#19 {D:BH AU} Ultra Kind Of Love (Part 6)

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A/N: Long chapter ahead. Also, trigger warning. Love y'all.

*2nd Person View*

A surprise meet-up event with your fans - that's what you're doing today on your birthday.

You declined all the idea of the recording label throwing you a big party and instead, you planned this event with Patrick. Instead of getting a surprise, you wanted your fans to have it. And so far, it's everything you've hoped for.

Your fans came, not knowing what to expect since you made it look like this was just fans gathering without you. Their reactions were priceless the moment you came out and greeted them all. You always love interacting with your fans and this, for you, is the best thing you could do on your birthday. You took your time going to each of them as much as possible without any security, without any limits. You've put your trust in them and they were very organized. Nothing bad has happened and you're so proud of them. It feels like you're just having a good time with new friends.

They were funny and wacky. You didn't stop talking and taking pictures with them, some also asks you funny questions which you loved answering. Most of them loved seeing Patrick too which is also around the vicinity keeping his eyes on you. You can say that your fanbase loves the guy too and some are actually shipping the both of you.

You thought that Patrick might get a little overwhelmed with this kind of human interaction, but he seemed to be enjoying it. He's not complaining and he even let them take pictures with him.

"He's such a pure boy!" you hears one of your fans say.

"Oh, he really is. He's a big part of what and who I am in this industry and I'm glad you guys know him and appreciates him as much as you appreciate me," you told them.

Patrick gazed at you, immediately spotting your genuine smile that has recently been making him unstable for some reason. But even with that error, he always want to see it. From time to time, he makes sure that you're fine while interacting with fans. It's not that he doesn't trust these people with you, he just wants to be sure nothing bad will happen to you again.

People also continously approach him which he doesn't really understand. He knows he's not particularly important but for some reason, he feels comfortable with it. He knows these are good people and he didn't expect that an android can get this much compliment from many people. By now, all he knows are tasks and commands, well of course, instead from you. Now he kind of figured out why these people are your fans, they were like you.

The day continued and you've never talked this much for a long time but you don't regret it. You love every interaction you had with them. Unfortunately, the event has come to its conclusion and you thanked them all for the support and the gifts. You could feel their overflowing love and you really wouldn't exchange that for anything in this world.

~~~Short Time Skip~~~

"Did you enjoy your birthday, Y/N?" Patrick asked as you were both slumped on the floor inside the Penthouse Suite that you rented for the event earlier. You were both opening the gifts that you recieved from fans like it was Christmas day.

"If the stupid wide smile on my lips until now doesn't say that I did, I don't know what will," you answered him with a laugh. "This is the best decision that I have made in a long time and probably the best birthday ever. So yes, I very much enjoyed it."

"That's good to hear," Patrick said, giving you a small smile. Suddenly, he got up and walked towards the fridge by the kitchen area.

"Where are you going?" you asked.

Patrick pulled out a purple cake from the fridge and walked towards you. The cake has a guitar shape and it actually resembles your own guitar, "I searched that humans often have cakes on their birthday so I made one. I was planning to get it out earlier, but then I thought that only you should have it."

"Patrick, that's so sweet of you," you said while your heart and soul are going 'aaawww' in there. You stood up in front of him as he lighted the small candle that was on it, "No, seriously. Thank you," you said while staring at him. The color and warmth of his eyes are now really alike to a human.

"I also know that humans often make a wish before blowing out the light on the candle. So, make your wish, princess." Patrick is now used to with calling you that. He thought of the nickname because you tend to go for the princess characters on the video games that you are playing with him.

You smiled genuinely at him, a tear falling from your eyes. You didn't expect that you'll get this overwhelmed. It was just a cake...but yet his actions are making you weak in there. You closed your eyes and wished, wished that you'll always be this happy and always be with him. After making that wish, you blow the candle out.

"Happy Birthday, Y/N," he said with a very soft voice. Patrick was staring at you, his eyes continuously giving you warmth.

You gently took the cake away from him and placed it over the table near you. You immediately went back to him and hugged him tightly, "You know how much you mean to me, right? Thank you, for everything. I might be getting cheesy, these words might not mean much to you, these feelings might not be comprehensible for you...but I'm expressing it all now," you said as if you're confessing.

Patrick wrapped his arms around you too and it felt so right for him even if he's getting bombarded with error messages. He even pressed his lips against your head gently, "What are you doing to me, Y/N? I don't... I don't have a human brain that produces chemicals that creates this emotion...this connection with you. But you were able to make me feel," Patrick confessed. He knows the LED light on his temple is now blinking red. He's a little unstable now too.

You gently pulled your head back a little to look at him. This still shocked you but somehow, you kind of expected it already. You just gave him a small smile while cupping his cheeks, "I don't think one needs to be a human to be able to feel love, I think as long as you have the perfect connection, you're allowed to feel it." you told him.

"Yeah. Yeah, I do agree with you, Y/N." Patrick also cupped your cheeks, gently leaning in until he reaches your lips with his own. He didn't know where the urge came from, it just felt like it was the right thing to do.

You didn't protest, you didn't pull back, you just responded with the same manner and you didn't care. You didn't care that you're officially in love with an android.

Why should you be? He might actually be the best and last good thing about this part of city.

