Imagine #86: You Can A Crown, But You're No Princess (Part 5 of 5)

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Imagine #86: You Can A Crown, But You're No Princess (Part 5 of 5)

Y/N's P.O.V.

"Is it really necessary for you to wear that, princess?" Patrick asked me when he saw me wearing a formal gown. I sighed at him and just tried to smile.

"I have to look and act like the princess when signing that treaty, it's in the rules of some sort. Don't worry I have a vest inside this gown which makes it hard for me to breathe." I explained with a low giggle.

"I'll be with your back up, you know what to do if things got out of hand right? Just whistle or something and we'll strike in no matter what." He said worriedly and I nodded at him.

"We'll be fine, Prince Patrick. I and Elisa will make it out there alive...and this land too." I said with determination and he smiled at me.

"I believe in you, your majesty. But please, just be careful."

"Of course, all I'm going to do is prove that we won't just give in to anything without giving a fight." I said proudly to him.

I continued to arrange my meeting with that king and I'm assuring that this will be our last meeting. He was ruthless and violent to the people of this land and I'm just going to show him the same thing. He even crossed the line when he kidnapped Elisa and tried to use her for me to surrender this land and all I'm going to say way in hell I'll do that. I strapped in on my thigh the weapon that I'll use to him later and I'm sure this will give justice to what he had done...I just have to survive this.

"Your majesty, we're ready to go." General Hurley walked towards me and I nodded at him.

The guards alongside with Prince Patrick accompanied me while walking towards the vehicle that we will use. The people are also looking at me and that's when the pressure got to me, all of their lives are now resting on my hands. I really have to survive this, I need to save all of them.

The whole ride was quiet and full of tension, no one decided to say a thing and when we were close to the venue, I felt Patrick holding my hands. To be honest that calmed me down a little bit, I felt that he's with me in this, but of course in the end, I have to do this on my own. Finally we stopped and now it's time for me to go.

"No one makes a move without my order of my call, understood men?" I said to them in an intimidating way and they all agreed. "I promise I'll call for back up if things got out of hand, do what you must to save the true princess at all cost, she's the first priority. Am I clear?" And again, even with hesitation they nodded.

I climbed out of the car with Patrick accompanying me and before I can walk any further, he stopped me.

"Promise me you'll come back." He said to be while staring at my eyes.

"I'll try my best to...Thank you, your majesty." I bowed in front of him and the moment I looked up, he kissed me on the lips. I immediately broke it and gave a sincere smile before walking away...hopefully, this won't be the last time I'll see him.


"Finally! Princess Y/N, I was really expecting you tonight." The king greeted with me a mocking smile and I'm already trying to stay calm and not to attack him right on the spot.

"Where's Elisa?" I asked him seriously.

"Oh, the true princess? That's her name?" he said casually and then he gestured to one of his guards to take Elisa in that room. "Don't be shocked to what you'll see okay? I just gave her something else to where." He added with a smirk and before I could react, Elisa was brought inside a room with a huge freaking bomb strapped around her.

I swear all my muscles tensed when I saw her like that, I suddenly became too still and I think my heart just stopped beating. Everything changed because of this, I can't just do anything stupid now...I need to detonate that bomb before it goes off.

"Y/N! You shouldn't have come here!" Elisa said worriedly and all I can do is stare at her.

"Quiet!" the king shouted. "Well, Princess Y/N, I think I made my point clear now. One wrong move and it's all over for all of us here now. Understood? Your job is easy, just sign the treaty then I'll remove the bomb and you can go do what you want...Oh wait, not until I agree to it of course." He kept on mocking me and all I did was walk near him.

"Fine, where's the –

"Y/N! No! Why would!!" Elisa shouted and the guards just held her down. I saw her bomb...only one more minute before we go die in here. I need to move fast!!

"Good good, I like it when you get the message clear." The king said, while giving me the things that I need to sign. I just took it immediately and set it on the table, luckily the king walked near me...okay, calm down Y/N...wait for the right time.

