Imagine #28: Promises

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Imagine #28: Promises

"Do you really think he'll come?" Your friend asked you and you gave him a hopeful smile.

"Well, five years ago he promised." You answered.

"That's a long time ago, {Y/N} and many things have a lot have happened. His band got signed up, he became popular and all." Your friend said.

"I know, and I'm so proud of him. That's the reason why we part ways. It was like his dream was on the left and mine was on the right...we decided to let go for a while to reach those dreams but we promised we'll go back here...this exact day." You said.

You're really not putting on your full hope, your friend is right of course, a lot have happened since the day you both seperated and also, since haven't talked to each other.

"You're a hopeless romantic." Your friend said with a giggle.

"Yes." You replied while laughing. "I can't believe even after five years of no contact with him...I'm still head over heels for that Patrick Stump." You said, most likely to yourself.

You were in a park near a bay and it's already night time. There was a program in there...more like an open area ball. Everyone's wearing elegant clothes and dancing to the music. This place is also very important to you, especially now. Five years ago, this is where you and Patrick seperated your ways. He, staying in Chicago to pursue his musical career, while you, going to New York to reach your dreams. But before you both seperated, you promised that exactly after five years from that'll come back and continued where you've left off.

"Now, let's call on Ms. {Y/N}." Tje host said. You smiled at your friend then went up to the stage.

"I hope you are all having a good night everyone. It's a lovely evening and the weather is perfect. Now, enjoy this song with your love one..." You said and like on cue, the sound of the piano started.

It was Christina Perri's a thousand years, and the song is perfect for your situation today. You smiled at the crowd and put all your feeling to the singing...also, the hope of seeing Patrick again.

"The day we met
Frozen, I held my breath
Right from the start
I knew that I've found a home for my...
Heart beat fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave
How can I love
When I'm afraid to fall
But watching you stand alone
All of my doubts suddenly goes away somehow
One step closer" you sang whole-heartedly.

The crowd had began dancing with the song too and the sight was just beautiful. A smile appeared on your face as you sing the chorus.

"I have died everyday
waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid
I have loved you for a thousand years
I love you for a thousand more" you sang and that's more likely the things you've been dying to tell Patrick.

The lights dimmed and you started to get ready for the second verse...but suddenly, something stopped you from singing.

"Time stand still
Beauty and all that she is" a guy's voice sang and you immediately looked at where the voice is coming from...and there he was, Patrick Stump. He came back and he's looking at you like he's falling right that instant.

"I will be brave
I will not let anything take away
Whats standing in front of me
Every breath, every hour has come to this..." He was finally infront of you and danced you around there as he continued to sing while staring diretcly at your eyes.

"One step closer..." You both sang and continued to the chorus.

That time felt magical and your heart is overjoyed. Finally, the performance finished and you both hurried down the stage.

"You came back." You both said at the same time. Patrick's alresdy holding your hand in there as you sat on the stone ledge overlooking to the sea.

"Of course, silly. We promised." You told him with a wide smile. "Patrick, I'm so proud of you!" You honestly told him.

Patrick chuckled cutely and you think he blushed with that statement. He ruined your hair playfully as he pat your head.

"I'm so proud of you too, {Y/N}. Seriously." He sincerely said.

Both of you smiled at each other genuinely. Both already holding hands.

"We've finally reach our dreams." You stated.

"Not quite yet." He said with an innocent smile. Suddenly, you felt him hold the promise ring he gave you five years ago then he slowly removed it. "It still looks good as new, huh?" He said while examining the ring.

"Of course, I took care of that ring so much." You proudly said.

Suddenly, Patrick quickly threw the ring on the ocean that made your jaw drop.

"Patrick! Why would you...geez, I took care and hold on to that for years." You said in shock.

"Well, then now take care and hold on to me like what you did on that right...because from now on to the finish...I'll always be ny yourside." He said as he locked his hands on yours and you found yourself smiling widely at him. "We won't need any kind of promises like that anymore now because I won't leave again." He added.

"Same here, Patrick. We'll be together from start to finish and that will always be my promise." You told him. And you smiled at each other

Maybe...maybe both of you just proved that...not all promises are made to be broken.

{Eeeep. Just imagine Patrick singing that part of the song to you...<3 Gosh, so heart melting. ^_^ Well, thanks for reading lovelies :*}

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