Chapter 6

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In the eastern end of Fiore is the town of Magnolia.

[Spain-like country]

Population: 60000. It's a trade town that's used magic since way back.

Go past Kardia Cathedral, which towers above the center of town...

And you'll find the only wizard guild in the area, Fairy Tail.


This is where I've taken up residence. (Rent: 70000 J)

It's a little expensive, but the shopping district is close, so it's very convenient.


"I'm so glad I found a nice place!" Lucy said, stretching in her bathtub. "It's pretty big for 70 Grand jewels." Lucy narrated to nobody in particular. She has a habit of doing that. "Plenty of storage space." Lucy said, drying her hair with a towel while another towel was wrapped around her to dry her body and walk around without clothing while not feeling naked at the same time. "Pure white walls! A wood scent!" Lucy exclaimed. "A slightly retro furnace." Lucy said. "It even has a built-in kitchen stove!" "And the most wonderful part of all is..." Lucy said, anime stars surrounding her as she leaped into a room.

"...MY BEDROOM!!!!!!!" Lucy yelled as she spotted three trouble makers. "Yo!" Natsu said as he munched on potato chips (arguably 'potato chisps', as said by a certain comedian). Happy said nothing as he crunched on a fish. Sans laid on the floor, fast asleep with a bottle of ketchup in hand. He almost seemed drunk, and some ketchup was dripping out of his mouth. "WHAT ARE YOU THREE EVEN DOING HERE???????" Lucy yelled, insta-K.Oing both Natsu and Happy with her Lucy Kicks. However, when she tried to Lucy Kick Sans, he only rolled out of the way, sleeping and bottle of ketchup still in hand. "WHA"- Lucy said, stumped as to how the naughty comedian managed to evasively maneuver in his sleep. Lucy looked at Natsu for a split second before looking back, only to see Sans gone. "heya. you really think i'd just lay there and take the hit?" A voice from behind her made her jump. "SANS!!!!! DON'T DO THAT!!!!!!" Lucy yelled, trying to punch Sans in the face. Once again, Sans just tilted his head to the side, dodging the punch with such ease that it seemed almost as natural as breathing when he did it.

Sans then shoved his hands into his pockets. "jeez, chillax kiddo. anyway, to answer your question, mira told us that you finally decided on a place and"- Sans was cut off when Lucy put her hands on her hips. "You heard, so what?!! Does that mean you can waltz on in?!!" Lucy said. Sans shook his head, eyes closed and an amused smile on his face. When he opened his eyes, they were empty voids of darkness. "actually, yes. i go where i like, and i don't think you can change that." Sans said, the cartoonish smile creeping onto his face. Lucy stumbled back as Natsu and Happy looked at Sans in confusion. "Hey, why'd you get so dark all of a sudden?!" Natsu asked. Sans closed his eyes and opened them, revealing his eyes. "why d'ya look so scared? i was only joking." Sans said. Lucy sweatdropped. Yeah, Lucy thought. Sure you were. You seemed a little too serious to be joking. "Anyway, back to the situation on hand!" Lucy said. "DON'T YOU KNOW THERE ARE CERTAIN RULES OF POLITENESS EVEN AMONG FRIENDS?!!! WHAT YOU THREE DID IS CALLED BREAKING AND ENTERING!!!!!!" "yeah, not like i haven't done it before." Sans replied to the comment almost silently. Nobody heard. "THIS IS A FINE TIME TO SHOW YOUR MORAL DEFICIENCIES!!!!!!!!!!!!" Lucy yelled, her eyes pure white in the anime symbolism of anger. "Hey, words like that can hurt!" Natsu said, sweat-dropping. "I'M THE WOUNDED PARTY HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!" Lucy yelled into Natsu's face.

"Nice place!" Happy said, scratching his claws on her walls. "DON'T SHARPEN YOUR CLAWS ON MY WALLS YOU FELINE!!!!!!!" Lucy yelled. Sans chuckled. "well, then wouldn't that make it a feline-y?" Sans asked. Lucy's eye twitched in anger. "NO PUNS IN THIS HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!" Lucy yelled. "oh, well i think that pun was purrrr-fect!" Sans countered once again with another pun. "SANS!!!!!" Lucy yelled, trying to Lucy Kick him. "oh no, i think i made lucy mad. this cat be good." Sans chuckled at his own pun. "STOP THE PUNS, YOU LITTLE BRAT!!!!!!!!!!!" Lucy yelled. She has a habit of doing that when she's really mad. "fine, fine. i'll lay off the puns when in this house, okay?" Sans said, holding his hand out for the peace treaty. Lucy hesitated for a moment before taking it. Sans grinned. He was soon right outside of the window. "window i do? i apparently can't make puns in her house!" Sans said. Lucy growled. "YOU LIED!!!!!!!" Lucy yelled, veins popping out of her head in an anime style. "no, i didn't. i simply made a loophole in my deal." Sans explained, his grin remaining as he dodged three punches and a Lucy Kick.