I'm already writing on some of the paper when I took a glimpse on the bom, 50 seconds and soon after that I secretly looked at the king next to me who's busy looking at the papers...Now's the perfect time.

"How many of this I have to sign?" I asked to distract him more.

"Just all tha—" before he can even end his sentence. I immediately took the knife that I strapped in my thigh and slashed him in his arm.

Unfortunately, the king was fast but I still managed to put a huge cut around his arm. I immediately threw the knife away which confused him and the guards. After that we went into a brawl, I managed to shot the guards on the legs too so I could stop them from joining the fight between me and the king.

"I told you not to make any mistake! You really thought you can kill me, peasant?! You're not even worthy to be the're just a peasant wearing some crown!" he screamed while strangling me to death.

I can already feel the air leaving my body, but I'm still trying to be conscious. I was reaching out for the keys around him and luckily I managed to grab it without him knowing it. I took a glimpse of the clock...30 fucking seconds. Now I just have to find my way out of this.

"We're all gonna die here if you don't –

"I'm not stupid! That bomb will only affect her, stupid princess. Now I'll just have to kill you and her so the throne will be given to meee!" he said greedily.

I tried all that I can to push him away and fortunately I managed to...somehow. I crawled over to Elisa and managed to release her from the bomb even with a shaking hand.

"Go...back-up...outside! Go!" I managed to say as I run back to the king to finish the job. I was holding the bomb, wanting to put it around him. "Time to take your own medicine!"

"Y/N! Let's go!" Elisa said as she was about to go to the door, but suddenly we heard guards coming in there.

I moved fast, putting the bomb around the king. Luckily, I managed to punch him earlier and he's already on the ground. Out of instinct, I immediately removed one of my high heels and threw it on the window and it broke after that. I and Elisa run for it to escape and of course she's in front of me.

"You're freaking insane, Y/N!" she screamed while we run.

"I'll take that as a compliment, princess." I joked as we pant in there. We were climbing down the wall and I'm happy Elisa was fast, she was about to reach the ground now.

"DO YOU THINK I'LL LET YOU GO?!" all of a sudden I felt a hand pulling me was the king.

"Y/N!!!" Elisa screamed, but I'm glad she's already on the ground.

"!" I stared at her as the king pulled me back inside the room as we engaged into a brawl again.

I saw the bomb, only 10 seconds left and the king was holding me so I can go down with him.

"Let go!!!" I said as I struggle too hard. I was also attacking him, but he won't let me go.

"I'll die with me, fake princess!" he shouted...5 more seconds.

Just then I stopped, I can't escape this now...Maybe this is how it should just go. At least, Elisa escaped...the true princess is alive and the king will die with me. I'll just have to accept this.





Patrick's P.O.V.

We were seeing a girl running towards's the true princess, but still no sign of Y/N.

I immediately run towards her and she was crying and panting at the same time. I caught her in my arms, she was trying to say something, but she's too shaken up...too tired and stressed to speak. Before I can even ask her anything...I heard something that I don't want to hear.

Explosion. It wasn't a strong one, but it still can kill a number of people. I looked over to the building and seeing one room on fire. The rest of the guards already run towards the building and I was just there looking at the fire.

"Y/N..." Elisa kept on murmuring and I might have known what just happened.

"I-I'll save her..."I said out of my mind while I give her to some other guards there and she just stared at me, full of hope.

" anything." She begged, but I can see in her eyes that we both know that it's near to impossible now.

But still, I'm not giving up. I ran towards the building and in front of the room that was on fire. It was a high building and the room was on the fifth floor. I have no idea why I'm still here, down at the ground...I may have given up already...I don't know! I looked around, seeing broken glasses everywhere and suddenly I saw one of her shoes in there.

"Y/N." I whispered...out of my breath and all I did was look up again...and miraculously...I saw a figure of a girl coming out. "Y/N!!!!"

It was her...trying to grip to her conscious and the moment she reached the edge...she fell unconscious, making her fall from that floor.

I stayed alert and did everything to catch her and I did! She's alive...somehow, but she's suffering some burns in her body...we need to bring her to the hospital now.

