#36: Alone Together (Part 7)

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A/N: Make sure you read the previous chapter! I updated 2 parts today. I wanna make sure, you guys won't miss it because sometimes wattpad is messing up the notification. Be sure to read that first before this. Thaaaaanks!


*Patrick's P. O. V. *

Looks like even we are so careful, bad things still found its way towards us.

I have been taken and I already have no idea how I'm going to escape this. I have never been trained for this kind of situation. I never learned to fight...and yes, even to stand up for myself which is pitiful. I basically am considered dead now and this feeling is terrifying. I have no idea how I'm staying sane.

This kind of disappearances has been happening around town and the nearby ones. Me and my friends were careful, but I guess I got too confident and now I'd be dead sooner or later. These people took me someplace, I think it's deep in the woods. They weren't doing anything to me yet, but they were firm enough to make me realize that they are the authority and they are in control. I think this is a human trafficking scheme, but I'm not too sure.

"Noooo! Please, let go of me!!!" I suddenly heard a loud scream. It's coming from a girl. I'm locked up inside this dark cell and I don't know what's happening outside.

"Shut up, darling. You're beginning to annoy me," one of the takers said. He suddenly opened the door to my cell and pushed a girl inside. I know his push was too much because she fell to the ground hard.

I quickly got to her side and help her up. "Shut her up or I'm going to kill you both." And with that, we're locked again.

"No! Let me go! Let me go!!!" she screamed in so much fear and panic. Her shouts are indeed ear-wrecking, but I do get that. This situation is a legitimate time to do such that.

"H-hey...please...please I know it's hard and stupid favor, but calm down. You heard what he said, it's better if we comply," I please to her. She was already banging on the door and I'm trying to hold her back.

"No..." she said weakly and she collapsed to the ground, now crying silently. "My mom's gonna die worrying about me....." she murmured which I didn't expect. She's still thinking about her mom even if she's the one in danger.

"I...I'm so so scared to and I get what you mean. They have just taken me too and I've heard what they do..." I said, not knowing where I'm getting the courage. Earlier I was ready to just give up, but now, I'm finding myself new courage, "but listen...at least, we're not alone by ourselves, right? We just have to follow them by now...we'll escape together."

I'm sure that wasn't going to work, but miraculously her crying lessened. She still remained silent so I decided to give her space and just went to the corner again. Minutes pass, she was completely silent.

"Thank you," she murmured. The girl finally looked at me and I was able to see her face.

"We'll get by as long as we work together," I told her. Now, I'm committed to helping ourselves get out of here. It's like she gave me the courage. "My name's Patrick."

"Y/N," she answered, finally seeming calm.

~~~3 months later~~~

We're still held against our will in this place and we've counted 12 weeks already. The only good thing is they are keeping us alive. I was right with my theory and we heard them talking about sending us somewhere. We're just fortunate that they are experiencing some problems since the police are now very active around the area.

Other than that, I'm satisfied to say that Y/N and I are doing well. Of course, we still couldn't just accept this but we're keeping each other sane. I'm so lucky that I have someone with me here. I'm sure I'd go crazy just in 3 days.

"You write and play music? That's cool. I'd like to hear you play one day," she said and we're up just to engage in this small talks. We've been doing this ever since we arrived here.

"When we escaped here, Y/N. I will sing to you every day," I told her.

It seems like we're very similar to each other. She likes the things that I like and almost having the same personality too. Sometimes, I'm so immersed in our conversation that I forget our current situation. I wish I have met her even before we got in here, we would have really become good friends.

We're both lying on the ground with the top of our heads against each other. Our position creating a straight horizontal line and we're both looking at the very small window above us. We could see the night skies through that.

"You're a great guy, Patrick. And I'm not only saying this because you're the only one I'm with here. You genuinely are. In fact, you're actually one of the best kind of person I've ever met," she told me which I really appreciate.

"Thanks for the compliment, Y/N and you too. I think you're beautiful," my mouth was just rushing and I immediately panicked after saying that, "I mean...beautiful, kind, very bright.....you were hysterical when you got here, but now you're the one who's making me sane," I honestly said.

"Didn't know that you were a flatterer, you actually made me blush," I could hear her smile while saying that.

"Glad I could, Y/N ----

Our door suddenly opened and two drunk men went in, "Hey girl, come with us" they have smug smiles and I was so quick to stand in front of Y/N to protect her.

"Where are you taki---

They have wasted no time, one punched me so hard that I collapsed on the ground.

"No, stop! Patrick!" they grabbed Y/N immediately and before I could stand again, they were out of the room.

I banged the door, shouting for them to give her back. My heart is now pounding so hard...the things that they could do to her is already making me lose my mind. I'm so angry yet so helpless and all I could do is wait in agony.

An hour has past and finally, the door opened and they threw a crying and shaking Y/N at me. "You're fucking lucky we can't touch you that much," he said and shut the door.

Y/N gripped onto me and I hugged her against my chest. "You're with me now. You're safe, you're with me." Y/N was crying so hard against my chest.

I didn't let go of her, I didn't stop stroking her hair and back for comfort. I let her cry and I didn't ask anything and soon enough, she was able to regain herself.

"Let's get out of here together, Patrick. I can't stay here any longer."

I nodded at her, promising myself and to her that I'd do everything to get ourselves out of here.

~~~3 more months later~~~

I hate myself for not being able to do this more quickly...but this escape plan is really set to not fail. It's just that I hate seeing those people take Y/N on the nights they were drunk.