"Hm? What's this?" Natsu said as he flipped through a few pages on Lucy's desk. Lucy looked away from attacking Sans and saw what Natsu was looking through. "NOOOO!!!!" Lucy yelled, instantly diving in and snatching the papers right out of an unaware Natsu's hands and held them tightly to her chest, a protective look on her face. "Now you've got me worried. What is it?" Natsu said, a look of concern on his face. "Who cares what it is? Now why don't you just go home?" Lucy said. Natsu grinned innocently. "No! We came to have fun!" He said. Sans looked at Lucy. "uh, lucy? homeless guy here." Sans said, gesturing to himself. Lucy's jaw fell onto the ground. "WHAT??????? YOU DON'T HAVE A HOUSE???????????" The surprised girl-wizard said. "yeah." Sans deadpanned. Lucy tried punching him. The keyword is tried. From all the failed attempts before, you can guess what happened. Lucy let out a moan of outrage. "I can't believe how selfish you are!" She said. Sans instantly teleported to the window. "i think you mean shellfish?" Said comedian punned. Lucy almost punched him before deciding to close the window in his face, effectively leaving him outside.


Four cups of tea were steaming. "I just moved in. I haven't even had time to get furniture." She pouted. "There's nothing fun here! So drink your tea and go home!" She said. An anime version of Sans' head appeared in a speech bubble in the empty space in between her head and table. "except for the homeless guy here!" He said before the speech bubble disappeared. Of course that happened. This is an anime! "She has no heart, huh?" Natsu said. "Aye." Came the simple reply of a certain blue cat that we all know. "Oh! I've got it!" Natsu said, his face lighting up. Sans turned to face him, a simple 'mmh?' coming from him. "Why don't you show us all of those key guys that you have!" Natsu said. Lucy faced away from him in a 'huff-no-way' position. "No way! It uses up a lot of my magic! Besides, they're not key guys! They're Celestial Spirits!" Lucy huffed. "How many Celestial Spirits do you have contacts with?" Happy asked. "Six forms. You count Celestial Spirits as forms. One form. Two forms, etc." Lucy has yet another habit of explaining things for no reason. "The silver keys are sold at magic shops. Horologium, the Time Piece constellation... Crux, the Southern Cross constellation... and Lyra, the Harp constellation. The gold keys open the Gates called the Twelve Gates of the Zodiac. There's the Golden Bull constellation, Taurus... the Water Bearer constellation, Aquarius... and the Great Crab constellation, Cancer."Lucy explained.

But Sans was in deep thought about the symbols for the zodiacs. What Natsu, Lucy, and Happy saw were strange symbols to them were letters to Sans. Letters in a font he'd rather forget, as it reminded him of a... an accident that had happened to somebody he knew a long time ago. An underscore for Taurus, a lowercase H for Aquarius, and a lowercase A for Cancer. In order, it looked like this.

_ h a

Sans was creeped out. It said 'ha'. Ha. Like G- he was laughing at him. Laughing. 

Lucy noticed Sans' straight face turn into a twisted face of fear and anger. "Sans, SANS!!!" Lucy tried calling out to him. His eyes were empty sockets and his mouth was twisted into a snarl. His eye sockets were narrowed and he started talking in an unknown language. "■□♦︎ ♒️♓️◎📬 ■□♦︎ ♒️♓️◎📬" Sans was repeating under his breath. He was too deep in thought to hear her or the overreactions of Natsu and Happy when they heard 'Great Crab'. Sans started backing away from the keys before finally being snapped out of it. He was still sweating, but at least his eyes were back. "Sans! What has GOTTEN INTO YOU???" Lucy yelled. Sans stared at the keys, not taking his eyes off of them as he answered. "he's back. oh man, he's back." Sans then teleported outside of the window. "nonononononononono not again this can't happen nonono"- Sans was saying when Natsu grabbed him by the shoulders. "Listen," Natsu said, grabbing Sans' attention as he turned around, showing the glowing eye socket. "WHOEVER YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT WILL NOT HURT YOU!!!!!!!! WE'LL STOP THEM!!!!!!!!!" Sans eventually got a hold over his emotions as he calmed himself down to the point where he got rid of his eye sockets. He smiled at Natsu's words. "thanks, kiddo." Sans said. Mentally, he added, Sadly, I don't think you can help me with him. He's everywhere and technically doesn't exist because of me. But Sans never told that to Natsu. Sans put on his fake smile that he had gotten familiar with for over hundreds of resets.

