Imagine #179: Young And Menace (Part 2)

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Imagine #179: Young And Menace (Part 2)

*Y/N's P.O.V.*

Great...Patrick Stumph, that's his full name. It shouldn't be much of a big deal, really, but for this kind of society is a big deal. Because this guy that I happen to like belongs to my family's rival. And this isn't just a puny rivalry, oh no, my and his family could start up a war worse than the world war anytime and me and him being friends is really not a good idea...and will never be a good idea.

It's been a week since we first met in that party and that night we found out that we're supposed to be rivals too that would just despise each other upon first meet up, but what happened is the opposite, because everything just felt comfortable when we were's like we've already made this certain connection in a couple of hours.

Knowing our families' situation and background, we should have just forgotten our meet up and called it quits then proceed to hate each other again...but no, we couldn't just do it, instead, we became closer through communicating at all times. I know I shouldn't be doing this, we know it's a bad idea, but we realized we should let our last names dictate who we should or should not be associated with...we just want to be young and menace now.

Finally, we're both meeting up again after a long week of planning. We really couldn't afford our family members seeing us together, god knows that would lead into devastation. I really have no idea how to explain the rivalry between my family and his, but one thing is for sure...if they found out about we're friends, shit will go down.

"Where are you going?" Pete asked the moment I got to the living room.

"Just gonna have an evening out with my girlfriends," I explained and he looked at me suspiciously. "Promise I'll be home around 10 or 11 in the evening. Please, cover up for me to mom and dad, okay?" I said pleadingly. This is what I like about me and my brothers, we have each other's back since we understand each other...unlike our parents, who are just control-freaks and business minded.

"Just don't cause any trouble, Y/N." he seriously said and I simply nodded before walking out.

"Sorry, Pete. But I promise, this won't cause trouble as long as this stays a secret." I murmured as I made my way towards our meeting place.


"Y/N! Hey!" I heard the moment I arrived at this concert grounds where Patrick and I agreed to meet.

"Sorry if I made you wait, Patrick. Nice to see you again." I told him the moment I walked near him. He was just staring at me with a huge smile which I just love.

"You too, and no problem. I didn't wait for that long anyway." He explained. "I'm glad you were able to leave your house."

"Yeah, I'm glad too...This is seriously the first time I've gone out like this, lucky my parents aren't home." I explained to him. Of course, we understand each other since somehow our families are alike. High-ranking, overly rich, strict and greedy parents...I may sound mean, but that's what they really are and it's NOT easy to have them as their parents. They are just big control freaks. "How about you?" I asked him.

"Told them I was sick and never disturb me while sleeping in my bedroom, then I sneaked out." He explained with a smirk, looking so proud of himself. We laughed on how we feel badass for doing such thing, surely our parents would flip out if they found out we're escaping like this and meeting each other. "The concert is about to start, let's go?" he asked excitedly and I nodded at him.

Patrick and I decided to meet at this somehow hidden concert grounds. This amazing band will perform tonight and I've been wanting to see them live. They are an independent group, which mean neither of the big families in the music industry has control over them. I salute these kinds of groups for being the free ones in this industry, I myself doesn't want to be controlled by those families anyway, but I guess I couldn't really escape because I am a part of that family.

We finally found a spot, but we're already far from the stage. We couldn't squeeze through anymore so we just decided to stay there. There are really many people around here and for safety measures, Patrick is wearing a baseball cap to hid underneath it and I always had my hood on. I know we wouldn't be recognized here because it's far from the city, but it's not bad to take extra precaution.

I just took a deep breath and exhaled silently, letting go of my worries for a while and telling myself to just enjoy this night. I looked at Patrick who's by my side and I guess he's doing the same too, we're really feeling like young volcanoes in here.

Soon enough the concert started and it was just an amazing night. The songs are amazing, the vibe was so positive and we're really having fun, I'm only having difficulties in seeing the band well since I'm not that tall and we're far from the stage.

