#16 {D:BH AU} Ultra Kind Of Love (Part 3)

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*2nd Person View*

"Y/N? Are you sure that you don't want to go back to LA? You are receiving a high volume of Thanksgiving Party Invitations, many people are expecting you to come," You heard Patrick said as you both walked around the busy streets of Tokyo.

"There's no way in hell I'll replace this with some social gathering, 'Trick. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against them, but being in here and practically alone is way better. Besides, I've dreamed to be in this place for so long, I want to enjoy," you answered enthusiastically.

"Understood. I will just ignore those invitations then," he answered.

You're honestly having the time of your life just roaming around this new city. You didn't mind that you're alone, well because, you're not actually alone since Patrick is always there with you. You find yourself enjoying more when he's around. Fortunately, his small damage yesterday was easily fixed and he's now back on track. You've done a lot of things since yesterday, but you still got a lot of energy to visit more places.

Patrick, on the other hand, is just following you. He's still baffled at how all these things excites you, he always finds it fascinating when you are amused by simple things. It makes him think that being a human is indeed very different from being something like him.

"Hey, smile!" You shouted and he quickly looked at your way. You were already holding up a camera that is facing both of your direction. Patrick smiled a bit, he was tasked to so he needs to comply, and you smiled genuinely and took the picture. Patrick saw you looking at the new picture on the camera, and then noticing blood flowing on your cheeks again.

"I have observed that you really like to take pictures, Y/N," he stated, getting your full attention.

"Yeah, it's because I want to have a remembrance. Sorry if it seems weird for you," you answered him.

"No, not at all. I know that humans often do that. What I don't get is why are you including me in them?" he asked.

"Why not? I mean, you're a part of this memory and I want to," you simply answered then continued to walk.

Patrick followed just a few inches behind you, making sure you're perfectly fine and it seems that you are. Your positive energy is even radiating from inside of you and Patrick can clearly see that. It was so different from the other humans he is seeing.

You both continued to walk, checking every new store and place you come across. Patrick also decided to be a talking guide as he research each place then give you a brief description about it. He knows you'll appreciate something like that.

After a while, you finally reached your destination, "Oh my gosh, we're here! It's so beautiful," you murmured, already so fascinated by the place.

Cherry Blossom. That's what Patrick can see. It was a park filled that kind of trees and the ground are covered with its pink petals. It is indeed beautiful. He turned his attention to you, seeing you staring at the beautiful scenery with glowing eyes and a genuine smile.

Untraceable error occured.

Patrick suddenly saw that message pop up in front of his vision as he stared at you. He didn't understand the sudden error that popped up so he ran a quick scan of his systems, but still, he got nothing.

"Hey, you alright?" you asked him worriedly. You even put your hand over his shoulder which yanked Patrick out of his stasis mode and look at you. You're now face to face with him, giving him a closer proximity to stare at you.

Untraceable error occurred.
Untraceable error occured.

It appeared again. Twice. But he just tried to ignore it now, "Yes," he answered.

"A-are you sure? You feeling something? Your LED light is frantically blinking yellow and red now, Patrick. I'm worried," you told him.

"I am. I think there's just a minor bug," Patrick explained.

"A bug in your system or a literal bug? Because there are really A LOT of those in here," you stated playfully and in your full shock, Patrick laughed. It was just a simple and low chuckle but you didn't expect that reaction from him, in fact, you've never even seen him like that before. You don't even know if androids could do that.

You stared at him, admitting to yourself that that was a cute and wholesome chuckle which probably made you blush again.

"Give me your camera so I can take a picture of you," Patrick said, trying to break the sudden silence.

You just handed him the camera because you really don't know what else to say too. You'd probably end up blusbing your face off if you decided to stay there longer.

Patrick guided you to position yourself within the scenery and he took the perfect picture for you. As he was doing so, he finds himself stopping just to look at you...and again, the errors appear. He doesn't know why and how, but he knows you cause it in a way.