"Oh!" Lucy suddenly realized that she still had yet to get a contract with her newest key. "I still need to get a contract with my new Gate Key! Canis Minor, constellation Nikora. Now's a good time to see how a Celestial Wizard makes a contract with a spirit!" Lucy said as she walked over to an open space. "ALL RIGHT!!!!!!!!!" Natsu yelled, his face bright with delight. Oh wow, I accidentally rhymed again. Suddenly Happy jumped, shivering. "Oh no! What happens if a contract goes into arrears?!" Happy exclaimed, terrified. "A contract in your rear?" Natsu said, mistaking what Happy said in the wrong way. "That's gotta hurt!" He started rubbing his bottom. "butt i think she didn't mean it that way." Sans punned. Sadly, Natsu and Happy didn't realize the emphasis put into 'butt', so they mistook it for 'but'. Lucy did notice, however, and said very darkly, "How did the conversation turn to my rear end?" In the background, Sans shivered as a menacing aura started engulfing the room. "Arrears don't happen." Lucy said. "Just watch!" She readied her Gate Key. "I am the one who creates paths to the Celestial Spirit World! You must answer and pass through your Gate!" Lucy said. She stuck the key into a key hole that had managed to materialize in front of her and triggered a doorbell sound, kind of like the one that sounded when Horologium passes through. Natsu and Happy stared in awe as Sans watched, not being excited over many things and keeping his cool. "Open, Gate of Canis Minor! Nikora!" Lucy said. The light intensified before it went down. The trio of spectators watched as a white snowman-thing appeared in the room. "Puuun!!!" It said. "NIKORA?!!!!!!" Natsu and Happy yelled in sync (not to mention shock). It plopped down onto the floor gracefully. Natsu and Happy stared at it with an intensity while Sans was just looking at it with pride filling his eyes. "I-I'm sure you can do better next time." Natsu said, sweat dripping down his head. "THIS ISN'T A MISTAKE!!!!!!!!!" Lucy yelled before ran right up to it and hugged it. "Aww! You're so cute!" She said. "Puuun!" It said in response. Sans chuckled. "i think i'm gonna like this guy." Sans said, because what he heard it sounded like it was saying. "A-Are you sure?" Natsu said, sweating and a look of shock on his face. "I don't need much magic to get through Nikora's gate, and he's very popular as a Celestial Spirit pet!" Lucy explained. "Natsu," Happy addressed said pink haired Dragon Slayer. "I see an example of human egotism." "Uh huh." He replied. They were both sweating. "oh wow, lucy. i see that you really like him." Sans said. "Okay! We'll get over the contract, okay?" Lucy asked it (apparently 'him'). "Pu-puuun!" It answered. The contract went something like this.

"How's Monday?"

"Puh-uuun." (Shake shake)


"Pun!" (Nod)

Somewhere in the background, you can hear a certain white-haired comedian say, "that's it. we're officially buddies now."



"Can I call you on Thursday, maybe?"

Natsu and happy were sweating while Sans looked at the Celestial Spirit with pride shining in his eyes. Sans said while Happy and Natsu just stared at the contract in progress. "It's a bit simplistic, huh?" Natsu said. "Aye." Came the simplistic answer. Suddenly, Lucy cut in. "There! The contract's all finished!" She announced. "Pupuuun!" Plue jumped into the air. "Shouldn't it be more complicated?" Natsu asked. "It may seem simple on the outside, but it's an important process. To a Celestial Wizard, the contract... in other words, the promise is one of the most important things. You can be sure that I'll never, break a promise!" Lucy said. Sans looked down. "i hate keeping promises." Sans said. "i one time made a promise to a lady. i don't see her often and..." Sans paused, as if to think of some word for what he was going to say next. "sometimes she never really comes out from behind the door. i talk to her from the other side. but i made that promise and i tried to keep it." Sans made a break to let it sink in. "but..." Another dramatic pause. "i ended up breaking it multiple times to try and protect people." Sans stopped. Over multiple Resets. But it never worked. It always got it's way. Sans mentally added to himself. "i... i hated breaking it cuz i said that i'd never break her promise, and i felt guilty. but i had to do it." Sans said, the false calm seeping into his voice. Everyone got the feel not to ask anything and left the matter to itself. "Lucy, do you really keep your promises?" Natsu asked. "That's right! So now I have to give him a name!" Lucy said. "You mean it isn't Nikora?" Happy asked. "that's just the general name for his type." Sans answered. Lucy was shocked. "How do you know that?!" She asked in shock. Sans shrugged. "i have my ways." He simply said. Suddenly, Lucy's face lit up. "Come here Plue!" Plue jumped over to Lucy, saying 'Puuuun!' along the way. Natsu's face twisted into confusion. "Plue?" He asked. "I just think that name was cute, right Plue?" She received a 'Puuun!' in response. "Since Plue is Canis Minor, the Small Dog, I'd have expected him to bark." Happy said. Sans prepared to say something but closed his mouth instantly, realizing that he couldn't say it. Nobody realized it. "It's odd." Happy added on. "Puuun!" Plue said as Lucy gave Happy the death glare to Happy. "Well, I don't hear you meowing either." Lucy retorted.

