Imagine #144: Dare Me Not (Part 6)

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Imagine #144: Dare Me Not (Part 6)

*Y/N's P.O.V.*

I was just about to leave the college when I noticed Meagan alone inside the Gazebo. I decided to go towards her.

"Hey, what's u-- Meagan? Why are you crying?" I said worriedly when I realized that she was silently crying. She immediately wiped her tears away giving me a sad smile.

"Nothing, i-it's nothing, really." She said as I sit next to her. I know her, she's the kind of girl that will not cry just like that. Something happened, obviously.

"Meagan, I think it's already safe for me to say that I already know you that much. You're not some girl that will just cry over about pathetic things." I said with a small smile. "You know you can trust me with anything."

Suddenly, Meagan leaned her head on my shoulder, I can still feel her crying.

"I really don't know what happened to us, Y/N...but all I can say is I regret our decision back then." She started explaining, this might be about her and the Big 4. "Pete and I are originally childhood friends and we came here together. College is just starting and we've met another three new students... Sam, Elaine, and Patrick . It just so happens that the five of us became close with each other in no time. Back then we're just a normal circle of friends, doing normal and usual things together...until that one time we opened up things from our past and we found out that the five of us were bullied and taken advantage of before...a wild thought just came to our minds 'what if were on the other side of the line there, what if we're the ones who are doing the bullying?' It was an absurd and stupid thing to think about, but somehow we still did it. We were curious to what satisfaction those bastards are feelings and we decided to do the same. We became the people that we hate so much." She explained as I attentively listen to her.

I sighed to myself, it was a lot shakier than I thought. My heart was beating fast too, but I tried my best to remain calm.

"We did it, and we were satisfied with the feeling that everyone is looking up at us and are afraid of us. We're on top and no one dares to bring us down...but that's when I realized what we're doing is too much. I spoke with them and they just laughed at me, I never thought that they'll just leave me like that...and even Pete...h-he decided to stay with them and let me leave." She said I can feel the sadness in her voice. She and Pete might have been the closest before and him letting her be all alone was just cruel. "I just regret that part where we became too curious...but I hated more the fact that we were bullied and taken advantage of before if it wasn't because of that, the big 4 wouldn't exist now."

I couldn't agree more to what Meagan said...if only things in the past didn't happen. None of this would be a problem now.

*The Following Day*

I'm alone again inside the old gym that had been a storage room. It was a big room, maybe one and a half classroom joined together, this place just became a storage area where the broken chairs and tables are. I just cleaned a certain part of this room and always go here whenever I have some free time.

This has been my 'base' for a while now because it's quiet in here. I didn't want to go to the library because that's the Big 4's lair, I really don't want to physically get close to them...but I guess that can't be helped, Patrick's been making extra effort to talk to me each day. He's really taking that dare seriously

"So, this has been your little base now, huh?" I jumped when I heard someone's voice. I looked by the door, looking there seriously.

"Would you at least knock before barging in?" I said annoyingly at Patrick. He's here again, probably going to annoy me while trying to make me fall in love with him.

"Didn't know you're a scaredy-cat." Patrick said with a smirk, just sitting to me.

I sighed and went back to reading, but it's really awkward to have him sit here beside me.

"Why are you here?" I asked him, closing the book I'm holding.

"Sherlock Holmes? You're really a nerd." He said, ignoring my question. He looked at the book I'm reading.

"I love reading, most especially thriller and mysteries. I just love thinking and trying to solve crimes." I explained to him, again, this is one of the instances I'm being true to him.

Suddenly I saw Patrick looked at me in shock and he seems to observe me. "You're really like..."

My heart started to beat faster and I looked away from him. I should really look out for what I'm telling him.

"Who?" I managed to ask him, keeping myself calm.

"N-nothing..." He said, he seemed taken back too.

I just decided to read again and Patrick fell into an unusual silence. I gazed at him simply and he was just there, looking at the ground while thinking deeply.

"Are you okay, Stump?" I asked somehow worriedly this was the first time I saw him like this. Patrick looked at me like as if he just got back to his senses.

He smiled at me sincerely, not like his arrogant smiles, then nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine." He said. I realized that I took my time staring at him and just pushed myself to look away.

"You're blushing, Y/N, do you think I'm cute?" and here he goes again- welcome back arrogant Patrick. I just laughed coldly at him, not paying him any more attention.

"Keep dreaming, buddy." I murmured.

"I really do think you find me cute." he kept on teasing, I'm  just stopping myself from looking at him. Patrick stood up, finally deciding to leave me be. "I'll catch you later, Y/L/N. I just have to do something. Bye." he said and walking away just like that.

I looked by the door, I know I said something that triggered him. He wouldn't just leave me alone that fast, he also became distracted...I'm very sure he still remembers things from his past clearly.


