Time To Let Loose

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3rd Pov

Daichi was staring at Sloan while pointing his hand cannon at her as he sees her with knives.

Daichi: Knives really? You is going to fight me with knives.....

Sloan: You is on the level of respect to kill you with my bare hands. Nor to talk badly about Madam Annika.

Daichi: Whatever> I don't care about her feelings and I really don't give an rat's ass about yours. And you is standing in my way on my mission so I'm gonna kill you either quick and easy or slow and very very pain bitch.

Sloan: I will rip your vocal cord and present them to Madam Annika as reward.

(Play the song above)

Daichi then fired some shots at Sloan who runs passed them and threw some knives to which Daichi dodges and Sloan got close to Daichi and kicked him sending him to a car.

Daichi: You got strength I'll give you that. But not up to the people I fought before.

Daichi grips on the car and throws it at Sloan full speed but she easily jumps over the car but Daichi was expecting that and he slammed his fist into her gut while she was mid air and grabbed the cloth and proceed to slammed her into the ground making the ground crack. He went to attack again but was hit in the arm with an knife that Sloan quickly thrown and kicked him in the face and gotten up.

Sloan: *holds her stomach and glares at Daichi* You dare touch me...

Daichi: *pulls the knife out off his arm* Oh shut up you wanted a fight.

Daichi reloaded his hand-cannon and fired at Sloan who was throwing knives at him which some did hit him but he dodges the rest before Daichi throws some flashbangs but Sloan slice them into piece.

Daichi: Okay what the fuck...

Daichi went back to firing his hand-cannon at her but Sloan kicked the gun out of his hand and kneed him in the chin but he grabbed her leg and slammed her into the ground hard once again and thrown her into another car and tossed an grenade and making an explosion.

Daichi: Hm, I wonder how's Rachel is handling her fight...

(stop the song for now...)

With Rachel


(Play the song and this is her theme)

Rachel then heard the explosion in the distance and knowing that it was Daichi causing it as she quickly dodges an punch from Mya as she kicked the fighter in the gut knocking Mya a bit back.

Mya: *chuckles* You got a good kick but I had worst.

Rachel: *scoffs* Of fucking course.

Rachel then throws her arms as her wires attached themselves to some objects and launched them at Mya who just punched them away as she felt Rachel's wires wrapped around her body and then was thrown into the ground and dragged around by Rachel. Rachel kept on dragging Mya across the ground and pulled Mya to her as Rachel punched her in the chest with her strength sending Mya through the building.

Rachel: *breathing a bit* How abut that bitch!

Rachel's eyes widen a bit and quickly dodges an fire like attack as she sees Mya walking out of the hole she created with her fist covered in blue flames.

Mya: You got spark girl! Now I'm going to stomp on it!

Mya then runs at Rachel in top speed as Rachel had barely time to dodge an punch from Mya but wasn't fast enough to dodge the second attack as she was punched in the gut and was knocked across the floor and crashed into the ground. Before Rachel could get up Mya comes down from the air and tries to knee her but Rachel trapped Mya in her wires and started to clenched her fist making the wires to dig deep into Mya's skin and soon May was throw far away as Rachel was wiping the blood from her mouth and nose.

Rachel: Ugh.....father should of told us that the bitch had body guards....

Rachel gets up and notice part of her clothes was on fire to due Mya as she patted the area but was punched in the face by Mya who ran quickly and send Rachel flying but she was caught by Daichi.

(stop playing the song)

Daichi: Seems like you're having fun.

Rachel: Ugh....shut the fuck up.

Daichi put Rachel on her feet as she wipes the blood from her nose again as the two of them sees Mya and Sloan.

Sloan: *looks at Mya* Seems you is doing well.

Mya: *chuckles* Yeah! I see you is having trouble with the guy!

Sloan: He's getting on my last nerves.

Daichi: I though I got your last nerve...Seem I'm getting sloppy at that.

Rachel: *sighing* My boyfriend is an idiot.

Daichi: Say you wanna switch fighters? Cause you is terrible with fighting up close and personal.

Rachel: Hm, fine.

Daichi nodded his head and then rushed at Mya and punched Mya as the two of them went fighting else where leaving Rachel and Sloan.

