Imagine #90: One Call Away (One Shot)

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Imagine #90: One Call Away (One Shot)

{Ok, I'm sorry, I know it's not an FoB song, but trust me on this...And oh, !!!Trigger Warning!!!}

Y/N's P.O.V.

What am I supposed to do in this world? Seriously, why am I here? I'm thinking of one reason, but I supposed it's too cruel for that...but then again, it's already happening to me; I exist to suffer.

I'm nothing but just a dot in this whole galaxy, universe, but a dust that no one will care to remember. Why are we here? Why am I here? I really did try my best to see the reason, but life keeps on fucking and fucking and fucking and fucking with me until I lost count...I lost the will to care anymore.

Murdered parents? I have that. Justice? I don't have that. Loneliness? I feel that. Family? I don't feel that around me. People who see me as a piece of shit? I have lots of that. People who help me to get up? I have none of that......Myself, I only have myself and a fucking piece of shit everyone calls life.

I couldn't even believe I got here...23 years of crap...yes, I had times where I find a safe haven somewhere, people who I thought could help me, but they never stayed, no one stays in this world. Everything changes, everything fucks up with you, everyone wants to bring you down. Yeah, I learned that the very hard way. This is too fucking much for me and again I came down asking myself again...


what am I supposed to be doing with this life?


Why am I here?


Maybe I shouldn't...maybe I'm just a mistake...maybe...I don't have to live this life anymore...maybe that's what's really I'm supposed to do.

I'm contemplating with these thoughts as the shadows of the night eats the whole of me...but I like it, I feel like I belong in there. The cold wind breeze of the night was perfect too, it just blows my hairs on my back perfectly. If only I can feel this everyday...maybe, this is a sign that I really need to give this up.

I'm overlooking on a cliff and what I'm seeing is a goddamn beautiful sight. Maybe the last sight I wanted to see. It's so calming up here, the lights in the buildings and houses seemed so alluring, it's all quiet and the breeze makes this more perfect. This is really something I want to see last.

Will someone miss me? Will anyone really care about if I was gone? I would want to know that. I hope I can still the aftermath of what I'm going to do, you know, as a ghost or soul and something...just to see if anyone would grief, or if anyone will miss me. You know what they say, you only know how much something means to you when it's gone, maybe it applies to me too...Maybe, I really hope I can stay for a little longer in here even if I'm dead. Besides, I'd be a troubled soul anyway.

I stopped taking small steps for a while and getting my phone in my pocket, I always ask myself why do I even have that...I don't even have anyone to call or text...maybe just one person. That kind neighbour of mine who always smiles at me every time I see him, he just came knocking on my door one day and giving me his contact number. He seemed to be a musician or something and every time I see him, it's like I'm seeing someone full of sunshine...he's literally a ray of the sun. So bright and positive. I envy him...but I'm thankful for him too, maybe...just one goodbye to him won't hurt.

My fingers involuntarily called him and I wait for him to pick up. His phone has been ringing for a while and I'm already laughing sadly, yep, until the last part of my life, I just fail at anything. I was about to cancel the call...when suddenly, I heard his voice.

"Hello? Hey, Y/N, finally you called, I've been waiting for you to do so." He said happily and my heart skipped a beat when I heard his voice and I didn't even know why.

"Um yeah, just had the free time to do so." I answered, pushing myself to sound happy.

"Is everything okay, Y/N?" he asked, god, this guy can know what's up so fast.

"Huh? What do you mean? Of course, Mr. Stump." I said as I remember his last name. He chuckled after that too.

"Please, just call me Patrick, Y/N. So, what have you been up to?" he asked...with no awkwardness in his voice. This was the first time we ever really talked like this and also on the phone too, but he's still so eager, like he'd been wanting to talk to me like this.

"Um...a lot, but I would just like to...say goodbye to you and thank you for being a good neighbour." I managed to say silently as I giggled lowly too. Suddenly, Patrick went silently.