~~~Short Time Skip~~~

"Princess, I'm so sorry to wake you up but I need to go to the studio now. They are calling me," you heard Patrick whisper against your ear. He was next to you and you were hugging him while your head is leaning on his chest.

"What time is it? Why do they need you?" you asked sleepily. It was still dark outside so you know it's just a few hours past midnight.

"It's 2AM. Just sleep, I'll be back soon, alright?" He gently place your head on a pillow and left bed. He placed a quick kiss on your head before walking away too.

"Okay, love you," you said naturally which made him smile.

"Love you too, princess," he replied before going out of the suite.

You continued your sleep in there and just hoped that he comes back in no time. You drifted back to sleep with no problem and was only awaken after a few minutes with a knock on the door.

You pushed yourself to wake up and get up from the bed. You pulled Patrick's spare jacket and put it over you since you're just wearing a night dress. You looked at the screen from inside your room first before opening the door and you realized that it was Eli.

"Eli? What are you doing here? And...how did you know I was here?" You asked the moment you opened the door. You slowly realized that you never told anyone about this and you told your fans not to disclose where this is. Besides, he wouldn't know that even if it got leaked. Eli won't mingle with them.

"Y/N, I was worried. I've been calling you all night, but you're not answering. I thought we have a date?" He was drunk and that immediately made you feel nervous.

"Eli, I told you I have other ----

"Who, then, huh? Another better than I am, I supposed?" he murmured then he scoffed, "No one's better than me, love."

"Eli, I think you should leave. I'll call the service to get you." You were about to shut the door but he prevented you to and he went inside, immediately grabbing you.

"Why do you like that android jacket so much? You look more fine without it," Eli pinned you against a wall and pulled the jacket off of you, exposing you a little.

You really tried to fight him off, but he was too strong for you, "Eli, let me go!" you wanted to sound firm but your voice is now shaking.

"You know, I've already invested a lot of time and effort to you so technically, you're mine, love," he said with a spine-chilling voice and he started to kiss your neck.

You began to scream then but he put his hand over your mouth to muffle the sound. He has also kicked the door shut. You tried your best to struggle, you slightly succeed but then he'll just grab you again.

"Let me go, please! You don't want to do this!" you're now whimpering as he's literally carrying you to the bed. He threw you down and immediately putting all his weight on you so you can't move.

"Oh, you're so wrong about that, love. I'm getting impatient with you, why not start it already?" he said, already ripping your clothes off.

By now you're crying. The panic and fear is overwhelming you and you can't fight him. You're just wishing for someone to save you now.


Halfway to the studio, Patrick felt that something was wrong. He doesn't know what it is but he has the urge to go back to you all of a sudden.

He didn't hesitate anymore and called the studio to wait for a little longer and he headed back to the suite. All these sensations inside of him are still very new so he doesn't know what to expect. He went to the tower and saw several android security there and he's familiar with those...those are Eli Scott's security.

After that, for some reason, Patrick sprinted. He knows he needed to get to you quickly. He doesn't know why, but he feels like you need him. Finally, he reached the your suite...already hearing muffled screams and whimpers from the inside that made his thirium pump overheat.

Patrick broke down door with a punch and he immediately saw Eli on top of you while ripping your clothes off. No words escaped him, but he feels it, he feels the rage.

"P-Patrick!" you murmured helplessly.

"Oh god fucking damn it! PS0427, commence force shut down. Authorized by Eli Scott, confirm voice verification," Eli said while trying his best to keep you down.

'Commencing forced shut down,' Patrick saw a message in his vision. It actually made him stop already and he can feel his systems shutting down.

"N-no" he murmured as he hears your continuous scream, "N-NO!" Suddenly, he can see red barrier around him but he's able to move again. He forced himself towards the barrier, doing everything to destroy it...meaning that he has to fully deviate now. He has to fully ignore instructions from humans and be free. He's now completely making his own decision and fighting the forced command.

Finally, he broke free and suddenly things became clearer to him. It's like he woke up. The errors stopped, but he didn't. He charged at Eli who doesn't have an idea that he's still active. Patrick grabbed him off of you and threw him at the other side of the room, straight out of the suite.