Sloan: I hope you don't annoy me. *pulls out small knives*

Rachel: *made wires appear from her fingers* Shut the fuck up and fight.

(play Rachel's theme again)

Rachel then throws her wires at Sloan who quickly jumps out of it's reach as Sloan throws knives at Rachel but she easily got the knifes in wires and destroyed them.

Rachel: Not fucking today bitch!

Sloan felt wires attached to her legs and it sink into her skin drawing blood as she was thrown through tree and onto a car as Rachel fired at the car making it exploded and was on fire. Sloan walks out of the flames slightly burnt a bit as she was breathing heavily.

Sloan: You bastard......*clenched her fist*

Rachel: Jeez just die already. This is getting on my nerves..

Sloan soon rushed at Rachel and Rachel did the same as they was exchanging blows to blows with Rachel getting cuts on her body while Sloan was getting slashes on her body as Rachel grabbed Sloan by the rip and wrapped it with wires before she then rips Sloan's arm off completely as Sloan yelled out in pain.

Sloan: *yelling and looks at her missing arm* You bastard.....

Rachel: *chuckles creepily* I'm going to butcher you.

Sloan threw more knives but Rachel didn't care as she let the knives hit her as she diced up Sloan's ripped off arms and wrapped more wires into Sloan and started to rip her body apart as Sloan was screaming out in pain.

(stop playing her theme)

With Daichi....

(play his theme)

Daichi tackled Mya and throws her into a wall as the both of them was hearing Sloan's screaming.

Daichi: Jeez..she's is going crazy again.

Mya: Sloan!! 

Mya got out of the wall and tries to get to where Sloan is at but Daichi rushed up an punched her back to the ground.

Daichi: Not today bitch.

Mya growls as her fist was covered in those blue flames again and staretd punching Daichi as he was punching back as their blows was connecting with each other.

(Like so)

As the two kept on trading blow for blow, Daichi swipe her legs and slammed Mya into the ground hard but was kicked in the face and was spin kicked away as Mya tries to run but Daichi who easily recovers from the attacks grabbed her by the face and slammed her into the wall and started dragging her face across the wall. He then stopped and throws her into the air and grabbed ehr leg and slammed her into the ground over and over again before throwing her into the ground as Mya gets up and spat out blood.

Mya: You....motherfucker....I'm going to kill you.....

Mya then passed out due to the pain that Rachel and Daichi had caused to her as Daichi walks to her knocked out body.

Daichi: I should kill you. But nah, you can kill me in the future I don't care. Now to see how's my girl doing.

(stop playing the song)

Daichi walks over to the last place he saw Rachel and notice blood and sliced up body parts on the ground and he then saw Rachel standing above an pile of diced body parts as he saw it was Sloan who was diced up.

Daichi: Jeez you over did it.

Rachel: Oh shut the fuck up. *pulls the last knife from her gut* Now to kill the boss.

Daichi: Don't worry I got that handle.

Rachel: *raised an eyebrow* Uh how?

Daichi then pulls out an button and pressed down on it and the whole building exploded leaving Rachel in shock.

Rachel: Since when you set up explosive?!

Daichi: When we first got here. I always think of an backup plan just in case one of us fucked up.

Rachel: I......*sighs* Let;s just go before I pass out from losing too much blood.

Daichi: Yeah yeah.....

The two then leaves the area and started making their way back to her father's house.

Hours Later.....

Daichi was resting on his bed that he was sharing with Rachel as he have small bandages around his shoulder and upper arm area as he hears the door opens and saw Rachel walking in only wearing a huge shirt that covers her upper body.

Daichi: So you told your father that we did the job.

Rachel: Yeah. *sits on the bed* He said we could of done it quieter but we got the job done and he;s happy about that.

DaichiL That's good to hear.

Rachel then crawls on top of Daichi and kisses his face.

Daichi: Woah frisky much?

Rachel: Hey if I'm sharing you with people I have to assert my dominace and steal your first time.

Daichi: Excuse me?

Daichi then feels his arms was wrapped around in Rachel's wires as he sees her licking her lips as he started to feel fear for the first time.

Daichi: H-hey can we talk about this?

Rachel: No~

Daichi: Ah crap basket....

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