Imagine #14: Shut Up and Dance Dance

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Imagine #14: Shut Up and Dance Dance

"Looks like Stump had been stumped." Pete said while teasing his best friend. Patrick has been amazed with you while you play 'Just Dance' in front of the game console.

"Shut up, Wentz." he said to his best friend while chuckling.

"This is the first time you're having a crush with a dancer, huh." Joe continued to tease and Patrick blushed more.

You and Patrick have just known each other for days and you both just randomly met at an event. you weren't that kind of dancer that gets paid while you shake your booty, you're just a girl who knows to pop, lock and drop it with pop songs. You're also not the type of dancer who's too arrogant and all, honestly, you're the sweet type of girl and that what Patrick liked about you.

You're currently at the mall, just dancing in front of this game console and having fun with some of the people in there that tries to dance with you. You suddenly spotted the boys in there and you're happy to see them. You gave them a small wave, the others noticed the Fall Out Boy and made way for them to get a bit closer to you, some fans already taking pictures with them.

The song stopped and you're now hearing people around you cheering for more and the boy's name too. You smiled and you picked the song 'Shut Up and Dance' by Walk The Moon. The crowd cheered and you saw Patrick smiling gladly at you, and since no one has come forward to battle you with a dance, you thought of pulling Patrick.

"Hey, I can't dance." Patrick said while you're giggling and pulling him in front of the console. The intro of the song is already starting and you just gave Patrick a confident smile. {Listen to the song now! ^_^}

"Oh, come on, you can do it, Patrick!" you said to him as you guide him there.

 "Oh don't you dare look back.
Just keep your eyes on me."
I said, "You're holding back, "
I said, "Shut up and dance with me!"
This woman is my destiny
She said, "Ooh-ooh-hoo,
Shut up and dance with me."  you sang with the music while staring at Patrick with a wide smile. The upbeat tune of the song really drives both of you to dance in there and follow the dance moves that the screen tells you to do and soon enough Patrick was enjoying too.

You can hear his friend cheering for him and everyone in the crowd too, they are all honestly enjoying and of course, you too. This was the first time you've seen Patrick dancing and he looks so cute. You liked the guy for a while too and this situation made you like him more. The verse continued as the both of you move your bodies to the beat of the song.

"She took my arm,
I don't know how it happened.
We took the floor and she said"
Patrick sang the pre-chorus too loud and all of the people in there could hear it. You smiled at him while blushing because he's really staring at you. Patrick pulled you and you both danced in there...dancing two more chorus before the song ended which made everyone fangirl and scream.

"You're not a bad dancer, Stump!" you teased him and you heard his oh-so-adorable chuckle over these screaming fans. The last position was Patrick almost hugging you in the back and you're still on that position which made you blush.

Suddenly, his fedora fell off and you immediately took it and place it over your head. Patrick blushed when he saw you under his fedora, for him you look so adorable with that on. Patrick just walked to his friends again and gave you more time to enjoy your hobby. After several more songs, you finally stopped and now realized that the boys were now gone and that you still have Patrick's fedora all this time.

You walked out of the gaming stall to find them and not long enough, you found Patrick sitting on one of the benches in there and he seemed to be waiting for you.

"Hey, I'm so sorry that I took your fedora!" you said with guilt, handing his fedora over to him. "And sorry for making you wait." you added. Patrick stood up and smiled at you. He took the fedora, but he put it over your head again.

"It's fine...well, at least I have a reason to stay and still see you." he said shyly which made you blush. "Besides, it looks cute on you...keep it. It's also a reward for you, you're the first ever person that made me dance." he added.

"Really?! That's cool, at least now we know you could be a dancer." you told him sweetly. Patrick ruined his hair playfully.

"So, um, you want to eat or do something else? I mean, I'm all free now, we can --

"You're asking me...out?" he asked him shyly and he nodded cutely at you. "Pleasure's all mine! Sure, Patrick!" you said while giggling and Patrick's eyes lit up the moment you said yes.

You both may have been dancing earlier with the beat of the song...but maybe now, you're both dancing along to the beat of your hearts.

{Thanks for reading!!^_^}

gif not mine...credits to owner!

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