"Hey, come on. I'll give you a lift. It's not much, but it'll help." Patrick suddenly leaned near my ears to say that and that actually made me blush. It was quite loud around and he has to do that so I can hear him.

"You sure? I'm actually a lot heavier than I look." I answered with a laugh and he just knelt after that.

"I'm sure, get on my back," he said with a smile and me just carefully climb on his back, sitting on his shoulders and soon enough he stood up. I'm impressed he was able to lift me like that. "Just try not to party wildly, I don't want you to get hurt," he screamed sweetly. God, this guy is every girl's dream.

The concert went on and after a while, I decided to give the guy a break and climbed down to just jam with him. After an hour or two, the concert was finally over.

"That was AWESOME! I've never been in a concert this cool." Patrick said excitedly.

"Me too, these kind of concerts are worth every penny!" I said. "Anyways, thanks for lifting me up earlier, I hope I didn't crack your bones." I continued while laughing.

"Nah, you're actually not that heavy," Patrick said. We began to walk out of the venue as I look at my watch, it's really getting late too so I guess we have to make our way home now.

We continued walking under the night skies as people began to dispersed. Patrick and I just continued to talk, it feels like we'll never run out of things to talk about. We're so eager to talk to each other, so excited and comfortable with each others company, it's honestly amazing,

"I hope we can do this again, I've never felt this so...alive." I suddenly said and Patrick just smiled at me genuinely.

"Then I promise, I'll always make you feel alive, Y/N." he murmured.

Suddenly, we stopped walking and we just stood there, looking at each other.

"How can something that should be so wrong, feels so right all along?" I suddenly said and I think that made us both blush.

"You know, Y/N, I'm beginning to think I'm liking you as much as our families hate each other." Patrick joked which made us both laugh.

"Yep, this is so wrong, but it feels so right. I'm feeling the same thing, Stumph." I confessed.

I just realized we're alone in there, we're in the middle of this park in the middle of the night...just two young lost souls, finding comfort in each other's company. It's actually romantic, we're here and there are beautiful lilac colored flowers around. It feels like we really belong in here while confessing.

"Glad to know that, Y/N." Patrick murmured and I really love his voice. Before I could reply or react, Patrick cupped my cheeks gently and I swear my heart beat just went sonic fast. Soon enough, I have my eyes closed and I felt our lips touching each other in rhythm.

"Goddammit, Stumph. We're going to start a war in here." I said as I pull him in for a hug. I really just want to sound like I was joking, but I know soon could possibly happen.


*Patrick's P.O.V.*

Well, now I know how it feels to be on Cloud 9.

We confessed and I kissed her, jeez, it all happened too fast, but it just felt like it. I feel like all the hate between our families has created this love that we acquired...but honestly, what we're doing will break lose the horrible monsters our family has.

I, fortunately, made my way back to my bedroom without getting detected and I was relieved to know that Y/N arrived safe and sound at her house too. Now I just got to look like I never left and I'll be fine. I began to change my clothes when all of a sudden, I was hearing yelling's my mom again...cursing and cursing something.

I sighed and the moment I got dressed, I walked out of my room to check what was going on. It's really difficult to control my mom's anger nowadays so my help is needed here.

"Why isn't the Purge still a thing in this place yet! I swear to god, I will wipe all the Y/L out there!!!" my mom screamed so loud and hearing Y/N's last name made me feel nervous.

"What happened? Why is mom...

"Results are in, people voted for the heir of the Y/L family to be the CEO of the company instead of you. And your mom assumed they cheated." one of our bodyguards said.

"Patrick is more worth it than that Y/N Y/L! They don't deserve a place in this industry anyway! I swear I will never let that puny girl get that position. Don't worry, Patrick. You will be the one on that position!" my mom hysterically said and I just stood there frozen...just screaming on my mind.

'I don't want any of this, not the company, not the position...I just want the girl you're currently cursing right now.'


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