Imagine #115: Remember Me...For Centuries (Part 2)

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Imagine #115: Remember Me...For Centuries (Part 2)

*Patrick's P.O.V.*

I honestly felt like I stopped thinking for a while when I heard Y/N said she can't remember anything. I thought she was just playing around and its all a sick joke, but then I saw the confusion and feeling of lost in her eyes...that's when I know she really can't remember anything.

I was still shaken up with the news, but yes, I am thankful that were fine. I and the other guys just had wounds and some broken bones and still alive, but this was too much...its like Y/N's identity died and her physical being remained.

"Hey, Patrick, don't worry dude. It's going to be fine, we'll here for her." Pete told me as he pat my back. We're on the coffee shop inside the hospital as we wait for Y/N since she underwent some more tests to see what her condition really is.

"I was just shaken up. What if it's permanent? She won't remember us, Pete...she won't remember me." I said, obviously anxious and scared to what will happen to Y/N.

I love that girl so much and thinking she's undergoing something like this really makes me worry. Besides, its the memories that was lost, again, its like her identity have died. I'm scared...what if she changed? What if she part her ways from us?

"Patrick, calm down. Worrying won't help. Let's assume the worst, yes, the amnesia might be permanent but why are you worried? She's with us...with you. Heaven knows that you two are inseparable." Andy reassured and I just gave them a sad smile.

"Cheer up, buddy. We can do least we're all still alive." Joe said that made me even feel better. Maybe I really am over thinking here, I need to calm myself down.

We stayed in that coffee shop while we wait and after an hour Pete and the others decided to check if the tests were finished. Pete told me to stay in the coffee shop and he'll just call me if Y/N is in her private room again.

I was left alone in there and thankfully the negative thoughts decreased. I was just sipping on my tea when a familiar girl walked up to me.

"Patrick! Oh thank goodness you're okay!" El, my ex-girlfriend, said. She greeted me with a gentle hug and I hugged her too.

She was my ex girlfriend, we broke up almost a year and a hald ago due to difference between us, but somehow we remained friends. She's always updated to us to so now she probably found out that we had an accident.

"Yeah, we're all alright. Still alive and breathing." I said, trying to sound happy. I really don't want to tell anyone the news about Y/N yet and even El knows her, I think its best if she doesn't know.

"Everyone okay? How about Y/N, she was probably on the same bus as you guys." She asked worriedly as she sat in front of me.

I looked away from her, trying to hide the worry in my eyes but I guess that's too late to hide now since she's staring at me now.

"Oh god, what happened to her, Patrick?" She asked, holding my hand which I just slowly pulled away from.

"W-we still don't know but when she woke up earlier, she can't remember anything. Not any of us...not me...not even herself." I confessed and she looked shocked.

"I-I'm sorry. Well, maybe it isn't temporary." She said while sounding hopeful.

Suddenly my phone rang and it was Pete. Fortunately, Y/N is back in her room so I decided to go to her. I honestly didn't want to take El, but she's here too and I don't want to be rude so we both went up. We went straight to Y/N's room and saw her on her bed.

She immediately gazed at me and then to El and suddenly she was just staring. I think if Y/N have her memories she would be really upset to see me and El together, she always have this negative feelings towards El but I guess that's just how this go.

I walked near her and gave her a smile, she's still looking at me blankly yet this time with a slight touch of inquiry.

"You feeling okay?" I asked her with a smile and she nodded while giving me a quick smile.

"El, what are you doing here?" Joe suddenly asked her.

"I heard what happened to you guys, so I came as fast as I can." She explained and suddenly a secret shot of eyes were passed between my best friends.

"So, I guess everyone is here now. The initial results of all the tests really leads that Miss Y/N is suffering a case of memory loss. All personal memory is lost, but general abilities remained. We'll still observe her to see if it will be permanent or not, but for the mean time, don't stress her out. Let her remember if she can, don't push her too hard and don't give too much information that might overwhelm her. Take if easy, start with names and things as such." The doctor explained and I just found myself staring at my girlfriend. God, I just want to hold her hand right now and never let go. It really hurts me to see her this way...this lost.

"Thank you. Please update us if the full result is available." Andy told the doctor as he left the room. Sudden silence emerged but was broken by El who suddenly went near Y/N.

"You'll be fine soon, we're here for you." She said so sweetly. I've never seen El this sweet to Y/N, for all I know they really try to avoid each other, but now I'm seeing this...its just weird.

I suddenly felt someone elbowed me and found Pete beside me.

"What is she doing here?" He whispered and I shrugged my shoulders.

"Maybe she's just really worried." I answered silently.

"I don't know, Patrick. It's lik--

"Come on, you guys. I know you don't like her but don't be like that." I told them and thankfully they stopped.

I just looked at Y/N and smiled at her while she spoke with El...I can feel that she's really not comfortable talking to her.

*End of Patrick's P.O.V.*

The moment El left the hospital, the smirk on her face never left. She immediately went to her car and picked up her phone to call someone. Soon enough the person picked up which made her more happier.

"Looks like destiny's on our side now, Jim." She said confidently.

"What is this all about, El?" He asked me.

"You want your girl back, right? And I want my guy back too. We're on the same page and destiny is helping us." El started explaining which immediately got Jim's attention.

Jim was your ex boyfriend before Patrick, you just left him since he was always abusive to you.

"Y/N lost all her memories. Amnesia, as in nothing! I saw her and talked to her earlier, she's so easy to be manipulated now. The poor girl is so lost...which means you can lead her back to you." El said fiendishly and Jim was already sold to what she said.

"This is what I like about you, El. I'm in, I'll handle Y/N. I'll make sure she'll come back home to me." Jim said with a smirk.

"I'll do the same with my Patrick. Good luck to us." She said.

"No need, I already feel our success." Jim said confidently then hung up.

And now, the game is on.


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