Imagine #80: Grand Theft Autumn (Part 2 of 2)

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Imagine #80: Grand Theft Autumn (Part 2 of 2)

You have no idea that only one guy will lead you here once thought that this is all impossible now, but you're now looking at yourself again, ready to drown yourself with music again.

Since the day that you broke down in front of Patrick, you finally understood what was wrong with you. You really tried so hard to change your attitude and feelings towards music and really, Patrick was always there to help you...and considering the part that you heard his singing voice, makes it all easier for you.

Patrick was shocked that you heard him sing, heard the melody together with those words. He said he couldn't even describe your expression when you did hear him...but the closest explanation he gives you is that 'you looked like seeing the bridges you've burned with hatred is now lighting your way back home'. You really thinks he's a metaphorical guy, but for you, that's the reason why all of the things he's saying becomes more truthful.

Also, because of that incident you began to hear it again...faintly. Every day, you and Patrick will try to do a single musical piece...with each day the piece gets harder and harder to play. You were still having little panic attacks, but every time you hear his piano and your violin...all panic just goes away. You were happy because your musical skills stayed with you and you're still being possessed by music every time you play. Patrick was always saying that you are really good and his expression says it all while watching you too.

You're both currently practicing a piece right now, and this time you're hearing the music loudly. Patrick was playing the piano while you're standing near him, playing the violin. Both of you were on fire by your passion and the music was perfect for your really missed feeling this kind of bliss while playing and hearing the music you are producing. After some more moments, both of you finally ended your piece.

"T-that was perfect." Patrick murmured while looking at you with a proud smile.

"Really?" you asked, but really, you know it's perfect too.

"I'm so proud of you, Y/N!" Patrick said excitedly as he tackles you with a hug.

You both spin around in there, laughing and celebrating since you've done've finally accepted music once again. You laughed with some happy tears forming in your eyes and Patrick was there to brush them all away almost immediately.

"Thank you." You murmured as he tucks some of your hair behind your ears.

"And thank you too." He said with an innocent smile. "I think we're both ready...please, enter that competition with me, princess." He added that really made you smile.

"You really have so much belief in me, huh?" you asked with a giggle.

"Of course...and also, I think we're both helping in other here too." He said sincerely. "Yes, I might have helped you with all of these, Y/N, I helped you make your way back home – back to music. But are the reason why I continued too. I was on the brink of giving up when I met you, I'm really doubtful that this is my dream at all, but you made me realize stood there and you're like giving me all that I need. The strength, the inspiration, and everything. That's why I want to be with you in that competition." He added while staring right at you that made your heart melt.

" me, I'm feeling the same way and really, it's my pleasure if we come there as a duo." You told him happily and he smiled at you.

"I think we're both unbeatable if we continued there as a duo." He said with a big smile.

Now it really feels like that the both of you are two parts of one person.


You always feel like you both have already won the night even before it starts. That was always what you are feeling with Patrick every night of the competition. It's not that you're over confidence, you just both feel like a winner every time you are together and like you said...the both of you are unbeatable if you work together.

Everyone in the competition was so great too and you have to admit, you look like a fascinated kid while watching all of the contestants. You can totally hear everything now and nothing's holding you back. This is your home, you finally made it back.

Starting from the auditions, you and Patrick already caught a lot of attention that you both even have a small fans club now that's it the finals week. Every night in the semi-finals, both of you mesmerizes every audience and judge watching you. They couldn't even describe the feelings they are feeling when watching you and the judges always say that it was heartfelt. And you're both happy since you know that those performances was the product of you and Patrick's passion, story and relationship.

As for you, every time that you play with him, you feel like you're in a paradise. You're just getting lost in the feeling, but he remains on your side. Your vision changes every time that you both perform, it's like you've been sent into a bliss where nothing mattered except music and the both of you and you know that Patrick feels the same way too.

"I can't believe we made this far...tomorrow's the big night, Patrick! The finals!" you said excitedly as you hold the golden ticket given to the both of you.

"I know, it's really because of you. I don't even know if I would make it this far if you're not with me." He said while smiling at you.

"No, it's not just me, Trick, this happened because of us." You told him. "And add up to that, I became whole again because of you." You added, making him stare at you while blushing.

You and Patrick are currently at your house celebrating the victory. You both have an intimate relationship now and really it's obvious that you love each other and you didn't even need to put it into words, you just both know your feelings with each other and didn't even need to proclaim it or something.