At that moment, Plue started dancing. "PLUE!!!!!!! I HAVE TO AGREE WITH EVERYTHING YOU SAID!!!!!!" Natsu yelled. "You understood him?!!" Lucy yelled in shock. "yeeeeaaaaaaahhh... now i'm officially worried about him." Sans said. "CELESTIAL SPIRITS, HUH???????" Natsu yelled with a face that cannot be described in any way. "If I really think about it, you're a weirdo, but you're a trustworthy and good person." Natsu said. The last thing I want is to be called a weirdo by him!! That could make me depressed. Lucy thought. "I see..." Natsu said cryptically. "Wh-What do you see?" Lucy said. Sans started internally panicking. Did he find out? The thought kept repeating in Sans' mind. "Natsu, what is it?" Happy asked. Natsu stood up and looked at Plue. "Okay, it's decided!!!! I agree with what Plue suggested!" Natsu turned to them. "Let's all form up as one team!!!!" Natsu said as he grinned. "Team?" Lucy asked. Happy jumped up. "That makes sense!" He exclaimed. He then turned to Lucy. "Aye! Everyone in the guild is part of the same group! And people who get along especially well organize into smaller teams. A job that might be too difficult for one might be much easier for a team." Happy explained. Sans opened his mouth to say something but before a single sound could come out, Lucy interrupted. "Hey, that's a good idea! Sounds like fun!" Lucy exclaimed. Sans opened his mouth once again but was cut off by the entire team. "Yessss!!!!! It's decided!" Natsu yelled as a little flame appeared in his mouth. "We have a contract, huh?" Lucy chuckled and blushed. "Aye!!!" Happy exclaimed happily (duh). "Puuun!!!!!!!!!" Plue exclaimed. Sans finally used his magic and lifted them all of their feet's before slamming them into the walls. Not too hard, but still hard enough to make it hurt. "Guys." Sans said. "Listen to me." Lucy turned in shock at Sans, who's face was overshadowed as a sense of dread overfilled her and the rest of them. A feeling like all their sins were coming back to haunt them had filled their hearts. Sans released them from the walls, his face no longer shadowed as all the feelings of their sins and dread left the room. "sorry for overreacting, guys." Sans said. Lucy shook her head. "It's fine. What were you going to tell us?" Sans sighed. "i can't be on the team. i'm still technically not a member of fairy tail." He said. Natsu, Happy, and Lucy 'Oh'ed. But then Natsu grabbed Sans by the hood and threw him into the wall. Sans did a backflip and landed on his feet and hand as he slid into the wall, not damaging it. 'The Eye', as Sans had dubbed it, was there. "You can still do jobs with us." Natsu said. Sans decided to drop the subject, seeing that it would only get himself accidentally killed.

Suddenly Natsu threw something onto the table. "RIGHT OFF THE BAT WE HAVE A JOB!!!!! SEE??? IT'S ALL SET!!!!!!!" Natsu yelled. Lucy twirled. "Oh! You're so impatient!" She cooed. She picked up the request and started reading it with Sans.

In Shirotsume Town... "I may have heard of it... maybe not." Lucy said as she stopped in the middle of the intro. "maybe you had in, say, a different timeline... i mean, usually cases of deja vu would be linked to different timelines." Sans said.

Almost as if he was referencing a past event... Lucy thought.

