#22 {D:BH AU} Ultra Kind Of Love (Part 8)

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*Patrick's P. O. V.*

"Let's all welcome the new COO of Cyberlife, Ms. Patricia Vaughn!" The other deviants and I who are in hiding are now watching a live broadcast of Cyberlife's press conference. Eli, who I'm still not done with, just appointed his fiancé to be the COO of the company.

I hate everything about him. He was the reason I lost Y/N, he made her suffer through something no one deserves to go through and now he's with another human like nothing happened. He also is still trying his hardest to shut all deviants down, but we won't easily let that happen. I won't easily let that happen.

For the past year, we've been gathering more and more deviants to join our cause. We've made a lot of efforts to deliver our message across the nation - there were successful ones, but recently, we're failing because the humans have resorted to the thing that they seemed to like the most - violence.

All our efforts are as peaceful as it can get. The leader of this revolution chose this path and I do agree with him, fighting fire with fire will just make everything worse anyways...but then again, it's getting unfair once again. We also need to make risky moves, or else all our efforts will go in vain.

"Thank you all for welcoming me warmly. Eli and I have been working very hard to keep all of us safe from these dangerous deviants and I would like to share that we are almost 100% done with the new system that we are programming to gain back the full control of these androids," she said. It was obvious she was a little nervous and passion was lacking from her words.

"Once this program is released, we can all be safe once again," Eli said while standing next to her, a proud smile appeared on his lips.

"How about you kill your fellow humans too? Your kind is actually the monsters here, not us," North, one of the other deviants I'm with, commented while looking angrily at the monitor.

The event continued and it's all just them discussing this program and how humans are gonna be safe after it is released. Of course, they are gonna show this to the public to gain back their trust and I bet they also want us, the deviants, to see this to mock and provoke us. All we've done is try to communicate with them peacefully, but all they responded is this. We're still ignored, we're still set aside, we're still being destroyed and we can't continuously let that happen.

"We need to do something to stop this from happening." I rarely speak in this group and I was shocked that I was able to say that loudly. Most of them looked at me, but I looked straight at our leader - Markus.

"What are you thinking? We can't just attack, it will push them to launch that system and it will all be over for us," Markus stated.

"How about we infiltrate CyberLife?" one suggested.

"That'll be suicide. We're outnumbered. Yes, we've grown in number, but this is still not enough to move to that plan," Markus replied.

"We'll be heading to Detroit this weekend to test the system. Hopefully, by next week, this system will completely be launched," I heard through the monitor and looked at that again. Patricia immediately caught my attention and for a second, I got lost in my thoughts because I remembered Y/N out of nowhere. I just tried to push that thought away for now and focus on our current situation.

"I...I still don't know but I'll assess the situation outside. Maybe once they are here I can get a closer look at what they are planning and then we'll do whatever by then. We're still lacking information for now," I told them.

"But you have to be careful if they'll be here. I'm sure security will be more strict. You might blend in well with the humans and they must have forgotten that your model exists, but people in CyberLife can still recognize you to be an android so don't do anything excessive. I can see the way you look at Eli, don't lose your temper or we will lose this fight," Markus warned and I just gave him a nod.

I do understand him and I respect his decision. I won't do anything that can put us more in danger without getting the upper hand. We just need to figure out what we can do for the meantime.


The weekend came fast and just as Markus expected, the security around the city became more strict. Deviant rallies have stopped and there are a lot of human and android cops roaming around, ready to shoot any deviant on sight. 

Fortunately, I learned how to blend among the crowd and with my altered appearance, nobody was able to recognize me as the 'wanted' PS0427. Also, the fact that they know that they have completely destroyed me helped too. No one suspects that I'm an android.

The private conference is happening tonight and luckily, it's happening in a nearby venue which we have secret access to. Last night, we managed to steal some decent clothing and now I'm all set to crash the party.

"They won't have any android detectors there since there are also other androids inside the vicinity. Again, don't do anything excessive, Patrick. We'll be waiting for you," Markus stated.

"Understood," I told him and I made my way out of our hideout.

I won't do anything excessive, not unless I can get away with it completely.


The vicinity is indeed full of CyberLife employees and their androids. The event is really more of a social gathering rather than a formal conference. I was expecting Eli or Patricia to give a talk, but I guess that won't happen tonight. Now, I have no idea how I can gather more information. I sat in front of the bar counter and tried my best to listen to the humans talking around me, wishing that I could get valuable information from them.

Minutes...hours...passed yet I still didn't learn anything new. I hate that I can't just go to them and ask things, that would be a dead giveaway that I'm gathering information. It's excruciating to just sit here and do nothing while these people around me are plotting to shut down my kind. I didn't expect that it will be this hard to control myself not to go berserk here.

"One glass of Margarita, please. Thank you," suddenly, I heard someone sat on the seat beside me. Her voice was familiar and I immediately looked towards that direction.

