#63: Let's Play Pretend (Part 7)

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*Y/N's P. O. V. *

So, this is how it feels like, huh?

To have your personal relationship be bombarded with media spotlight and toxic controversies. It's so stressing, it's only been days since this started but I feel like it had already drained my soul.

For some reason, my relationship with my new boyfriend became a magnet to these kinds of topics. I wasn't doing anything wrong, I'm even trying my hardest to make this work. This relationship saved me and I don't want anything to ruin this, but it seems like destiny itself is the one who's putting an end to this.

Nothing...and I mean nothing prompted this, the issues just came crashing down out of nowhere. Some says he's cheating, some says I was the one who's cheating while others claim that this is jsut a publicity stunt. This. Funny to think that they didn't think about that when I was with Patrick. Seems like my relationship with him was more believable than this real one.

Unfortunately, many believed these claims. Hate and bashful comments were everywhere. I suddenly became someone most people hated for something I didn't even do.

Maybe, in some shape or form, this is my karma for lying before.

The serious interviews are also not helping. Every interview I have now is about this issue. I always find myself being pushed to answer stupid and privacy-invading questions. It became so tiring so fast, I never wanted to be in this kind of situation.

But I think the worst part of all this is the fact that it really affected my relationship. The overwhelming claims and news got to us and trust-issues arose. We don't even know what to believe anymore - who's telling the truth, who's lying......and now we ended up truly not believing each other. Yeah, in labels, we might still be together, but it just feels like we're in a cold war.

I was in pain again. I'm so lost and I always end up crying because of this stupid thing. I thought everything will be better now because this time, this wasn't just a contract. Well, it turns out I couldn't be more wrong.

I tried my best to stay off my phone as much as I can but now I let myself use it for a while. The moment I looked at it, I saw a message:

'Hey, don't forget you can always talk to me. I'm currently working at the recording studio. I'm usually alone here in case you're worried that people seeing you visiting here will bring up more issues. I believe you have no fault here, Y/N. Just call or text back, please, I'm worried.'

I read Patrick's message.

I know I shouldn't do this, I know I should have just declined and I know this would be a big no to my therapist, but I didn't even hesitate. In no time, I was on my way to him.

This isn't because I want to take comfort from him, I just really need anyone that could listen to me at the moment. I didn't even look at my lingering feelings for him, I just want someone that would be on my side.

*2nd Person View*

"Fuck it," Patrick murmured and he immediately hit send on his phone. Now's not the time to hesitate, he wanted to know he's still there for you...that he'll always be there for you.

The non-stop controversies about your relationship broke him because he knows how much it would break you. He didn't believe any foul claims against you, he knows that all of those things are bullshit, but it pains him to think how that could affect you.

If he was only brave enough, this could have been prevented.

"It's all my fault," he whispered to himself.

Hours passed yet he still haven't received any calls or replies from you. He's been so worried because he hasn't heard anything about you for weeks already. He hated the fact that he couldn't do anything and hated that he doesn't know where you are.

His guilt about your failed relationship has never been this strong. It's now driving him crazy. Now, he just wanted to make everything okay and probably get you out of the shitty situation, but he feels like there's no more chance. You were already too far away.

Patrick let himself drown in booze again. It wasn't that bad, he's just taking enough to maybe numb this feeling inside him. It also gives him a different kind of inspiration with these songs that he's supposed to be working on. He should be focused on other things, but let's be honest here, you're the only one he thinks of now and it shows.

He's now inside the live room and about to record himself singing. The lyrics of this song was just finalized minutes ago while he's drowning in booze and guilt. Patrick cleared his throat and try to sober up before starting the music.

You, on the other hand, just arrived at the empty studio. You made your way inside, shocked that you still have access to go in. You went straight to the room that Patrick always use and while walking along the halls, you could hear music blaring from inside that room. He's recording something and for some reason left the speakers on. The door was a bit open thats why you could already hear it.

🎶Call it a night when the booze hits...sorry...
That'll never happen again 'till tonight...I'm so sorry...🎶

Patrick sang the lyrics. It's obvious he's trying hard to keep himself from slurring the lyrics, but the eagerness was more obvious. He wasn't just singing, it's like this is his ode to you.

🎶My love isn't lost, it's all I got...
Pours out of me, the shape of you🎶

You kept walking until you reached the room. The smell of alcohol hit you immediately, you scanned the room and saw Patrick inside the live room. He was so fixated on the song, every emotion was pouring out of him and you feel each word that comes out of him as if he's talking to you...and he really is.

🎶There's a hole inside of me, the shape of you (I'm so sorry)
My love isn't lost, it's all I got🎶

Patrick saw you but he didn't stop singing. He was way into this and he's willing to end this verse and chorus. Besides, this is better, this song is for you and he wants you to hear it.

🎶And I feel too much...
I feel too much unless I'm riding the super fade🎶

You looked at him in admiration but also with pain and regret. You understand his every word, you now confirmed that he regrets not taking the chance.

🎶I should've known better...
I should've tried to sing about anything...anything else in the world but you, but you!🎶

The song continued and Patrick was losing his control over himself. The alcohol and guilt is becoming too overwhelming and now he's practically screaming the lyrics out.

🎶I should've tried to go to sleep thinking 'bout anything else in the world but you, but you...
You know the world can get my bones
But Chicago gets my soul🎶

You heard his lyrics loud and clear the last 2 lines stuck with you.

Chicago. His home.

It was a metaphor for you...his home.

A/N: Hope you guys are still with me. Thanks so much for the love for this series. I appreciate y'all.

Also...I LOVE SUPER FADE. Patrick's voice on that song is something magical (I love his voice when he's almost screaming lol).

Try to play out the scene here as you listen to the song, I hope you get the feeling I'm trying to convey here through my writing.

Anyways, thanks for reading!!

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