you so much."

"I love you too, my princess. Your happiness is much important to me than any other thing and Samar is the only person capable of giving you that. Why would I deprive you of such happiness?" He smiled.

"This means a lot to me, dad." Sam remarked.

"Thank you so much, sir. I pro-"

"Please call me dad. You're like my son now." He said, cutting Samar off.

Tears welled up in Samar's eyes - finally he would get to call someone dad again. It meant so much to him. "Thank you, dad. I promise to take care of Sam until my last breath."

"You better hold on to this promise of yours, otherwise, you're going to get it from me." He joked.

"I will never disappoint you, dad." He promised.

"I will keep that in mind." He replied and for the first time ever, he hugged him. "I hope you find it in your heart to forgive my family and I for all the mean words we've said to you in the past. You understand why I couldn't give my consent right? I was only trying to protect my daughter, but obliviously, I was hurting her more. I was only being an overprotective father. Nevertheless, you will understand what I mean when you eventually have a baby girl in the future.

"Believe me, dad, even before this explanation, I understood you. All of you. I have never held a grudge against any of you." Samar replied.

"Why didn't I see this goodness in you earlier?" H asked himself. "My daughter couldn't have found a better partner than you. Bless you, son."

"Truthfully, I'm the lucky one." He smiled and turned to Durga. "Mum-"

She raised a hand, cutting him off. "I never said you could call me mum. I am not your mother."

Samar swallowed - obviously, she still had not accepted him. "I'm sorry, ma'am."

More tears prickled Sam's eyes. She knew it would be hard for her mother to accept her husband that easily.

"Who gave you the right to get married to my daughter without our consent?" She queried.

"I'm sorry." He apologized.

"Sorry?" Sam shrieked. "Why are you apologizing? Do you regret getting married?"

"Of course not, but we should have at least informed them before going ahead with the marriage." He reasoned.

"I'm glad you realized your mistake and have apologized for it." Durga remarked, overlooking Sam's words. "Why are you here then?"

"We want your blessing." He replied, straightforwardly.

"And what makes you think I will bless your marriage?" She questioned.

"Please, Durga." Pratik beseeched. "That's enough now."

"I'm not done talking. Please let me." She sighed, before turning back to Samar. "What made you think so?"

"Hope." He replied. "I love your daughter so much and that love didn't allow me to stop hoping for a change of heart."

"That's enough for me." Durga said, making everyone's attention turn to her. "That you love my daughter so much. You both would have never been here if it wasn't for you. I know my daughter well enough. She didn't initiate this. Am I wrong?"

"No." Sam replied, truthfully. "I didn't even know we were heading here, until we arrived. He had to practically beg me before I agreed to come in with him."

"You'd never have cared if you weren't so good at heart. Thank you so much for bringing back my child to me - for this, I will bless your marriage, even though I still don't like you." She chuckled amidst sobs.

"Thank you so much, ma'am." Samar took her blessing and hesitatingly, she blessed him.

Sam hugged her and thanked her immensely. "I'm only doing this for the sake of not losing you again. I'm giving him a chance to prove himself to us as a worthy person."

"I know, mum and I can swear on my life that he is never going to let you down."

"I hope so." She smiled and took a seat on one of the couches.

"Roshni." Sam hugged her. "I'm sorry for the things I said to you in the past. You helped and kept me company when I was sad and lonely. Thank you so much for all the help and support you've rendered to me. You're indeed a sister and a friend."

"May your home be filled with joy and may the love you two share, never diminish. May you also give birth to twins." She prayed.

Samar as well as Sam blushed by her words.

"I don't need another Kiran and Eshaan in my life." Sam joked. "I don't mind having Eshaan though, but never Kiran."

Everyone in the room laughed, except obviously for Raj. With one last glare at Samar, he climbed the stairs leading to his room in haste.

Indubitably, he was the only one yet to accept Samar.


Liked or loved?

The family is finally united?

Will Raj ever come around?


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