Talking to a Best Friend

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3rd Pov

After Daichi knocked Ruby out he walked back to the restaurant  as he enter inside he notice that the tables was on the ground knowing him the mini quakes he dd went he slammed half of the students into the ground.

Daichi: Shit...Is everyone alright in here?

He soon heard some noise as he saw some of the rubble highlight in green knowing Tatsumaki was using her powers and lift up the rubble to reveal her and the rest of them.

Daichi: *sighs* You guys are alright. Sorry about causing this.

Tatsuamki: You is lucky that I love you otherwise I would throw you into the core of the damn planet.

Mitsuri: I-is it over?

Rumi: Jeez I hope so.

Giselle: Dai Dai you feeling better?

Daichi: Eh, feeling alright for the time being. Let's get out of here before even more fucking problems comes up.

Everyone then grabbed their stuff and quickly leaves as they waved good bye to Bambietta as they left her restaurant.

Two Hours Later....

The group soon made it back home as Daichi soon sat down sighing to himself.

Mitsuri: You okay Dai?

Daichi: Somewhat, just had to beat some people who was somewhat friends with me and my ex.

Giselle: .....What?

Daichi: My bitch of an ex was there...Right didn't tell you what happened to me.

Daichi then explained what had happened to him at Union to Giselle as he noticed the more he told the anger she gets.

Daichi: And that's it.

Giselle: ....I wanna turn her into a zombie.

Daichi: Huh?

Giselle: I forgot to tell you. If my blood gets onto people they'll turn into zombies that I can control.

Tatsumaki: That's disgusting.

Daichi: Weird but cool.

Daichi's phone soon ringed and he saw it was Makima and he answer the phone.

Daichi: Hey Makima.

Makima: Daichi I finally got that request you ask for.

Daichi: Really? Thanks Maki.

Makima: Just have to meet me so I can give it to you. And I want something in return for helping you.

Daichi: *sighs* Damnit...forgot you do this. Alright what is it?

Makima: How about a date?

Daichi: *blinks and sighed again* Alright fine. But I'm gonna meet someone before heading to where you is at just sent me the location and I'll be there.

Makima: Alright. Bye.

Daichi: *put his phone away and groans* Ugh....

Rumi: Something happened?

Daichi: My friend got the stuff for us to go to Mantle. And I need to go and get it but have to speak with someone.

Giselle: Who?

Daichi: My best friend, Gyomei. Hold on.

He took out his phone again and calls Mola as she answers.

Mola: Ah hello Daichi. Need my help with something?

Daichi: Yeah, can you make some gear, and a sword for my friend Gyomei?

Mola: That I can do. Is there something else?

Daichi: After that head over to a location I'm going to send you to see if something is true.

Mola: Alright then. You already gave Gyomei the location?

Daichi: Yeah gonna send it to you.

Mola: Okay, I'll meet the two of you there.

Daichi: Okay. *hangs up* I'm gonna be gone for a couple of hours.

Mitsuri: Be safe.

Daichi: *chuckles* I will. 

He then walks into the garage and got on his bike and he then drives off.

In Union.....

Gyomei was walking the news as they was talking about students from Union fighting with Daichi and how they all lose.

Gyomei: I fucking told them not to go after him..*sighing*

He then heard groaning as he turned his head and saw the injuired WBY, JNPR, rias Peerage, and a red face Ruby. He walked over and coldly glared at them.

Gyomei: What did I fucking told you not to do Yang?

Yang: I-i know you told us not to go after him...B-but I didn't want Ruby to be depressed all day.

Gyomei: *growls* I'll deal with you and Blake later. Now you guys go get fucking patched up.

All of them expect for Ruby then leave to get patched up as he looked at Ruby.

Gyomei: What's up with you?

Ruby: *snaps back to reality* O-oh w-w-well...D-daichi k-k-kissed me. O-oh! *gives Gyomei the note* H-here.

Gyomei: *takes the note and saw Ruby then runs off* ...That was something...

Gyomei opens the notes and say that it was Daichi's handwriting saying to meet him at this location.

Gyomei: Okay, Dai let's see what do you want to talk about.

He walks outside and looked at the air and notice that it was cloudy smirking as he charged up lighten and then disappeared in the lighten as it enter into the clouds.

With Daichi.....

Daichi was driving in the open area as he then stopped and waited as he soon heard thunder.

Daichi: Heh, there he is.

Lighten then hits the ground revealing Gyomei.

Daichi: Took your sorry ass long.

Gyomei: Still the same asshole huh?

Daichi: Oh fuck off bitch.

The two then walks up to each other and fist bumps before laughing.

Gyomei: So got a new girlfriend huh?

Daichi: Actually four girlfriends.

Gyomei: Damn....wait I though five since you know....Ruby.

Daichi: That is true. 

Gyomei: So why am I here?

Daichi: Well I wanna ask you this: You wanna take down Mantle with me?

Gyomei: Mantle?! Are you fucking crazy?!

Daichi: I took down Schnee factory by myself and you asking me if I'm crazy?

Gyomei: *sighs* True....

Daichi: So are you helping?

Gyomei: ....Fine.

Daichi: *chuckles* Alright.

Gyomei: So you got armor for me to use?

Daichi: Just wait...

Then a portal appeared and Mola walked out holding a suit case

Mola: Hello boys.

Gyomei: Dai who is this?

Mola: Well Gyomei, I am the one who saved Daichi when he was on the vere of death. I am the goddess of fate Mola.

Gyomei: And she knows my name.

Mola: That I do and here. *hands him the suitcase*

Gyomei: What is this?

Mola: Armor, helmet, and a new sword for you.

Gyomei soon opens it and then put the gear on and helmet.

(The sword)

Gyomei: Woah this is flexibile for my speed and stuff.

Daichi: While mines is meant to withstand damages.

Gyomei: *deactivates mask* Thanks Mola.

Mola: Your welcome. Now Daichi give me the location of where I'm meeting this person.

Daichi: Oh right.

Daichi then gives her the location as she smiled.

Mola: Thanks. I'll be there in five minutes.

Mola then walks back into the portal and it disappears.

Gyomei: So now what

Daichi: Hey to this location *show him the location of the girl's house* and be there.

Gyomei: Ight see you there.

Gyomei then charged up lighten and disappear into the cloud as Daichi shake his head as he got onto his bike and then drives off to where Makima is located at.

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