"Y/N, where are you?" he asked eagerly suddenly and again my heart is skipping a beat. Did he really managed to read me that're nothing but strangers, yet he – "Y/N, please answer me." He said again, this time more worriedly.

"I'm at the nearby cliff, you know, that one –

"Okay, wait for me up there okay? I have to tell you something. Please, wait for me." He said and it seems like he's already in a rush.

Before I could react and oppose to him, he already hung up and I found myself staring at my phone...did he found out with all just that? Some random guy, a stranger to be specific...could he possibly understand me with just that? My heartbeat went faster, despite this my decision will not falter...I'm already done thinking, done fighting, and done caring for everything.

I finally took away my phone and looked up to the sky, well, at least everything around me is perfect for my take off. The sky is clear and there are so many stars up there, too mesmerizing to watch...but it looks they'll be witnessing something horrible down here to me...

"Okay, Y/N...small steps then one big leap and everything will be fine." You said soothingly to yourself and you can't believe that you're getting a bit nervous now.

You continued to step forward towards the edge...little by little, getting the strength to take that leap now......after this...everything will be...fine.

"Don't, please..." I heard I felt a person hold back my arms, pulling me back off the edge...towards safety...towards life.

I looked back and saw him...the guy who I just called a while ago...he did, he really did figure it out.

"I know I have no right to stop you, or to eve say these things to you, but please...don't let yourself do that. I know we're nothing but neighbours...strangers, actually, but the moment I saw you, I promise, I look up to you and I'm not kidding here." He said in all seriousness and sincerity.

"W-what...Patrick, you can't –

"I saw the girl behind the mask...the real you who always hides behind that smile and laughs. I have no idea how or why, but I didn't want to be a creep so I just tried to be friends with you, but as expected, you're scared and I can't do anything. I gave you my number and each day that past without you calling feels like I'm losing hope, but this happened, you called me...and I came in the right time to save you." He said with a sincere smile...which confused me, angers me and made me go in panic.

"You can't...I'm already done, Patrick. You saw me, right? That hideous, horrible, dying girl behind my smiling mask. I couldn't stand this anymore, I can't be saved...I'm nothing here, no one understands, I should just go...I should just die..." you said as you break down, but somehow you couldn't push yourself to run for the cliff again. "I'm a piece of shit, they are right...they are all right, I'm just a crying bitch, I shouldn't have just lived –

"Stop...stop it right now, Y/N...It's never bad to cry like that, it's never a bad thing to break down, it's just an indication that you've been strong for too long and you need an outlet to let it all go...but of course, not everything too. Y/N, I swear to god if you take that path, there's no turning back, NEVER, you just let life fuck with you and I swear I learned that the hard way. Whether you believe me or not I ALMOST did the same thing last month. I was depressed, everything is not going out well for me, it's like life is mocking me in a very cruel way and I give up...ALMOST give up. I thought of killing myself, taking in pills and pills and pills, but I didn't, I can't manage to do it because something just triggered in my mind. 'What if tomorrow will be different? What if the next day my life will take a turn? If I do this now, I wouldn't be able to experience that!' That's what I realized and I was right. Y/N, if I killed myself that night I wouldn't be here, I wouldn't be able to get the feeling of being signed to start a band, to meet my new best friends...and to meet and save you here. Everything has a purpose...has a reason. Just think, if you go that way, back to that edge and threw yourself in your grave, it's going to be all over. You just gave up on everything you hoped for. God! You look like we have the same age and we're still young! There's so much to experience, so much to explore. The journey will not be easy, but who says it's always not easy? In this life, you just have to're not alone. And this time, I'll make you feel please, hold on?" he said as I just stared at him blankly as my tears keep on running down to my cheeks.

No lies, there's not a hint of lie in what he's all honestly sincere, all true. A guy like him, a stranger, will change my mind, my fate, my decision. I don't...I don't know how, but he managed to pull me up, he didn't let me drown, and stopped me from taking a permanent slumber.

