Imagine #108: FOOOOOOD!!! (One-Shot)

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Imagine #108: FOOOOOOD!!! (One-Shot)

{Holiday is coming! So, here's an imagine requested by Crossroads_Killjoy. Enjoy, everyone!}

Everything smells delicious for you right now and you think you can eat everything that is served in front of you. You know you're always a fan of food, you don't really overthink while eating, you just forget everything when you're doing so since you just really love to do that. Most especially when your husband, Patrick, enjoys the same thing too.

But recently, your cravings for food changed. You eat more and everything smells so delicious. You thought maybe it's just the Holiday spirit, but right now you might be considering some things.

"Well, five more minutes guys and we're ready to eat!" Sarah said. The group, which consists Patrick, Pete, Joe, and Andy with their significant others, are currently at Brendon's house to celebrate Thanksgiving. All of you go all out for the food preparation and you've been dying to taste all of them now. 

"You all should eat this, shit! I and Sarah worked hard for this!" Brendon said that made you all laugh.

"I'll eat anything you prepared, I'm starving!" you said, making your husband chuckle.

"You just ate, Y/N." he said with a cute smile.

"Whaaat? It wasn't enough." you cutely told him.

"Patrick, dude, you need to have her checked! She might have a living Anaconda inside her tummy!" Pete joked and you glared at him.

"Look who's talking. Aren't you the one who can eat three boxes of pizza and still want more?" you told him.

"I told you not to bring that up!" Pete said in his defense and everyone just laughed.

"Pete, everyone in here knows you have pizza issues." Megan told him and he just shrugged playfully.

"Maybe?" he said while laughing.

You all just went to the kitchen to help with the Sarah and Brendon to organize the dining table. You are really happy that you'll be able to spend this Holiday with the group, it just feels like you're all young again and just playing around. You're really feeling the Holiday season while you're with them.

"We're all set! Let's settle down before Y/N munched all of these in front of us." Joe said and you pouted at him."Heeey! I won't do that!" you said.

"There's still a chance. I see the way you look at that Turkey, Y/N." Andy said and all of you laughed again.

"I hate you guys." you playfully told them.

All of you settled down and began to thank Sarah and Brendon for preparing the food. After that, you all just ate and you're really trying hard not to eat that much.

"Hey, are you really feeling okay, princess? I mean you are eating a lot, I don't mean that as an offense, but maybe you're feeling something?" Patrick asked worriedly and you smiled at him.

"I really don't know, Trick. But I feel fine, maybe my appetite is just that strong today. Don't worry, honey." you assured and Patrick just nodded.

The little feast you had continued and you're all just casually talking while eating until the food is all gone. After that, you all helped each other to wash the dishes before you proceed to the next activity you have which is gift giving.

"Hey, wait for me. I'll just use the bathroom really quick." you said while the others are already settled in the living room.

"Sure thing, um, I'll come with you I need to get something too." Marie volunteered.

"Uh, same here." Sarah also said.

"Me too!" Megan also shouted

"You girls really have a weird habit of going to the bathroom altogether, huh?" Pete said, but you all just walked out of the living room. You looked at the other girls who's smiling widely at you.

"What is...

"Sarah, you have it right? Give it to her." Megan excitedly said the moment you arrived near the bathroom.

"Yeah." Sarah went through their medicine cabinet, getting a small box then giving it to you. "Here." she said.

You read the box, it's a pregnancy test and you looked at them.

"We noticed your eating habits changed and honestly, you're glowing. That's some signs, Y/V." Marie told you and you laughed nervously. You never really thought of it until now.

"There's nothing to lose, come on. Just try it." Megan said while smiling.

"You girls are insane, but I guess I could try." You answered them and went inside the bathroom to try the test. You were honestly nervous, but you gave it a shot. You followed the instructions on the box and some minutes later the results is out. "T-two lines...two fucking lines." your eyes widen the moment you saw it and you immediately went out.

"Well?" Sarah asked and you showed them the result and you all screamed altogether.

Seconds later, all the guys came scrambling towards you.

"What?! What happened?!" Brendon asked in panic! ;)

" Spider! There was a spider but our screams shoo-ed it away." you answered and you saw the guys' faces relieved.

"You had us worried, I thought there's a murderer in here." Joe said and you all laughed. "Let's go back to the living room and start with the gifts!" he continued and you all followed them.

"Well, now you have the best gift to give." Sarah whispered and you couldn't agree more.

You all proceed to give your gifts with each other which are more likely just gag gifts, but still you appreciate all of it. Finally, all gifts were opened and you just remained in the living room for a while. You've been smiling to yourself while silently sitting next to your husband.

"Well, there's still one more gift I need to give." You started to say and Patrick just looked at you. "And I literally just acquired thought of this minutes ago." you continued and all the girls giggled.

"Okay, what's going on?" Andy asked curiously and like he's scared of what you girls have in mind.

"Well, this gift is for you, Patrick and maybe all of us in here since we've been waiting for this a long time." you said while Patrick was just staring at you curiously. "Here." you handed him the test and Patrick's eyes widen the moment he saw the result.

"Y-you're pregnant. Y-you...w-we're parents now." he said, stuttering with the shock he is currently feeling right now.

"Yes, Patrick." you said and finally your happy tears gave in as you both shared a hug.

Everyone 'aaww'-ed and congratulated both of you as the day went good to best.

"It was the girls' idea since they noticed how I'm almost eating everything, turns out there is really a reason behind it, and the reason is a good one!" you said excitedly as the girls looked proud.

"We're definitely excited to see your baby, it'll probably look beautiful like both of you, smart as Y/N and have a sould voice like Patrick's." Andy said while smiling.

"Yeah and he or she will be like. I need MIIIIIIIiiiiiiiiiIIIIIIILK." Brendon sang the last part like the way he did in the Drunk History of Fall Out Boy and everybody laughed out loud.

"Ey...Milk fic!" Sarah reminded which made the laughter louder.

You stayed like that for the whole day, thanking whoever is to be thanked for having this great family around you.

{Ey! I really liked this one, it's just chill and happy. Hope you enjoyed it! It's an early holiday imagine too, I know and I'm sorry, but I kinda feel the vibe too! And I'm also happy since I got my early gift, which is my mom will finally come home for good! She's working abroad for a long time (around 11 years, she just come home every 2-3 years and stay for a month then go back to work) but now she's finally coming home and I'm so happy to have her finally! SO I just shared that, I'm sorry for being talkative, I missed you guys too! So yeah! Hoped you like this, LOVELOTS! :*}

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