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{So I don't own Nanbaka}

{So this is set in an alternate universe where everyone has sorta normal lives and no prison records}


Your Name:{Y/N}

Last Name:{L/N}

Eye Color:{E/C}

Hair Color:{H/C}

Skin Color: {S/C}

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A male wearing sunglasses smirked as he held a microphone in hand, "Alright you B****** at home welcome to our newest show that will be staring some sorta average people trying to win the heart of the beautiful goddess our lovely Vixen herself {Y/N} {L/N} !" the male yelled and people watching the live show were quite excited "But before we let her on stage let's introduce our  contestant's  shall we!?"

A male with green hair twitched slightly he was nervous along with the others that had been waiting to step out onto the small stage, the men chosen had all been given suits to wear and had been told to wait.

"Our first contestant up comes from a wealthy family, he's a guy with anger issues and kinda looks like a gorilla, Hajime Sugoroku !" the sunglasses male yelled and a male wearing a hat to cover his bald head walked out onto stage his eye twitching, he didn't want to be here but his little brother had signed him up for this stupid show, "Any words for the viewers at home?".

"Don't call me a gorilla" Hajime stated as he went to go stand away from the annoying broadcaster, he wanted to bash the guys head in.

"Well than up next we have a male that may look hot ladies but he's actually a Whiny little money, Samon Gokuu!!" a male walked out on stage his tail moving side to side, he was a bit annoyed for the fact his rival was here as well.

"I'm not a money damn you!" the male yelled annoyed at the broadcaster who only smirked and went on to the next person.

"He's the heir to a company and an Ex police dog trainer, with a love for dogs and popular with the ladies the dog himself Kenshirou Yozakura!"

"I didn't ask to be here" a white haired male with an eye patch sighed as he walked onto stage, he was quite calm and really didn't want to be here, but he had to get over the break up with his ex girlfriend that had a thing for the bald male on stage, the white haired male hoped this show would help to win her back even if the point was to get another girl.

"The next up is a male that is beautiful as a deadly flower but if you look closely is just a pheasant in Heavy makeup , Kiji Mitsuba!" a male wearing way to much makeup walked on stage quite annoyed, seeing the fact the ones he knew from college was here.

"I am here to win darling everyone else is just plain hideous" The male stated already pissing off most of the males that had yet to be introduced and the ones on stage, he was only here for the money and to win the heart of his favorite actress/model.

"Next up is a male who is only here because his mother wants grandchildren , Seitarou Tanabata , A male afraid of is own shadow!" Mitsuru stared at the paper in his hand, it was wrote by the males mother.

A male with long light blue hair walked onto stage slightly shaking, he was forced by his own mother to be here, and would rather be at home reading a book or teaching at his students at the school her worked at, "P-Please go easy on me" the male mumbled.

"Alright next up is a male that might be a pyromaniac and lost his eyes in a knife accident , No known last name, Musashi!" 

A male not wearing a shirt walked on stage , his red and yellow hair kinda looked like fire and most people at home had their eyes glued to the screen to see his abs, a black piece of cloth wrapped around his eyes, "This is going to be fun" he stated.

"Up next we have a male with a split personality, Nico!"

The green haired male from earlier that was twitching walked onto stage still worried, his long green hair was down and he had bandages wrapped around one of his eyes and one of his arms, "I hope we can all get along" he smiled.

"A male with a love for sharp things and the only good talent he has is breaking out of things and solving puzzles, he can somehow drown in the tub, Jyugo!"

A male with black hair and two colored eyes walked on stage, he was kinda bored and didn't know why he was here, than again his friends just dragged him along, he decided not to say anything for he had no clue what to say.

"Up next is a extremely handsome male, that can get any girl he wants, and that wrote this himself because of his huge ego, Uno!"    

"I do not have a huge ego" a male with blonde and pink hair in a braid stated, as he walked on stage and went to stand by the others.

"Up next we have to actually handsome males who everyone knows from their hit songs, the handsome duo, Honey and Trois!"

Two males walked on stage and their aura was quite large, and many had to shield their eyes from the two males, one had mint green hair the other had purple, they were only here to prove something to each other.

"{Y/N} won't help but fall in love with me" the purple haired one smirked "I wonder what color her panties are".

"I wonder how beautiful she actually is and what color her bra is" the mint green haired male stated.

"Next up a male who has his own gym and a large appetite for food, Rock!".

A male with purple and red hair walked on stage with a smile, he was only here because he had to keep an eye on Uno, "I'm hoping the food good" , he hoped it was good, who knew if it was or not on a TV show.

"Next we have two males and a piece of trash , as they call him, Upa, Liang and the trash Qi!" 

Three walked on stage one of them sighing, he knew this was coming he shouldn't have tried to talk them into this show in the first place, he looked kinda old, and had glasses, one of them was short with teal hair and very pale skin, another had on pink eye liner and his black hair in a braid.

"The trash forced us here" The short one said annoyed.

"This show is a waste of our time" the black haired one stated.

"I'm not trash" the last one mumbled.

"And now the one we all have been wanting to see the beautiful vixen, that steals your hearts and smashes them , {Y/N} {L/N}!"

"Still bitter after our break out Mitsuru" a beautiful women with long {H/C} hair pulled into a bun, wearing a {C/C} dress and black flats, walked onto stage giving the camera a wink, her {E/C} eyes shining a bit, as she smirked, "Hello lovely readers".

"Well than There you have it the ones in this book show thing, now Each week you the readers get to pick who you want off and who you want to keep in this book!" Mitsuru smirked , "Starting right now cast in your votes who you want to get the boot!".

The males were worried, seeing as it had already started, for they would be staying with this girl for a hole entire year, and while here they had to win her heart but who would do so?

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{So Readers Who do you want gone so far?}

{So this is based on your comments to see who stays who goes and who wins {Y/N}'s heart}

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