He should be more worried about the errors, but he kept finding himself ignoring it just to focus on you.

~~~Short Time Skip~~~

"I wish we can just stay here forever, this place is really amazing," you told Patrick as you're both heading back to the hotel.

"You have a lot of things scheduled next week, Y/N. Unfortunately, you can't cancel those," Patrick answered you.

"Sssshhh, don't remind me. I still want to have a fun vacation. Don't give me a reality check just yet." Suddenly, a cold breeze hit your way and you immediately shivered. You're just weaeing a simple shirt then and didn't expect that it will be this cold.

"Here," you heard Patrick and then felt that he gently put his uniform suit over your shoulders, "Your temperature keeps on decreasing, that will keep you warm for a while until we get back to the suite," he explained.

"T-Thanks...but how about you? Aren't you ---

"I have heaters in my synthetic body, Y/N. You don't have to worry," he reassured.

"Right. Right. Man, I wish I have those too!" you murmured and again, you got a soft laughter out of him. You feel like you wanted to record it and play it on loop.

You both continued your way back to the hotel, getting closer and closer with each other while side to side. You're almost hitting shoulders now, but you didn't mind. You loved the warmth that he was emitting anyways. After several minutes, you finally arrived at the lobby of the hotel. You made your way to the elevator, but then suddenly, you felt like someone was staring at you since the moment you walked inside the vicinity.

"Hey...Hi. Excuse me, are you Y/N?" a guy around your age came running after you. He has a smile to his lips and his eyes were glowing as he looked at you. Honestly, he seemed very familiar to you.

"Yes," you answered him, still trying to remember where you've seen him.

He is wearing a very formal suit and you have to admit thay he looks so sophisticated and elegant.  You also note the undeniable pride and proudness on his whole aura.
He's surely a well-known personality too, you just can't remember.

"I am a huge fan of you, I can't believe that I'll be able to meet you here out of all places!" he said excitedly, "Eli, by the way, Eli Scott," he introduced and finally, it rang a bell.

He's the son of CyberLife's CEO...the son of the first maker of androids.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry I didn't recognize you, Mr. Scott! It's an honor to meet you," you said in shock.

Patrick knows him from the moment he walked near you. He could feel the authority out of that person, but he remained still next to you.

"Oh, please, just call me Eli. And the pleasure's all mine Y/N, I've been dying to see you on your tour. I'm just really busy with CyberLife, but I'm glad to see you here," he explained. Eli looked to your left where Patrick was standing, "Has it been helpful?" he asked casually.

At first, you were confused as to what he was asking but then you realized he's pertaining to Patrick. You're really not used to addressing him as it.

"Yes. Yes, of course. He's very helpful and wonderful," you said proudly and Eli chuckled at you.

"'He'? That's cute, Y/N," he said in a teasing way which made you a little uncomfortable, "Well, I'm glad that it is. I was the one who designed it, it's still the first one of its model, but we're planning to upgrade it as soon as we can," he explained, "By the way, why are you wearing that? That doesn't suit you, that's an android uniform." He removed Patrick's suit off of your shoulder and carelessly handed it over to Patrick. Patrick just caught the suit before it can fall to the floor.

Eli, then, removed his own suit and gave it to you, "Please join me for dinner? I really really want to know you more," he said.

For some reason, you had the involuntary urge to look at Patrick like as if you're asking for his permission. Patrick stared back at you and you saw a bright red light blink on his LED for a mere second, "I'll wait for you at the suite, Miss Y/N," he said formally. Patrick faced Eli next, "It's an honor meeting you, Mr. Scott. Have a nice evening," he stated before walking away from you.

You just gave Patrick an apologetic gaze as you know you'll be leaving him alone for a while. The moment he was out of sight, you looked at Eli again.

"I-I guess I have some time to spare. Besides, it'll be my honor to have a dinner with you," you said out of respect. You also think that this is a great experience.

Besides, there's nothing to lose.

Thanks for reading~~

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