The Flash Of Light

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Dedicated to lovelies:
Afrin_22 who read my story and  gave lots of love through their beautiful comments. Thank you so much guys❤️

Chapter 29:


Just an four letter word; which holds all the humans inside.

It twists and takes unexpected turns, it let's loose and goes back to normal, it slaps and makes us shed tears of joy, it makes situations just go worst and turns it into normal as if nothing had gone wrong.

What can one describe about life?

No one ever can make out the courage to explain life.

Not the one who has gone into any sort of miseries, not the one who doesn't even know that an seven letter word 'problem' can make the present burn like hell, not the one who survived storm's of sufferings, not the one who was always in smiles.

The real one to explain what life is, is the one who had gone all the way towards understanding what actually it is, is.

Alan was amused to know that in life there are so many peoples share his sorrows and so many peoples share his happiness.

He finally understood he is not the only one undergoing through life. There are so many people out there who are actually living it.

With some more of amusement he wanted to explore and know who was this mystery Man who actually not existed in his history.

That means all his life he has got an impression coming across Devil that no one in this world is Human enough to treat his family like a family is to be treated.

On his point of view one is busy earning money, building desires, and in between all these things they forget that someone is there in their home to be taken care of, which mainly means spending time with each other and the that's what we lack these days on our hectic busy schedules.

"Come on Fathima, tell me who is it?", he asked her once again.

"Alan just leave those things out there you won't understand", she replied in a clipped tone like old days.

"What's the problem over it? Why can't I understand, I don't get it",

"I think I should leave now, the twins might have finished their time at the ferris wheel", she said trying to get up.

"Fathima you can't go just like that",

"Why can't I?", she turned towards his direction.

"You have to answer who it is because I have the right to know who he actually is", he said becoming frustrated because of her sudden change of behavior.

"And why do you get the right to know?", she asked with raised eyebrow.

"Hey! Don't get me wrong. I told you that I have the right to know who this Amazing kind of person who would to me will never can exist is", he took a breath in exasperation,"because all my life I haven't seen a Man love his wife rather treat her his equal. I haven't seen a Man spend time with her in cooking rather to play with her. I haven't seen any of them", he didn't know when his amusement turned into total frustration.

"I don't know what a happy family forever and ever after, and blah blah blah looked like because I haven't lived like one", she blinked as she stared him for a moment.

Well! She obviously didn't know that he wanted to know because of this reason. It was awful.

"I want to know about him because I myself want to live like him", he justified and immediately she blushed unknowingly.

She didn't know why but the thought that how Alan would treat his wife like her wishes made her blush.

"Fine", she said at last and his face lit up.

"So who is he?", he asked earning more interest.

"You won't believe, but actually he is Ummm., My Prophet".


"Oh My God! You are telling me that the one you try to follow and be like, is the one who was this amazing. Umm! I mean to say he was a Prophet right? One who is very famous and powerful, How come?", he wondered.

"Yeah! He is the one. He was most popular to the outside world yet the best caring inside home. He was an warrior protecting his religion yet he spent quality time with his family. He was an tutor to everyone else outside yet he performed his actions so well as he thought others to be",

"I know what you are meaning, and I understand totally. Alan a person can show off anything to the world he wishes. He can show he is wise, rich, happy, poor, merciful, caring and so on to others. Other people may call him the Man with the Best Character on seeing him. But the truth is 'A Man can only be real to his family'. If he behaves the best with them then he is really the best. If his family is happy with him then he is really good. And you know the most popular and powerful leaders, celebrities, rich business men and many people who are famous to all the World are not always have a good family back ground. If you look at their back ground you will find them to be divorcees, their parents leaving them alone, their children not respecting them. They will be a disaster inside",

He was silent now hearing those words because he knew it to the truth for himself has seen it with his own eyes and self.

"But Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was not like them. He was loved by his family as same as he was loved outside. His wife, his children, his relatives and his friends all were satisfied with him. He was the most perfect Man whom I proudly can say I follow",

He was mesmerized to hear about him and he was already in awe by knowing who he was.

But before he could know more someone interrupted them.

"Fathima we are finished", called Maahi as he walked with the twins towards them on seeing Alan his face broke into a grin.

"Hi dude", he greeted.

"Alan, Alan Bro", Asad jumped to him.

He was more than willing very happy to be with them.

"Yes Bro. How are you?", he grinned.


I hope you all like the chapter!

I miss your comments, please leave many!

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