Imagine #30: Catch Me If You Can (Part 2)

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Imagine #30: Catch Me If You Can (Part 2)

You opened your heavy eyelids slowly as the lights of the hospital room reach your eyes. You blink a few times letting yourself adjust to the sudden visuals. You moved a little bit and felt a slight pain in your abdomen, but its all bearable now.

After a few moment, your finally fully awake. You realized that you've been asleep for a day now, but at least you were okay.

"Agent {Y/N}, we're glad you're finally back with us." Your superior said to you. "I want to thank you personally for preventing a tragedy to happen and showing self-sacrifice. We salute you." He said proudly and you smiled.

"It's my duty sir and you know I will do everything to prevent anyone from getting hurt...especially a kid." You said. Memories suddenly flashed back to your mind, but you pushed them away...hard.

"I already file a leave for you, you have to take care of yourself too." He said before going out.

"I'll still keep my duty even if I'm on leave. Thank you sir." You said as you weakly salute to him, after that he left the room.

Suddenly, other people came in and you immediately recognized them.

"Kid!" You excitedly said as you weakly sit up. Declan run towards you and jumped on the side of your bed.

"Oh, I'm so happy that you're okay!" He said with a huge smile.

"Of course, I told you I'll be fine." You said and winked at him.

Both of you began to talk to each other and Declan immediately becomes close to you, the kid was so innocent and sweet, of course, so much like his dad. After a while, Patrick finally interrupted.

"Hey, Dec. Uncle Pete and Bronx are already outside, want to meet them?" He asked and Declan excitedly agreed.

"I can't wait to introduce Bronx to you!" He said and you giggled at him.

Patrick just led the kid to his best friend before coming inside your room again.

"You really have an adorable son." You honestly said.

"We owe you our lives, {Y/N}, thank you." He sincerely said.

"It's my duty, Patrick. I'll always do everything to save others." You said.

"I was just lucky that you were there...I was so reckless to lose Declan in that airport...I hated myself for that." He said and you can see the hurt in his eyes.

Patrick and Elisa, had been divorced for a year now. It was a mutual feeling and they said everything just fall out of love, Patrick gained the custody for Declan and you understand that he's having a hard time being a dad and mom to his son.

"I know you didn't want that to happen, Patrick. And your son is smart, he's not easily fooled. Let's just forget and learn about this." You answered him.

Patrick smiled at you and gosh he was gorgeous. You just realiazed that you have a big time crush to this guy. You were busy fighting off bad guys yesterday to give importance to this fact.

"But you're freaking insane...a bad ass insane! You took that bullet without hesitation!" He said in shock and his expression was cute there.

"Well, I have been shot for four times now, so it's not a new thing to me." You confessed and he dropped his jaw.

"Holy smokes, no way?!" He said.

The both of you continued to chat in there and you were happy to know you've gained a new friend because of what happened. Hours flew by and you just realized that when you saw the sun setting.

"Aren't you guys gonna go home, it's getting a little late?" You said.

"Yeah, you're right. But we'll go back again tomorrow and until you can check out from here." Patrick answered.

"You don't have to do that, Patrick. This day is enough for a personal thank you." You answered truthfully.

"But I want to know you more, {Y/N}. I mean, as friends or something." He said and you smiled at him.

"Well, if you insist." You answered. Declan cheered after what you answered, you think that the kid likes you very much.


Its been a week and finally, you're back on track. You checked out of the hospital and your body is good as new again, actually even better because now you have this caring kid and guy that always visits you everyday. Since the day you woke up, Patrick and Declan have been visiting you and you honestly like it. The father and son became close to you in not time and you somehow felt that you already know a lot about the two.

"{Y/N}!" Patrick called the moment he saw you at the mall, he was with Declan too, of course. His son run to you to hug you.

"Hey, Dec! Hey, Trick!" You said greeting them.

"I'm glad you're finally walking again." He said.

"Me too! I need to walk around so that's why I'm here. Thanks for coming with me." You said.

The three of you began to walk around, you holding Declan, you honestly felt that you were a family there. The thought made you blush your face off, but thankfully, Patrick didn't notice that. Declan was playing around too and the kid is very energetic, but you're enjoying your time with him.

"Declan, be careful!" You shouted while laughing at him. He was running towards you, excited for something. "Oh, by the way, your kid looks ao much like you." You added to Patrick who's sitting next to you.

"You said that for the fifth time now." He said while laughing.

Declan finally reached you and hold your hand.

"Mom, you have to see that!" He excitedly said, but that statement made your heart jump.

You looked at Patrick and he had this sad smile too. You understand them of course, most especially Declan. He must be missing the feeling of having a mom. Declan realized his mistake too and stopped and looked upset.

"I-I'm sorry." He murmured.

"Hey, it's okay." You knelt in frobt of him. "We might not be related or anything, but since the day I met you I promised that I'll take care of you, right? I'll jeep on doing that Declan." You said and patted his head. He smiled at you sweetly. "Now what's the thing you want to show?" His mood lighten up more and you both went inside the toy store.

The day continued and finally you were all heading home. Declan was already sleeping inside the car while Patrick is driving you home.

"Hey, I'm really sorry about him calling you mom. I guess he just misses the feeling, Elisa had been ignoring even him." He said sadly. "I would have accepted it if he just ignores me, not Declan. It was a mutual decision and I already said I'm over it, but I didn't expect her to just ignore her son like this." Patrick explained.

"It's fine, Trick. I'm already close to Declan and I care so much for the kid now. It's not a big deal." You said while smiling.

"But, for us, it is. Declan has been happier when we met you, he said he felt like he met a new mom." He said while chuckling. You giggled at the statement too.

"I understand, I grew up without a mom too." You said. "But really, it's okay, I wouldn't take that in a negative way. Its okay." You answered.

"You're really one heck of a girl. A stunning and amazing and bad ass girl." You blushed with what Patrick just said. He pulled over in front of your house.

"You're an amazing and cool guys too, Trick, and a loving dad." You said. "Thanks for the day, Trick. Kiss me a goodnight to Declan." You said.

"Well, what about me?" He cutely and shyly suggested. You giggled and gave him a kiss on the cheek that made him blush.

"Goodnight." You walked out of the car and after that, he drove away.

Somehow, you're feeling good about this...but that feeling is still with you...the dread from the past situation you went through is scaring your whole self again.

{Thanks for reading guys!}

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