Out of panic I walked to one of our cars and Elisa went with me. We sure are relief that we got hold of her again. Elisa checked her pulse...she said it was only faint, we have to move fast!

"Just hold on, Y/N, we're going to make it." I said unconsciously...just like what she told me before.


*One month after*

She's okay, she's alive...She's just in a deep sleep, but what's important is she's alive.

We saved her and got to the hospital in time, they mend her burns and did everything to save her and luckily, she held on. She's really a strong girl.

The king died that night and the war was finished immediately after that. The following morning after that night, Elisa stepped up and act as the princess and everyone accepted her, of course. She explained everything them and thankfully they understood and wishing that Y/N will be okay soon. The crown was given back to her, obviously, and she did well in just a month. Almost everything is fixed again and the land established a new that the other countries knew how people defended this land, they now have to think twice before attacking this. All in all the land is in a good condition now.

"You should really wake up now, Y/N." I was at the hospital again, talking to Y/N. We're all still hoping that she'll wake up soon enough, and I'm really looking forward to that day too.

I was just arranging some flowers given to her when I suddenly heard a faint groan.

"Y/N?" I immediately walked to her and finally, after a month, she woke up. "Oh thank heavens! You're awake." I said, holding her hand.

"P-Patrick...h-how can I..."

"Hey, don't stress yourself out. It's okay, you're okay, the land and Elisa is safe. Just calm down, I'll call the doctor." I said and I ran outside to call the doctor.

The doctor came immediately and examined Y/N and smiled afterwards and I'm so relieved with all this. I alerted the princess too, she's probably happy with this news too.

"We have no idea how you survived the explosion, Y/N, but you only received some few burns from it. The shock just made you fall into the coma, but now, you're okay. You just have to wait for the wounds to go away and you're good to go." The doctor said which made her smile.

"I...I have no idea how I got out too...I just fought till the last time and maybe I managed to walk away from the bomb a bit and then...I fell." She explained.

"Well, it's all okay now, Y/N. I should leave you both now." The doctor said and then he left the room.

"I caught you, of course, princess." I told her with a smile and she giggled at me.

"I'm not the princess anymore, Patrick." She told me with a smile.

After that, I just let her ate a bit while I fill her up with the information and of course, she's happy with all the news. Soon enough, the Princess Elisa came and I swear, it's like seeing two sisters reunited when they saw each other. I just decided to leave them be and go back to my kingdom to tell my father all the news. He was happy for me too and happy that I may have found my princess now. He's very supportive for me too.

After a few days, I decided to go back to Y/N, it's also the day that she's checking out of the hospital.

"Prince Patrick! Your majesty." She greeted me the moment I walked inside her room. She was already walking around and she bowed when she saw me.

"Oh please, Y/N, you don't have to do that." I said with a chuckle.

"Your highness, you're a royalty, you deserved to be treated that way by someone like me." She said with a cute smile.

"So, where are you going after this?" I asked her and she sat on the edge of her bed.

"I'll be working for the princess, of course, maybe in the army or something? The guards are now looking up to me by the insanity I have when I came rescuing the princess." She joked and I couldn't agree more to that.

"The army? I think you don't think you belong there, princess." I told her.

"Hey, I'm not the princess anymore." She told me, but just smiled at her.

"Well, for me, you are one." I said which made her blush. "Well, you see...I found this shoe...and my instincts tell me that to whoever this shoe will fit perfectly, she will be my princess." I said while smirking and holding the shoe I found that day outside of the building.

Y/N giggled after that and we both laughed. This suddenly became a fairytale but, it's all appropriate I think.

"May I?" I asked her and she gladly let me fit the shoe to her. And of course, it was the perfect fit.

"Perfect fit, Prince Patrick." She said while smiling sincerely.

"Told you, you are meant to be a princess, Y/N. With or without a crown, you will be a princess to my eyes." I told him and we shared a hug.

And maybe, our fairytale is just about to begin...and I hope it will end with a 'happily ever after.'

{OMG! Sorry for not updating for days! THANKS FOR READING!!!}

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