Imagine #2: He Stood Up For You

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Imagine #2: He Stood Up For You

This world is really full of haters now, you thought for yourself. You tried to brush of everything they say about you and your song covers, but of of course, their mean words gets the best of you right now.

'You sound like a dying frog.'
'Your voice is like made up of shit.'
'Such a shame. Fall Out Boy should never see this.'
'Beside your face, you're voice is a disappointment too.'

Those were some of the mean words the viewers say. You tried to tell yourself that you shouldn't mind them, but somehow you can't right now. The negativity of these comments are eating you and you can't believe that you're crying because of that.

You honestly know to yourself that you did great on those song covers. You just don't understand why you get all those hate. You sighed and closed your phone and get ready to perform tonight in your friend's small bar. They all give their support to you and you appreciate all of that...for now, that's all that matters.

You walked to the small stage and took the acoustic guitar. You sat on the chair in there and nervously smiled at all of them. The comments earlier really made you nervous.

"Good evening everyone, I will be your singer for tonight. And for the first acoustic song...Centuries by Fall Out Boy." You said on the microphone. Some of them clapped but some just looked at you blankly.

You started playing your guitar to the tune of the song of your favorite band and soon enough you're already singing softly. Suddenly, all your nervousness started to float away as you let the music inside of you kick in...but you guess that won't stay for long.

"What kind of a singer she is?! We're paying good in here...might at least give us good shit!" One mean guy shouted and you almost messed up the song.

"He's right! Are you really sure that she's a singer?!" One girl agreed and you stopped playing. Several other people began to say mean things and the staff looked helpless but not as helpless as you.

You stopped playing and just stood up. "I-I'm s-sorry." You murmured as your voice cracked and you ran to the backstage.

You were shaking from nervousness and embarrassment, maybe they are all right, maybe you're really not a good singer. You sat sadly in there as your friend hurried next to you, trying to cheer you up.

"Don't listen to them, {Y/N}. They are mean assholes." She said, but all you did was to cry.

"Excuse me everyone and I'm already saying sorry for the mean words I am to say...but I'll still go ahead and say it...those people who said mean things to that stunning lady in here earlier are the people that's trash to this world. Yeah! I'm talking about you and you...and yeah, even you in there! Didn't your parents ever told you to never do that? You think being like that will make you cool?! Well, fuck no! It will all make you look like huge assholes. Are you people deaf? Or maybe jealous? That girl is beautiful and her talent is pure. That's my song and I fucking know that she nailed on singing it!" You heard a voice of a guy outside talking in the microphone. He seemed so pissed and your mind raced, you're well too familiar with that voice. "And if you don't know me. I'm Patrick Stump, by the way, the vocalist of the band that made the song she just sang and again, I'm very much agreeing that she fucking nailed singing. That's all, have a good night everyone...except for you rude assholes in there!" He hissed.

You looked at your friend in shock and she was just staring at you too. She know that Patrick is your inspiration for all this and now he's the one that's protecting you. Suddenly, you heard footsteps coming your way to the backstage.

"Hey, you're the owner right?" Patrick asked your friend shyly as he adjust his fedora. You can still see his pissed reaction.

"Y-yeah. Mr. Stump, thank you for backing up my friend." Your friend said. You brushed your tears as you look at both of them.

"Yeah, about that, sorry for making a scene back there, I wished it was just a goddamn arms race. But you know, I can't fucking let those assholes continue what they are doing. I mean, you don't deserve it." He said, now looking at you with a small smile.

"Uhm, again thanks. I'll just leave the both of you here." Your friend said and he left the both of you back there.

"Thank you." You said with a cracking voice. "No one has ever stood up for me like that." You continued.

"Come here." Patrick said with a smile then he suddenly hugged you. It was not a creepy kind of hug it was a sweet warm one tjat you needed that moment. You cried in there in his chest. "As an artist, I get a lot of those hate. I feel that you're a fan of ours, remember Soul Punk? You won't believe how much hate I got from that." He explained, he's even laughing lowly like it was just a funny experience. "Sometimes I get emotional and I care to what they think, but at least, I learned something from the experience. As they were saying those things, I felt like I was doubting myself and you know what that means...I feel like I'm a human because of that. Everyone of us has self-doubt...but you know what makes us unhappy human? Letting those self-doubts eat the whole of you." He continued and you can feel the sincerity of his every word.

Patrick doesn't even know you, yet he's this kind to you. This just proves how much of an angel he is. Patrick continued to comfort you in there; brushing and stroking your hair. You pulled back and brushed all of your hair and let out a giggle.

"See, you can be happy even with them around. Just remember that even with all those people who wants to drag you down, there will be always that someone who will always pull you up." He answered, tucking your hair behind your ear.

"Mr. Stump? Can I see your angel wings now? You've really proven to me that you're an angel." You told him with a smile and he chuckled at you.

"What are you talking about? I'm not the angel here. You are. I can even see your halo. And please, just call me Patrick." He said while lending a hand for a handshake. "Well, this is awkward, I hugged you first before the handshake."

"I don't mind." You answered him honestly. "I'm {Y/N}." You answered and the both of you shook hands.

"Well, want to give it another shot? This time with me? Let's show those assholes how talented you really are!" He asked and your smile almost tear your face.

"Bring it on!" You said enthusiastically.

And with that, a start of a new and wonderful chapter of your life began.

{Hey, everyone! thanks for reading! Again, Patrick's words in here is my words for all of you too. Self-doubt is natural for us all humans, just don't let it eat the whole of you! Just remember to try and try until you succeed! Making a mistake is not a sin...just learn from it ^.^. And with that, thank you once more! Stay beautiful, Overcasts!}

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