Imagine #132: Plane-Crashed Hearts (Part 4)

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Imagine #132: Plane-Crashed Hearts (Part 4)  

*Y/N's P.O.V.*

I'm beginning to worry about our condition on this island, it's not that we're running out of supplies, nor we're having some difficulties of being's just that it's been more than a week, and still, no sign of rescues.

I and Patrick have made a temporary base that is not far from the plane crash and the shore. We just made sure we're near our resources and quite far from the decaying bodies which is honestly not good for us if we got exposed to it.

Everything is quite going well, we found a lot of different edible fruits in the island that could keep us alive for a long time and the most important of all, we both have each other as a company...imagine being here alone, I would probably kill myself the first night.

"Hey, let's go fishing? Let's use the spear you creatively crafted!" Patrick said enthusiastically. This guy never ceases to amaze me. He is always cheerful in everything he do and it's like we're not even stranded on this island.

It's just been more than 10 days, but being with Patrick makes me smile and laugh again. His positive and cheerful vibe really gets through me and I honestly miss being like this. I feel like he and I are just playing an imagine game and we're little children who's enjoying our time. Also, because of his positive attitude, I managed to control my pessimistic attitude which I rarely accomplish, but somehow...because of him, that side is gone now.

"Heeey, get up! Let's go." he pushed me like a little kid and I just laughed at him while getting a spear from him and getting up.

"Lead the way, Mr. Stump." I said to him playfully and we began to walk.

We became close too, the guy talks so much, but it's not annoying. Everything that comes out from his mouth is interesting and sincere. I became a good listener because of him too. Sometimes, he asks me things about myself, but all I'm giving him is the basic. I was thinking, he might not want to hear my troubled thoughts, because I know he sees thay sometimes.

"Let's do a competition. First one to gets three fish wins and whoever wins gets the chance to ask any thing to the loser and he or she is required to answer the question? Deal?" he said cutely to me and I just smiled at him in disbelief.

"You really are making everything lighter around this place, Patrick...but yeah,'re on!" I said.

It's really been a while since I last felt like this...felt like being alive.

We both an towards the sea water and started our little competition. We also started teasing each other while making our strategies to catch a fish and I honestly forget that we have a problem of being stranded here. Well, I guess I needed this event in my life.

"Hey! LOOK!" I suddenly heard Patrick shouting at me holding his spear up high. Even when I'm far from him I can see him smiling proudly at himself. "Three fishes!" he said and I gave him a thumbs up.

"Well, good for you then!" I said while walking towards him. He's probably going to ask me about my life later and I think he deserves to know too...maybe except that thing.

"You owe me a true and complete answer to my question later, Y/N, but first...let's star some fire to cook this delicious fishes." he said and I nodded at him.


*Patrick's P.O.V.*

I'm not blind, I can see that something is wrong with her, she just doesn't want to show it, but that just makes me want to know her more.

I feel like she wants to talk, but afraid to do so. I know she needs someone that can listen to her and I know I can be that someone. Y/N doesn't need to feel that no one wants to be with her, I know she feels this way, and I want to change that.

Every time I see her smile and laugh, I somehow see an angel. She's very beautiful most likely when doing something like that. I know for once she had been this kind of cheerful girl, but something just happened and that moment ate her positive side away. I was really trying to make her feel better now, and I think she's getting there. I want her to be comfortable with me, not because I want to take advantage of her, not to push her to change her ways, but to let her feel that I can be her friend that she can trust. I honestly like the girl now, she knows how to control herself depending on the people around her.

We're currently back at our base and the fishes that we caught earlier was just done being cooked. We're just sitting by the fire, eating and chatting as usual...but mostly I do the chatting.

"The fish tastes great." she said with an innocent smile and again I'm always mesmerized by it.

"I know and because of that smile, you owe me an answer." I said to her and she just looked at me.

"What's your question, Mr. Stump?" she asked.

"Can you tell me...things...about yourself...things about you that you never told me, you know, more than the basic? I almost told you everything about me, I think it's only fair that you t--

"I was only 10 when I lost both of my parents to a car front of my eyes. Since then I lived with my uncle...who tried to do things to me, but luckily I escaped him. I grew up in a foster house...pushed myself to be a normal kid despite everything that happened to me and I did. I was cheerful back then and everything. I helped everyone, be kind to everyone and I was hoping I would find someone who would want to adopt me...but I didn't. The moment 18 I left the foster home and finally, I found someone who appreciated me and my talent. She was my boss for a long time and she was amazed by my writing skills, she trained me and everything and I somehow became successful. I've gone in some of the countries, established my name somehow, and then...I found out I was going on that flight and it crashed. The end. That's just it, it was a lot of tragedy yeah, but that's all in the past." she explained and all the information was too much for me.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to push you like that. I'm so stupid, I shouldn't have." I said sincerely.

"No, it's okay. I was planning to tell it to you too." she answered, I noticed her voice is getting rough again. I handed her some bottled water and he gladly took a sip from it. "Thanks. Again, don't worry about it." she said.

I didn't ask anything after that, I know she needed the silent time. I really felt guilty for pushing her like this, but when I looked at her...she somehow looked relieved. Maybe she needed to push it all out too. Well, I guess I knew her better now, but I want to know her more. As I have said, I like her a lot now...what more if I really know her inside out. She's probably going to amaze me anyway.

I honestly hope now that the rescue will take their would seems selfish of me, but I just think that this girl and I need this break from the world outside.

{Thanks for reading :) Two more parts for this mini fanfic}

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