Patrick suddenly cupped your cheeks and then kissed you lovingly on the lips. Finally, you thought, this was the first time he did something like this.

"I always knew we're on the same page." You said with a giggle and he chuckled at you too.

"Since the moment I laid my eyes on you, I knew we would end up this way." He said cutely which made you blush.

"And I really hope we'll always stay this way." You said, interlocking your hand to his hand. Suddenly, Patrick kissed the back of your hand then smiled at you.

"You have my word, princess." He said sincerely that obviously melt some part of your heart.

"But for now, we have to focus on owning the night tomorrow!" you excitedly said and he laughed at you.

"Of course...and I know we'll long as we act as a one person with two parts." He said and you couldn't agree more.


*Patrick's P.O.V.*

Why is this happening to, let me rephrase that, why is this happening to her?

I really hate myself for letting this happen to me, but what can I do? Probably all of this are already planned and I can't do anything about it anymore...but again I'm asking, why put her in so much misery...I don't want to leave her yet.

I was supposed to meet her in her house hours ago so we could get ready and rehearse for this final night on that competition, but now I think it's impossible for me to do that now...heck, I think its even impossible for me to continue anything now; I'm literally holding onto my breath and soul in here.

Fate and life is, not to me, but to her...I don't care about myself right now. This situation will probably wreck her once again. I know I believe in that girl so much, but I'm scared...scared because I wouldn't be there for her anymore...scared that I was the reason why she'll mourn once more.

My car crashed wasn't my fault, of course, it was that drunk driver and I hate that this sound so similar to what had happened to her mom. I hate this...I don't want her to know and I hate the fact that I'll be leaving her while she's waiting for me...and because of that, here comes the tears now.

I'm supposed to be her partner...the other part of the whole we complete, but I'm already leaving her behind already. I accepted it, I couldn't even move a muscle right now, my heart is slowly beating and I'm literally trying to catch my breath. Sooner or later, this will all be over...and again, it will start on her again.

Again I'm asking, just how cruel this life can be? And please...just please...I hope she can make it through all of this again.

*Y/N's P.O.V.*

I feel like my heart can be louder than the drums on that stage.

My heart has been beating louder and louder each time and this all started when Patrick failed to meet me at my house on the time that I told him. Patrick was never late and if he is, he'll always call or text me, but today, he doesn't even pick up his phone and I'm very worried. Also, we're about to perform in ten minutes.

"Miss Y/N, where is your partner?! We couldn't wait for him anymore...if he's not here you are forced to perform in there all alone!" the stage manager said and I couldn't do anything else but to agree.

I'm just roaming the backstage, not able to relax...I know something happened to him and my panic attack is already coming back...I feel like everything's eating me again. I'm scared and nervous and these feelings wouldn't go until he's not here...

"Y/N! Oh my god, come!" one of the staff came to me and her eyes say it all.

I froze in there, I wanted to pinch myself and slap myself to wake up from this nightmare because I refuse to believe that this is reality. Her expression...I've seen that before...the dread, the pity, the guilt and the shock. I refuse to believe this...not now.

I feel like I'm already losing my breath and gripping on my violin so tight and then after a while I realized that everyone's eyes were on me. They were saying something I can't comprehend...something I don't want to hear...

"Stop it...I don't want to go back there anymore...stop it." I said and again, it's like life is mocking me...making another similar scene!

I'm currently falling apart when I was hearing music on the's mocking me again, it's doing to me again and I can't hold it anymore. I will break, I know...I can't do this anymore.

"Y/N! You have to go...Patrick critical in the hospital right now! He had a car accident." I finally heard one voice loud and clear and I collapsed on the floor...staring straight into nothingness while my tears flow.

Why? What the fuck did I do to deserve this and also am I the bad luck? I hate myself, I feel so guilty, I hate everything and I hate that music once again!! The people around me is panicking again but the performance on the stage goes on...with each melody and note hitting my ears I want to kill or shout at someone.

My hands are involuntarily covering my ears, I'm sobbing so hard, I can't breathe, I feel like vomiting, my head hurts so much and I FEEL LIKE SHIT. I'm mumbling 'stop' over and over and over again like I was going crazy in there. I also don't think I'm making sense of the panicking environment around me, I closed out on them...all I hear was shouting and distorted voice...but that music...oh that fucking music, I can still hear it loud in clear mocking me in every way possible.