*Patrick's P.O.V.*

The more I got closer and closer to her...the more I remember her. And really out of all people, why does she have to remind me of HER?! Y/N is different, I know she is...but somehow she's all too similar to her too and it frustrates me, most especially now that I always have to talk and flirt with her, it feels like I'm going back there again.

"Keep it together, Patrick. Her being like this will make this easier, this will make it more satisfying when I see her fall." I said to myself, I'm actually losing it now.

Things have been coming to me so fast this week. I'm stressed in my academics and extracurricular activities, Elaine rarely talks to me and whenever she does it's just about my progress on messing with Y/N, and really I've been frustrated because of Y/N too. She reminds me of someone I just want to forget and I couldn't help myself but end up thinking about that girl again...I hate and love it at the same time. I hate it because I don't want to go back there and love it since it's making me feel motivated to mess with her. It'll be like I'm messing that girl from my past too.

I just sighed and let all my thoughts go, I hate that I can't focus on playing the drums now. I'm currently inside the Music room since classes just ended and I just want to stay here for a while before going one really dares to go here and have fun like me, well since I'm already one would dare to go and approach me, most especially inside this room where I can judge every mistake they do while playing a certain instrument. But honestly, I want someone to talk to about music too, Pete and I were like that before, but again, it all changed when we became only 4. Now I'm left alone here, letting myself drown in music.

I played my music player and played the drums to the beat. I always love how the passion takes over me while I play instruments, I feel like my old self again. I continued to play it until the song was done and as always, I feel satisfied after playing the drums.

"You're really goo--

"Holy smokes! How did you get in here?!" I shouted in shock when I heard someone. I was too shocked to realize that someone was here...with me...for the first time that I almost threw my drumsticks in the air.

I looked at the person who said that and she's already laughing out loud. It was Y/N.

"Oh god, you should have seen the look on your face! It's hilarious!" she mocked me while she continuously be honest, her laugh is cute and contagious.

I chuckled and shook my head. "I'll get back on you for that." I said with a smirk. Y/N walked closer to me while wiping her tears from laughing. "Wait, YOU approached ME...YOU WANT TO TALK TO ME." I teased while I just stare at her.

"Well, YES and NO, yes I approached you but No, not for the reason you're thinking. I'll never want to approach you for no legitimate reason." she said sassily and again I like that she's fighting back.

"Then what's your reason?" I asked curiously, giving her a chair so she can sit beside me.

"Help me." she said casually while sitting down. "Help me get Meagan and Pete close again. I KNOW they like each other and something just happened...I have no idea why the heck I am asking YOU out of all people, but I don't know, my instincts are fucked up and it's telling me to ask you for help." she said while shrugging and I must say, I didn't expect this.

But come to think of it, I always know that something is going on between Pete and Meagan and it's always been a mystery to me about what happened to them, why they just separated like that. I was always thinking that Pete will probably follow Meagan and leave our group, but he never did. And I'll be honest, I ship the both of them secretly. 

"Pete and Meagan's relationship is what I like to call inseparable...well, that was before. But I always find them best with each other...I'm in." I said as I realize I was looking at my drumsticks while saying that aloud. I looked at Y/N which seemed so shocked at my answer that she's just staring at me dumbfounded. "Lost your brain, princess?" I leaned close to her face while smirking and she immediately moved backward.

She was too shocked and her movements were too sudden that her chair was about to fall back too. Luckily, I was fast and I managed to get up my seat and hold her around her waist, preventing her from falling down.

"Be careful." I said worriedly as I look at her in the eyes. She just quickly cleared her throat and moved away from me. Is she falling for me...well, I mean not literally, but it seems like she's feeling something for me already.

"I-I'll take your word for this, Stump. You agreed to help me, and I really wish you mean that." she said maintaining her posture there.

"I do, Y/N, I mean it. I may be like this, but I appreciate that kind of friendship that those two used to have. Meagan may be TOO annoying sometimes, but I know she completes Pete and vice versa...So, I'm willing to help." I said and all of sudden, Y/N smiled at me genuinely.

I just stared at her there, it wasn't like Elaine's smile that's always a prideful and a smirk one...Y/N's smile is just sweet and innocent. I honestly want to capture it.

Okay, what the hell, Patrick? What are you thinking?! I scolded myself, I'm really falling apart the seams these days.

"You know...kindness can be found even in a person with the darkest desires, if only one dares to change them." she stated and I was taken back...this girl keeps on messing with my head. "I'll be expecting your help, thanks, Patrick." she said then started to walk towards the door and before she walked out she waved a goodbye before going out and againI was left alone there.

If she really is starting to feel something from all these things I'm doing...I'm now sure that she's not the only one falling now.

{Hey! Thanks for READING!!!

I really want to make side stories on this mini fanfic so I'm sorry if everything is not about Y/N and Patrick, but don't worry, their relationship is just building up. Watch out for more! THANKS!!}

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