An Unwanted Guest

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Chapter 25:

It was like the world came crushing at his feet; the world which he created through dreams, the world which depicted her, the world which emerged out of dark, the world which meant his everything, the world which was her.

All his life he has suffered. He lived his life not like any normal people decipher, but a life of being a mistake, and pure torture.

It was always difficult for him to digest the pain, but hearing, just hearing his love getting married, killed his soul, this pain was pure torture and new, because this pain was due to heart ache.

He felt numb, he felt disheartened. he felt like his soul was ripped out of his body, because it was her, and she ripped herself away; away from his love, which was pure, new and which will last forever.

All the way through his journey, he has always been in tears rather living wishes, but when he thought of  asking a wish for his self, it was deprived of his touch.

How much one can suffer, If this is what the way life outcome?

A hand pressed itself in his shoulder, when hearing those words from Katie, his pupil dilated.

He turned around to see the Old Man who all his life lived in love, and now who is living for love.

He shook his head, and asked, "What do you mean Katie?",

"I am so sorry Alan, Fathima has invited us to her home for some Reunion party with her cousin, and it's the first time she is calling us home, So", she paused.

"So?", he asked gathering up courage.

"So I thought", she continued but was  cut off by, "You thought? How could you even think like that?", asked Alan hoarsely, he could not simply digest those word's, then how could he digest the reality?

"Alan listen, the way she hugged and the glow in both of their faces for myself each other, the love they shared, her smile, everything shows she loves him, and he does", she was cut off again

"Enough", screamed Alan,

It was more than he ever imagined to take inside, the pain was severe, and his heart was burning with fire.

"Son cool down! There's nothing like that, he could be her cousin, or he could be her love, but I am sure your heart will win hers", Old Alan's bickering fell on deaf ears  because, Alan already marched out.


"This is so tiring, I just want to go and hibernate for months. No, wait, for years, that would be the best thing of my life", said Fathima, as she wiped the sweat from her fore head.

Maahi who was moping the floor eyed her, "Fathima you are feeling tired?", and asked her out of curiosity.

"Of course, do you doubt it?",

"No. No, not at all, I don't have any doubt that you're tired".

"What do you mean?", she crooked her nose, as she sat on the arm rest.

"I mean my dear Fathima that you not even moved a pebble out of the way, and you are feeling tired?",

"Hey I am working since morning, you blind headed fool",

"Fool is it, I am not a fool. You are the one who is fooling around and being such a brat and drama queen. Today is a Réunion party for me, and being your guest and the most honorable person of the party, I am mopping the floor, and you being your usual self, climbed down the stairs from your room and feeling tired, seriously? ",

" You are right she is such a rotten brat of Dad, and a big drama queen award winner ",cooed Asad as he took a bite from his apple, earning a glare from the very respected person sitting in front of him.

" For your kind information, I am not the one you both are blaming for, do you know how hard it is to climb down the stairs? Have you ever counted them? I literally climbed down 20 steps, t-w-e-n-t-y of them", exclaimed Fathima ironically.

And the other two rolled their eyes.


"You know that you are the one to sail the boat of your life, you are the one to climb the mountain of  your problems, you are the one to face the lion of your fear, you are the one to fight the battle of self defense, you are the one to solve every short comings you undergo, so buckle up and march towards your destiny ",

"It is never too late to begin. Your happiness is not a miles away, it is just closed in your hands, open them and spread it everywhere. Your heart knows that she will be yours, so just claim her",

"I have belief on you. There is always sunshine after a dark night. And always rainbows after a dark past",

"You should not loose hope on anything until you perceive it. So go, go and perceive your dreams. Go and catch them. And hide them in your world of sleep, just for you to endure",

"Take an attempt; and success would be at your door step, you just need to try hard".

With the use of every kinds of word's Old Alan changed the way of his thinking, wiped the tears and fears, and made him glance at the journey he should undergo.

And here he was ringing the calling bell of Fathima's home as an uninvited guest.


Want to know more?

Wait to turn the pages, in future.....


I really really want more comments and enjoyment, it's been so long.....

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I am anxiously, eagerly, and happily want to know the ones who find this book interesting, so let me know....

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