"Make it stop, make it stop...make it st—

Suddenly, silence...I heard silence when I felt someone held my arm. My eyes were currently closed right now and that was the only thing that pushed me to open it...the moment I did...I saw Patrick.

"It will never stop, Y/N, that's your passion...don't mistake it as your enemy again." He faintly said and that was the only thing I'm hearing right now.

"P-Patrick! Patrick! I'm so sorry...I feel like this happened because of me...I'm sorry!" I sobbed and Patrick reached for my hands and hold onto them, his hands are really cold right now.

"I told you, I'll always be here for you if you drown yourself a little too much." He said with an innocent smile...again, after all, this he's still like this for me. "It's going to be okay, love...please, just don't make the same mistake as before...don't turn your back on it. It makes you whole, it completes you no matter what you say." He said and I was just sobbing in there. I felt his cold palm on my cheeks as he guide me to look at him.

God, he's so charming with those determined smile...he's really attractive right now and that's what I want to focus on.

"Hear it, don't close out on's what makes you complete...makes us complete." He said and slowly I'm felt like I woke up from a start.

I realized that I collapsed in there and the moment I woke up, I immediately stood up. People are still panicking around me and some are already tending me, but I don't care about that now...I-I have to continue...for myself and Patrick.

My violin was still in my hands and I pushed myself to stand. I looked around and in a miracle, I saw him again...he's gesturing me to come in front to get ready for our last performance.

"Y/N! You don't have to—

"I want to...I-I'm okay...please." I said as I brush off the tears.

"We're so sorry to announce that our duo will not be able to perform today because of an acc—

Before the host can continue what he was saying...I went out on the stage and the audience cheered for me. I know they already know what happened to Patrick, but I don't he said I have to go through this...I don't want to make the same mistakes again.

Immediately after that I summoned all my courage, and I swear, ALL of them. I'm already shaking so hard right now, hundreds of people staring at me...most probably pitying me like before. My tears are building up again;

'can I really do this?' I asked myself and then again, a cold wind.

'WE can do this, Y/N.' I heard Patrick's voice and looked back...and the moment I did I never want to look away again.

There he was...sitting in front of his piano, ready to own the night with me. I smiled thankfully and sadly like a child in there and then Patrick just smiled at me with determination and with that he nodded at me...and I did to.

Despite of my shaking body, I got into position to play my violin...wishing music is here to stay with me...and with that, Patrick and I were like fireworks in there.

The music that we're producing was practically the best this night and I swear I'm sobbing in there while staring at him. Patrick really looks so passionate about playing that instrument, I know it's his life and knowing that after this performance, it will be all over...breaks me. I hate it, but I have to keep going...for him and for me. I'm also playing the best I can here, giving it all my sincere feelings and halfway through the piece everyone in the audience were crying with me too.

I wanted to scream in there, this music is here again to mock me while I stare at someone dear to me fall apart...but this time, I pushed myself to look at this on the other side. This time I feel music was on my side, helping me to scream with every note, helping me to show all the feelings with every stroke I made in the violin...helping me to cope up with this and the melody in my ears is like a lullaby saying 'everything is going to be alright'. This is what Patrick was saying to me.

Finally, I looked back at him again and I almost dropped my violin just to run towards him. Patrick was now staring at me while he plays perfectly and with that...everything around me didn't matter anymore. He was fading away as the piece comes to its end. I just had to push myself to play...making it last longer than I could. Patrick was just looking at me, proudly like as if he's very happy that I did come out and still did this and still at the end, he's with me.

"Patrick." I called out like a lost kid as he keeps fading away. "Please don't leave me." I pleaded as I cry and play my violin more vigorously.

"Don't worry...I won't, I'll always be right here beside you." I heard him. "Always remember, princess...we are two parts of a one person and that will never ever change. I love you..." he said and with that I saw him completely fade away as I play the last note of the piece...

After that I just came crashing down to reality again as I let down my violin and face the judges and the audience that is now cheering for me while crying. I did it...I played the entire piece on my own, with Patrick helping me mentally. I looked back slowly, wishing that I was only having a nightmare earlier and maybe if I look back at his piano, he will be there...still smiling at me, but no. He's not in there anymore and all I did was to whimper there...

This is really one hell of a way of saying goodbye to me...but at least, now I'm able to understand everything and throughout my life...he'll always be a part that completes me.


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