It was Patricia Vaughn...the current other half of the brain of CyberLife. I scanned her immediately and saw that she's a little drunk now which I found weird because I'm sure she shouldn't be on this state while having this kind of event. I feel like she intentionally wants to be this drunk. She seems anxious too and it's obvious she's trying to hide her face.

"Miss Vaughn, I'm so glad that I'm finally able to meet you," I said out of nowhere. My systems have overtaken me now, probably thinking that if I don't do anything now, I'll miss the chance.

"Glad to meet you too, Mr...?" she said. Her words were slurred a little, but she's still trying to look professional.

"Martin Stumph, I'm one of the heads of the CyberLife Division here in Detroit. I've always wanted to meet you," I told her, finding myself stuck staring at her eyes. For some reason, she really reminds me of Y/N that I'm getting so lost in my thoughts.

"Oh, well, I've always wanted to meet more people too and you really look familiar, you know? But I can't remember. As always," she murmured and there was bitterness in her voice. The cocktail drink that she order arrived and she immediately took a sip.

Okay, she's distracted. She didn't suspect that I'm an android...I have to focus here.

Luckily, she didn't leave the counter immediately and I got the chance to talk to her more. I started with a small talk as I slowly move on to the topic of this system that she and Eli created to eliminate deviants. Thankfully, she was answering but the moment we got to the technical things...she slowed down in talking.

"I'm really sorry, I'm not in my best mode to explain things. I promise, one day I'll give a talk about it. Maybe not tonight," she explained, sounding a little stressed.

That should have sounded a little whiny but somehow, it seems like she really is sorry about her condition right now. Besides, she didn't shoo me away earlier even if it's obvious that she wanted to be alone. She has a problem and drinking tonight is her way of coping up to it.

"They'll launch it tomorrow. So, you'll be able to see it work by then...but I honestly don't know if it's the right thing to do. What if we really need to listen to the deviants?" she was mumbling to herself now. I was shocked to hear her doubts, maybe this is why she's drinking. She's lost and unsure of what she's doing which is a shock to me.

Patricia continued to drink and I let her be for a while. I was fixated on the fact that if we don't do anything tonight, tomorrow will be the end of our efforts. I need to do something now.

"That's your third glass, are you sure you're still fine, Ms. Vaughn?" I asked, genuinely worried for her well-being. The alcohol level in her body is quite high now.

"Yeah." She tried to stand yet she stumbled, almost falling to the ground. Fortunately, I was fast and I was able to catch her. I froze the moment I touched her because I was worried that this connection might make her realize that I'm an android.

Patricia looked at me as we're face to face here, "Why are you so familiar to me?" she asked which caught me off guard.

I suddenly had the urge to kiss her. I know it's wrong on so many levels - she's Eli's fiance, I just met her and I'm here not to catch a girl...but this feeling is so familiar to me.

Why is it so familiar to me?

"Fuck... I think I'm gonna puke. B-bathroom," she whispered weakly. I carried her whole weight and guided her towards the bathroom. I just realized then that Eli wasn't around her or any other android that should be looking after her. She's totally alone and it seems like she didn't want to be recognized at all.

I let her enter the bathroom and let her do her thing. I'm actually worried about her, but my systems are running with impromptu plans now. The halls around this bathroom are clear, no surveillance camera gets this angle and no one actually noticed that Patricia was with me. And I think no one actually noticed that she's in this vicinity now...well, except the android bartender.

"Miss Vaughn? Is everything alright? Shall I call Mr. Scott?" speaking of the android bartender, he just appeared along the hallway. I quickly grabbed his arm and communicated with him through that. Markus managed to teach me this which wakes up androids that aren't deviants yet. I communicated all of the information to him and my current plan for this night.

"This is our only chance to stop them from eliminating all deviants. We can't let them stop us without listening. You have to help me," I told him and I'm glad that I was able to do it perfectly. He nodded at me, ready to listen, "Don't let anyone come here until we're gone. Don't tell anyone what you saw. After an hour, leave this place and find Jericho, understand?" I ordered him.

"I will. The people in the main hall doesn't know that she has arrived, but Eli Scott will arrive shortly. Whatever it is, you have to be fast. I'll take as much android as I can with me," he said before going back to the main hall.

"Miss Vaughn? Are you okay?" I started to knock on the door but then she suddenly opened it. She was leaning on the wall and it seems like she's really drunk.

"Okay might not be the right word for me," she murmured and I caught her again. I gently set her against the wall for a while as I took something out of my pocket.

"I'm really sorry for doing this to you, but I have no other idea how we're gonna be able to stop the launch of that system tomorrow. I need to do this," I stated and then quickly injected the sedative-filled syringe on her arm.

"W-what are you..... ----

The dosage is a little strong which made her quickly lose her consciousness. I picked her up and carried her with my arms as I hurried through the secret passageway that I used to come here.

I'm sure CyberLife won't launch that until we have her on our hands. Eli wouldn't dare or else he'd have a hard time looking for her. It's not like we're going to torture her, we just need something to hold on to so they won't continue the launch.

Don't do anything excessive they said...

Well, that's really not the case now, is it?

A/N: Thanks for reading!!!

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