I slowly reach out to his hand, holding it weakly, but the moment our skin touched...I knew he's right. What he said was right, we only have one chance, this one life, why the fuck would we let it ruin it for us. Everything has a reason, everything happens in the right time. It's all been planned, we just have to live our life to the fullest and treat it better than it's treating us...all these, I'm thinking all of these thoughts and I feel so light hearted, like something lighted up inside me.

"I'm only one call away

I'll be here to save the day

Superman got nothing on me

I'm only one call away." Patrick pulled me in for a hug as he sang with a soothing voice and that made me feel a lot more better. I was still crying there, but he's just rubbing my back. "You'll find that reason sooner and later and you'll just go up to me and say 'you're right'. Thank you for trusting me, choosing this path. I didn't do this because I pity, Y/N, heck, I even envy you for that courage, that fighting spirit, the whole you. Life has fucked you way too much, but you managed to go through it all...all alone. But I promise you, from this moment, we're partners." He said with a smile. He was already brushing the tears off from my eyes as he smiled gorgeously at me.

"I guess it's still not too late to look at life in the opposite way." I managed to say...and I swear that moment, we became inseparable.


"Doctor Y/Last/N, we need you in the emergency room! There's this girl, her wrists are all slit. She tried too--" My nurse said and without even letting her finish, I run with no hesitation.

This is my life now...I'm the lifesaver here. Patrick was right, this is the reason...I've been a doctor for three years and in no time, I'm known as one of the best doctors in the country. I always manage to save people in the right time, most especially in the emergency rooms. I honestly lost count with all the people I have saved, but all of them never forgot me. Now, everyone looks up to me, everyone is thanking me, nodding that I'm something in this world........And I wouldn't even reach this far, if I've taken that path.

I wonder what will happen to all the patients I saved if I committed suicide that day, will they die because I never managed to get here? Will someone help them too? Or what...but really, I shouldn't be thinking of that now, because it didn't happen. Because I'm still here......and that's all because of Patrick.

I'm doing my best to save this girl now, this girl is like me before, almost giving out her life because of some reasons that will never be enough to bargain for with a life. As I save her, I realized how important lives are more in this forte. These people I'm saving, they're holding on to their dear lives no matter what. And I remember myself almost giving it away like a piece of bread or something...I appreciated life more when I take a look at it in a different way, a positive way. Now, I'm here, saving the lives of people.

"She stabilized, the blood is being transferred to her now, Doc. You saved her." The nurses said and I smiled at them.

"We saved her." I said as I left the operation room and got back to my office. I fixed myself of course, before sitting down. Seeing that girl made me remember that part of my past, but now I just see it as a huge obstacle wall that I managed to pass with the help of someone cheering me till the end...and for now, that's Patrick...

"Hey, knock, knock, is my doctor in?" I heard his voice as he went inside holding a bouquet of flowers. I immediately stood up and hugged the guy that saved husband – Patrick. "I heard that you just saved a girl's life?" he asked with a smile.

"Of course, that's my job, Mr. Stump." I answered with a smile. "I'll make a letter for her later, she was like me before...maybe she needs someone to pull her up from drowning." I said sincerely and I found him staring proudly at me.

"I'm so so SO proud of you, Mrs. Stump." He said while smiling at me while mesmerizingly looking at me.

"You're right, Patrick. And thank you for leading me here." I said, hugging him tightly.

"You're always welcome, my princess. Doing that, saving you that night is the greatest thing I have ever done, seriously." He said with a genuine smile.

"And calling you that night is the best thing I've ever done." I told him and he chuckled... "Because since that moment, I found out that someone out really just one call away." I added with a smile.

{I hope you enjoyed. I just got the idea while listening to that song. Thanks for reading!!}

photo not mine, credits to owner!

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