Rage is fueling him now and the word bloodlust suddenly makes so much sense. He began to walk towards Eli, obviously, not done yet.

"D-deviant...c-call reinforcement, there's a deviant in here!" Eli immediately reported.

Patrick reached him and pushed him against the wall even if he's already injured, "You know the one who should be reported and prosecuted here? It's you!" Patrick punched him and threw him again.

"You deviants are really always pesking around... I will end all of you!" Eli said. Patrick was about to go to him again, but your voice has gotten his attention. He just left Eli out of there to go back to you.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I didn't arrive quickly," Patrick said, holding you against his chest.

You were just a crying mess, who wouldn't be? Your whole body is shaking and you were so scared. You're just gripping on Patrick now.

"You're okay now, princess. I'm here, I'm here," he grabbed the jacket and started to put that over you. He kept saying soothing things to you too which helps you stable yourself.

You just want to focus on him, you just want to feel his warmth, but the sudden surge of police officers - human and android, that has started to enter the room with guns on their hands puts you into so much panic in an instant.

"P-please save Y/N! I've tried to save her from that deviant android but it was persistent to molest her! Just save, Y/N!" Eli's lies echoed in the hallway outside.

It wasn't good that the officers are seeing Patrick that close to you while looking like that. Adding to the problem is Eli's statement too which really would make them think that Patrick is trying to molest you. Patrick has his back to the officers which gave them the perfect sight to shoot him...



And they did do that immediately.

Gunshot after gunshot was heard and you saw it with your eyes again, but this time it was different. This time you saw the pain in Patrick's eyes. They were using specialized bullets to disable androids. But Patrick was still fighting through the pain just to make sure you're fully clothed again.

"N-no!! N-NO!!! STOP!!! It wasn't him. Please believe me, it wasn't him!" you finally shouted, trying your best to stand and go in front of Patrick to guard him.

Your head is racing so fast now, seven guns are still pointing at your direction...at Patrick. And unfortunately, you know there's no way out now. You always know how this ends.

You're holding Patrick behind you and you can feel his blue blood leaking out from the bullet wounds.

"No, please no. He didn't do anything," you repeated again and again, but you know they are not listening. They will never listen and they will never believe you because he's an android. He's always on the wrong no matter what.

"Y/N, move..." Patrick whispered to you. He knows his fate now too, but he's not gonna drag you down with him. Fear crept inside of him and it was weird.

It's sad that this is what he has to feel after deviating. Anger, pain, fear. It shouldn't have been this way, but he can't do anything about it now, "Move away, just walk to them. You will be safe with them."

"No! I WON'T GO! Please listen to me, don't hurt him!" you continuously pleaded.

You heard Patrick grunted in pain and he fell kneeling to the ground. You immediately turned to him, facing your back to the officers, "No, please, Patrick, don't leave me," you said while holding onto him.

"Y/N, there's nothing we can do. J-just go with them for now. I'll be fine, I'll explain everything to them," he murmured.

"You know that's not what's gonna happen! I don't...--" you can't think anymore. You're defeated and you know that, you just can't accept it.

Patrick held your hand and squeezed it.

"Remember what I said?...until you're here, alive and well, the world will be better. You can't save me now and I don't want to drag you with me. I don't want something beautiful to go down with me....so you should go...b-but I just want to say thank you, thank you for making me feel human for a short amount of time," he whispered, making sure that you're the only one who could hear it.

You hold tightly onto his hand, you want to say a lot of things to him, but you were so choked up and then all of a sudden, you realized the officers have closed in. They surrounded Patrick who can't even fight back due to his injuries. Two officers held you and began to drag you away from there.

"No!! NO! LET GO OF ME!" You shouted as you struggle but they were firm with their grip on you.

"Everything's okay now, Miss Y/N...They'll handle the deviant," they said.

You don't if they are deaf or what but they really have a close mind when it comes to androids. For them, all deviants are the enemy. You kept shouting and struggling as they drag you out in the hallways. You tried to keep your eyes at Patrick who's just staring at you...giving you a sad smile. The moment you were out of the room, a collective gunshot was heard again and that made you limp.

You know what happened and that honestly made everything stop and fell into silence. It's like there's only this ringing in your ears while you stare at a blank wall with your eyes wide open and unblinking. Tears fell but you were completely silent and still. Pain drowning you all of a sudden.

'He's an android, he can be fixed again' That's what your optimistic side says. But no. That's not gonna happen.

He was a deviant. He deviated because of you, because he wanted to save you...so now once he's destroyed...there's never coming back.

He's never coming back.

That thought repeats in your head over and over again. The pain, the rage, and the fear mixing together inside your head makes you want to explode. You wanted to scream and attack anything on sight, but you didn't...you couldn't because your consciouness has left you too.


That got dark.


Thanks for reading

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