#5: Bloom (Part 4)

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*Y/N's P. O. V. *

"Come on, Y/N. You can't say no to this. You also deserve a vacation. It's just the band, Elisa, and you. We always want to do this, now's our chance," Patrick said for the nth time, insisting that I should go with them and have a vacation.

I honestly would love to, but unfortunately, that would mean that I need to be with them for a long time, probably even in the same rest house. I can't do that now, they'll know that something is wrong with me if I stayed with them for that long.

I actually have no idea how many petals I have coughed out since the last week, I stopped counting after fifty. Obviously, I didn't tell anyone. No one knows that I have this disease now...I've kept it a secret this long, I don't really want to reveal it anytime soon.

In fact, I don't ever want to reveal it.

"Patrick, I really want to, okay? But getting a vacation leave at work is not that easy. You know how things go there," I reasoned.

It's just the two of us tonight and we're currently eating dinner at a sushi bar near my house. We still do these kinds of hang outs where it's just the two of us. He and Elisa really don't see anything negative about it, in fact, my cousin is even the one who insists that we should continue this kind of activity. She's not like any other girls who would go psycho the moment another girl comes close to their man.

"Just try, pleeease. It won't be the same without you," he pleaded, I can really see that he wants me to be there. I gave him a reassuring smile, somehow, I'm really considering going even if I know it won't end in a good note.

"Fine, I will," I answered, that statement finally making him smile.


*Patrick's P. O. V. *

Something is wrong with Y/N, I just can't pinpoint what.

I tried talking it out of her, but she's really good at hiding things. I know that I'm not just paranoid, it really seems like something is bothering her lately.

Maybe it's her work? She's been looking a little stressed out lately and Elisa and I are trying our best to support her. We never want to leave her out. Elisa seems to love her so much too, just like a sister. She wants to look out on her so we're really not leaving her out. And I never want to do that too. As far as I know, I won't be able to feel complete without my best friend too.

Thankfully, I managed to push her to go to a vacation with us two days ago. I'm pretty sure that this will help her loosen some stress a bit. I can tell that she wants to go with us too, something was just making her a little reluctant. But I guess that's all gone now because she's now with us here at the airport, about to depart.

"You guys ready for this awesome vacation?" Joe asked, he's actually the one who's the most excited among all of us.

"Honestly? I just want to sleep," Andy answered, making all of us chuckled.

We began to walk to our plane, casually talking about normal and stupid things as always. I already feel relaxed...but weirdly enough, everytime I look at Y/N, I'm feeling worry. Like as if something is really wrong.

"Something on my face, Stumph?" Y/N suddenly asked, pulling me out of my thought.

"W-what? Nothing, I was just...It's nothing," I said. Y/N smiled at me, it was genuine yet feels a little forced at the same time. After that, she just continued to walk, coughing a little with every step that she makes.

"El? Is Y/N okay? Something is..." I gently pulled Elisa close to me, she looks a worried too.

"I know, I can see it too. But I have no idea, Patrick. Let's just give her time for a while," She said, but even she is not sure if that's really want we want to do.

Finally, we boarded on the plane, respectively occupying our seats. We are all sitting in one row which is divided by two - I'm sitting next to Elisa on the right part, Joe and Andy are side by side on the left, leaving Pete and Y/N sitting beside each other on the middle. We immediately made ourselves comfortable there, readying for a long 9-hour flight to Hawaii.

I'm sure it'll be worth it once we get there.

~~~2 days later~~~

*Y/N's P. O. V. *

Now, I'm glad that I joined them on this vacation...every place that we have visited here in Hawaii so far is just plain beautiful.

All the beaches and natural attractions are breathtaking and it actually made me feel relaxed. The others are as cheerful as they can be and it's so good seeing that, it makes me feel more relaxed, sometimes it even makes me forget what I have.

But even with that happening, I still can't stop the urge of pushing out these petals out of my system. I just make sure that every time that happens, I'm very far away from them, preventing them to see or hear me. It's really not that I'm ashamed of this sickness, because I'm really not. I think it's just because I have no idea where it came from.

Today we're just having a chill day, deciding to stay at our rest house for the whole day so we can avoid toasting our skins too. It may be beautiful outside, but it was so damn hot. I think we're all suffering sunburn now.

We're all in the living room, just watching the TV and talking once in a while when a new flash suddenly popped up.

"The scientific research institute finally released the results of the 6-month study regarding the infamous 'Hanahaki Disease' that is continuously taking the lives of many people. The study finally led light to what causes this diseases and its potential cure. For more details, here is the representative of the institute," we all heard and silence immediately fell into the room.

I can feel my heart throbbing so much, I'm lucky it wasn't making any noise or else they'll be able to tell how nervous I am. The camera panned to the scientists, "As we all know by now, the Hanahaki Disease makes the person infected with it vomit out different kind of flower petals, and in a worse case scenario, they can even vomit a whole flower in a very excruciating and painful manner. For months, we have no idea where and how this disease came to be, but now we are sure. We found a new type of hormone that only these people who were infected with the disease have. It's something like Serotonin and Oxycontin that our system produces when we feel happy and loved...but these new harmful hormones are being produce when a person feels opposite to love or nothing at all. To put it simply, unrequited love," he explained.

Suddenly, I laughed to myself lowly, making everyone in the room look at me worriedly. They were shocked with my sudden reaction and I was too. The researcher on the TV continued to explain how these hormones help produce those flowers and petals inside the body. As an EMT, I should be getting it but it's all a blur, I was just fixated on 'unrequited love'...because it fits. That's why I have this disease. It's true.

"So far there are only two cure, of course one is to feel loved, simply eliminate the part of 'unrequited love' naturally or...remove it surgically. We have devised a new procedure that could remove the central area of which this hormones come from, but...there's a consequence to that. Once a person goes under this surgical procedure, he or she can never feel love again. It's like we're filling you with Novocaine, until you get numb, but the petals or flowers will be gone," he continued.

"Y/N...are you okay?" Suddenly, I heard my cousin's voice. I realized that I've let out another sad laugh, I think I'm beginning to lose my mind too. "Y/N, you've been acting so weird lately...is everything okay, cous?" she continued, while staring to come near me.

I stood up and faced them, pushing myself to look fine.

"I-I'm really sorry, that's a...weird response to that. We at the hospital were just so baffled about this disease and now that I know what causes it...it's weird. I-I'm sorry about that. And e-excuse me for a while, I need to make a call," I said, not giving them any chance to talk back or stop me.

I hurriedly walked out of the rest house, trying to find some place where I can be alone. The things that I just heard kept on lingering inside my head, it makes too much sense now and it hurts. The truth fucking hurts.

Finally, I stopped walking, just leaning against a tree as I let a whimper out. Somehow, this made me feel more helpless. Now, I just didn't want to reveal it more.

It's pitying.

I don't want them to know because I know that'll make them feel guilty.

It wasn't their fault...nor mine.

It's just a sad reality.

It's just my sad reality.


A/N: :(


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