"Uh, Sans, you know that deja vu is only something linked to the brain or use of Time Magic, right? And Time Magic can't be at play here because it's a Lost Magic!" Lucy said. Sans chuckled darkly. "maybe this time it's just my mind. but trust me..." Sans closed his eyes.

"I know what will be at play." Sans said, his eyes just black sockets and the disturbing smile back. Sans chuckled and his eyes were back. "eh, just forget you heard any of that." Sans said before taking the bottle of ketchup from earlier and chugging it. Lucy looked back to the poster before she saw what the reward was. "You're kidding!!!!!" She yelled. "If we get a book out of the mansion of this Duke Everlue, we get... 200000J?!!!!!!!!!!" Sans took the paper right out of her hands. "wait, lemme see." Sans started to read it. "oh my gosh, that is a lot of j!" Sans said. Then he saw something at the bottom of the request. 

Duke Everlue


He's a famous womanizer, lecher, and pervert.

He is presently searching for a new blonde maid. "uh oh, lucy. you seem to be in for a bad time." Sans said non-threateningly. "Wait, what?" Lucy was confused about what he was hinting at. Sans pointed to the paper and then to her hair. "Let me see." Lucy said and took the paper from Sans. She read the part. "Huh? Ohhhhh dear...!!!!" Lucy saw the last part. Lucy and Sans, the former looking in terror while the latter looked in confusion, then turned to see Natsu and Happy whispering terribly. "And Lucy is a blonde, huh?" Natsu whispered to Happy, a devilish grin on his face. "True!" Happy answered. "She can sneak into the mansion in a maid costume." Lucy looked in absolute terror. "You planned this right from the start..." Lucy started violently shaking "AND I FELL FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!" Natsu had a manipulative look on his face. "And Celestial Wizards always keep their promises. How admirable." Sans looked at Lucy with a look of pity on it. "welp, sorry. i can't really help you." Sans said. "THIS IS AWFUL!!!!" Lucy grabbed Sans by the sleeve as she cried out those words and started dragging him down. "If I'm going down, you're coming down with meeeeeeee!!!!!!!" Lucy cried anime tears. She suddenly turned her temper onto Natsu and Happy. "You tricked me!!!!! That's so low!!!!" She yelled at Natsu. "Well, shall we be off, Lucy?" Natsu asked her. "I'm not going as a maid!!!" Lucy started to sweat with worry. "Just for practice, you understand. Just look at Happy and say, 'Yes Master!'" "Especially not for any cat!!!" Lucy yelled. Sans stood nearby. "tori, i miss you so much sometimes."

He chuckled darkly. "maybe i can save you from the resets..."


"Huh? That ad for 200000 J for doing Duke Everlue's mansion... somebody's taken it?" Levy with the rest of Team Shadowgear said in confusion. Mira stood by. "Yes. Natsu's off to invite Lucy along." She said, still taking care of the bar. Mira had noticed that the ketchup had been mysteriously disappearing these past few days with little notes in sloppy handwriting that said to 'put it on my tab'. Levy pouted. "Aww! I only hesitated for a few moments!" She looked down, sad. Makarov's face was shadowed. "Levy, you may be happy that you're not going." He said, serious. Levy's face lit up when she heard Makarov speak. "Ah! Master Makarov!" She's said. Makarov continued. "That job may turn out to be more trouble than it's worth. I just now received word from the sponsor." Mira looked at Makarov in concern. "He wants to cancel?" She asked. Makarov shook his head. "No." Makarov looked up. "He just upped the reward to two million Jewels. That's what he said." Makarov smiled. There was talking all over the room. "Ten times the amount?!!" "Two million just for one book?!!" Were two common ones. Mira was stunned. "Wh-Why would he do that all of a sudden?" Mira barely managed to get out due to shock. "That's the kind of award given for military action!!" More chatter filled the room. "What's going on with that?!!" "Tsk! We just passed up a great-sounding job!" A guy in the background wearing no shirt was seen in the middle of the commotion, silent before...

"It looks like this job...

"has just gotten interesting."


Meanwhile, in a horse-drawn cart...

"How are you enjoying your ride in this horse-drawn cart, master?" Lucy said mockingly. "I have made my own"- Natsu was about to swear when Sans censored him. "n o p e. no swearing with happy around." Sans said. "oh yeah. by the way, you might have maid this happen to you." Sans started chuckling. "Sans I swear"- Lucy was cut off by Happy, who said, "I am the only master here!!!" Lucy was ready to kill that cat when Natsu wasn't looking. "SHUT UP, CAT!!!!!" Lucy yelled.


And then the screen goes black.

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