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I'm back and better!

Welcome to Paul's Review. I'm your host, Paul, and it's nice to have you here.

In this book, I'd be accepting requests for reviews. So if you have any interest, just fill the form below and I'd get back to you ASAP.

FORM (temporarily closed)
The request window is currently closed. Please hold your requests till the next time the window would be open.
Reason: It's closed because I'm the only one reviewing at the moment, and I already have enough on my plate. So please let's wait till my plate is cleared. Thank you😌
Y'all should save this book in your library so you'd be alerted when the request window is open again.

Book Title:
Book Genre:
Tags (invite, at least, two friends over. Let's start small):
How long have you been writing:
What level of review do you want? Sugarcoated or hard truth (no medium level):
Would you like a private or public review:

It should be noted that this service is absolutely free. So if you feel that you are already an accomplished author and you care nothing of what anyone thinks about your book, please steer clear off my comment section, Thank you.

- Please be patient. The requests would be attended to in the order which they are received.


The panel consists of awesome writers and avid readers, who have decided to assist me with giving the most inspiring reviews.

Well, there is no one available now so, it's just me.

If you have any interest in being on the panel, If you would like to offer reviews, please send me a DM and let's discuss. You'd have something to gain though.

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro