#70: Winners

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A/N: Hey, guys! Happy Valentine's Day! 🌹❤️ It's hearts day so here's a short wholesome imagine for you!
Sorry if I've been silent again, but I'm still here with you guys!

Enjoy reading!

The sound of the video game you are currently playing becomes louder and louder as the 'losing streak' notification continuously mock you. You know you have some gaming skills, but not to this kind of games. You've always stayed away from PvP games, but your best friend happens to love them, so, here you are.

"Patrick, geez, tone it down a bit. We've been sitting here for hours and I literally still have 0 wins," you told your best friend who's obviously enjoying himself. He's really good at these games but when against you, he's already considered godly.

The crisp clicking of the controller buttons filled the room as another round started. You're beginning to push with more force, wishing that would somehow help, but you know it's hopeless.

"This is your training, Y/N. You have to be good at this!" he answered enthusiastically while beating the hell out of your character in the game.

"For what exact reason? I don't even ---


The game announced and once again, your character was brutally killed.

"Uuuugh. Why do I suck at this game so much?!!" you said as you buried your face on the pillow you're currently hugging.

"Okay, now I feel bad. You're not enjoying anymore, I'm sorry," Patrick said with guilty chuckle.

"It's fine, at least you're enjoying." Your words came out muffled because you still have your face against the pillow, "Aaand you're able to practice because I'm sure Pete, Joe, and Andy are still the better gamers," you playfully said.

"That's not true! I've beaten them a couple of times before," he said in a cute defensive manner which made you smile.

"Whatever you say, Stump," you finally pulled away from the pillow.

After some more playful banters, you started to play again and of course, he still wins. It should be frustrating, but that's not your mood, that never happens when you are with Patrick. The guy definitely makes everything enjoyable.

"Dammit, I can never be a winner," you murmured while in mid-game.

"Naaaah," Patrick replied.

"What do you mean naaaah?! Look at this, you always win," you said while still trying your best to defend yourself in the game.

"Naaaaaaah," Patrick said again and you can definitely hear the smile on that comment.

"Now you're just teasing. You know all the moves and combos here, I can never ---

"Well, I've had years of practice for that, Y/N. I purposely practiced to be a winner in this game...but you. Oh, Y/N, you're actually the real winner here because even when you're not doing anything, you keep winning me over again and again," Patrick said so calmly which immediately made your heart beat faster.

You took your attention away from the screen and looked at the guy you've always been in love with. Looks like you're not the only one having that feeling then.

Patrick was already looking at you admiringly like the winner he described you to be.

The game announced another win for him which made both of you laugh.

"I think I've won enough today that I deserve a prize. How about a date tonight, Y/N?" he said sweetly and your smile can't be hidden now.

"You already killed me enough in the game, and now you're killing me with these feels," you told him while smiling widely, "A date tonight sounds great though."

"Well, it's settled then, my champion," he said as he pulled you in for a hug. Finally, you both felt so good now that all the hidden feelings are being confessed.

And despite all the losses you got today, you still felt like the biggest winner at the end of the day.

A/N: Happy Valentine's Day again! If I could only give you all chocolates today, I would have done it already! 💕

Enjoy the day! Love you all, lovelies!

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