Fortunately, if this is still considered fortunate, they are not doing the worst case scenario to her since they are meaning to send her to a buyer or something. But still, what they're doing is beyond unforgivable.

After that first night with them, Y/N and I just became a lot closer, finding so much comfort around each other's arms. Yes, maybe this small space and the current situation is enough to help up develop these feelings to each other, but honestly, wherever we are...I'd fall for this girl. Her personality is so pure. I'd do everything to get her out of this situation.

We've planned for three months and now's the night of the execution. We're just praying to all holy for this to work.

"We'll get out of here together," I said to her holding her hands so tight.

"We will. I know we will," Y/N faced me. I gently cupped her cheeks. I'm so slow and gentle with my touch because I don't want to scare her, but she seemed to be comfortable with it. I just leaned in and kissed her.

Now...we just have to survive this night.


We executed our plan and with some miracle, we managed to take down the two guards that are currently inside the vicinity. My hands are glued to hers as I never want to lose her.

We ran to the back door and made a run for it. We still haven't gotten that far but we already hear people following us.

"Just run. Don't look back," I told her as we continued to run side by side.

We honestly don't know where we're going, but making it far from that place is our goal. Minutes later, both of our lungs are already giving out yet we're still deep in the woods.

"Just a little more, Y/N we can ---

Suddenly, I saw a red dot laser pointing at Y/N. I quickly shoved her away and then I felt an excruciating pain on my hips.

"N-No!" Y/N was horrified, but I know we have no time to stay put.

"Y/N, go! Run!" I grabbed her and despite the excruciating pain, we ran again.

I'm losing so much blood fast and I'm obviously leaving a trail behind. My breathing is getting worse and worse now. I can't make it further.

"P-Patrick, hold on. I'm going to put pressu--

I stopped Y/N from doing what she's gonna try to do, "You have to run without me, Y/N"

"No, Patrick, shut up. We're leaving together. I just have to ---

"Y/N...Y/N, listen to me," she wasn't even looking at me because she knows I'm right. I guided her to look at me, "They're gonna catch up soon. I'm leaving blood behind and I can't make it further, but you can...

"I'll carry you...Please, don't let go. Come on, you promised me we'd leave together," she was crying in front of me...pleading so much and this is breaking me.

But this is also the time where I accepted it. Yes, I can't make it, but she can...

"I'll be with you...we're always alone together, right? I'd be with you, but now not physically. I'm going to lose them and you keep running straight, okay?" I said, pushing myself to stand again.

"Please, Patrick. No... Please. I don't want to leave you..." Y/N pleaded.

"You're not leaving me. We're just separating for the meantime, princess. I'm sure we'd still be together after this. Now please...please, for me. Just go," I told her straight in the eyes. I kissed this girl in front of me again, "As long as I can, I'd stay with you," he said.

"I'm gonna come back and save you... Okay? Wait for me, Patrick. Wait for me, I'm going to find you again...I love you...I love you," she said, kissing me again.

"Love you too, princess. Now, go." And with that, we separated.

I ran to the other side and I could hear them following me again, but now I'm sure Y/N's safe now and no one is chasing her. After several minutes, I completely collapsed on the ground. My breathing is getting a lot heavier, I feel so weak and I think most of my blood has already left my body.

I crawled to the nearest tree and pulled myself up just so I was sitting against it. I know I'm already on my last breaths. I just leaned back and looked at the skies that Y/N and I always look at.

"I'll always be with you.......but if you can, come back to me too. I'll be waiting, Y/N."

I murmured before giving up my last breath.



*Y/N's P. O. V*

I don't know why I'm crying.

My whole body is shaking and I frantically walked away from the papers after seeing his report. Everything seems to be spinning, but I'm fighting this sensation. I pushed myself towards the front door, grabbing the car key before going out and locking the door behind.

"No..." I was beginning to have flashes of memories like as if someone was snapping a camera with a bright flash and I could instantly see the images, but in this case, these images are memories. "This is just...a nightmare. No," I said to myself like a mantra.

I swayed towards the car and with my shaking hands, I opened the door after many failed attempts.

"Aaaaahh!!" a sharp pain in my head appeared which made me push it against the steering wheel. My eyes involuntarily closed and I saw a clear image of him.

"Go! Run!" I heard his voice before I was able to open my eyes again.

"S-stop," I said and I don't even know who I'm speaking with. I managed to keep myself together and put the key in. I, then, started to drive to god knows where.

Honestly, I don't know what's happening anymore and where I'm going but I'm just letting a part of my brain control me.

"It can't be," I keep on saying as I drive towards somewhere.

Thankfully, there are not many people here and I'm not having difficulties with my now reckless driving because I practically have the road to myself. Soon enough, I left the town and now driving alongside the woods.

I'm looking out for something I don't know what. I don't know what I'm doing as I've just became possessed yet still very aware. The information has overwhelmed me too much, but I'm going to make the most of it. It's so dark around and I just stepped on the break. I stopped beside these big trees and looking at them feels like I'm being pulled towards it.

I climbed out and jumped over the fence, going to the forest. "Pat...rick,"

Slowly, it's coming back to me. It hurts, it's making me insane, but at the same time, it motivated me to keep going deeper into the woods.

At this time I'm running...

He's real.

He did everything to save me.

He gave me comfort.

He made me feel like I have someone.

He's real....

And he's waiting for me. Still waiting for me.

Yep, my own new twist to this fanfic.
A part of this was also inspired by a Youtube Video that I watched years back. It's this animation called 'MISSING HALLOWEEN':


You guys should watch it because it's really amazing.

Thanks for reading. This fanfic is still not done so keep reading. 💕

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