Chapter 3: Almost Found Out?

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            Sunday is almost here again.  Paula purse sits in her usual spot where she awaits to be taken out once more.  She has no other choice as this is part of the rules of the purses.  The other pocket books remain where it is they usual go prior to the next church meeting on Sunday morning.

          What happens on the Sundays there is no choir?   When the choir leader is away for work, or out sick, what do the hand bags do then?  They still come to life, but do not move around though so as not to raise suspicion on themselves.  Why if the humans saw anything amiss, they would literally faint, or worse!  

        This Sunday the choir will meet again as usual, so the purses can hardly wait!  They look forward to their secret meeting time once more that is for sure!  They do not know what is in store for them.  They only know that the choir will gather and as they do things will be cool.  They know they will get to come alive again!  To be alive it is a wonderful thing!

         Sunday gets here at long last which turns out to be better than anyone could imagine. The choir arrives on time. They get together in the choir room where they practice a special song for a few minutes. Then, they go to the sanctuary to sing.  As the choir sings, the purses wake up!

        Paula Purse, along with Charlie the clutch, as he is called since he is a small purse with a single strap, but has a manly face across his side.   Paula knows not to offend him.  The others follow her lead.  They might as well as she is the one who seems to know what to do in circumstances like this one.   

        Should they come to any trouble, Paula offers to be on the look out for them. They all laugh at the very notion that such a commotion should ever take place.  It is not as though the human race will ever find them out, right?    Nah, that is not possible is what they determine as they are all so good at being sure they are right where their owners leave them when they come back for them later.

      One of them finds herself, under a chair more often than not.  She has no clue why she was put here.  She wishes she could go on the shelf with the others.  She tries not to show how much she hates the dark.  It is so gloom in this spot.  She gets up and moves about. She dares not give a shout.  She is the subtle, shy sort as she holds very little, but feels important too.  She knows she must be why else would the lady who owns her have chosen to bring her?   She smiles at the very thought.  She does not go far just in case she has to rush back to her place. She decides it is for the best.  This way she will not have to panic in case anything should go wrong.

       A  few minutes later, the usual noise is heard outside the doors.  The purses all scramble back to their places. The one under her chair, and the others on the shelf.  Another on the floor by the door, since this is where she was set down earlier that day.  Each tries not to frown as they hear the door open.   The people enter the place. 

      Paula sees a strap to the family and friend beside her is not in the same direction it was in earlier.  She fixes this quickly.  She breathes a sigh of relief as this one is picked up and goes with the one who cares for her.  She thinks, what a close call that was as the other one was almost seen out of sorts.   She is happy that she was able to help!  Thank goodness no one found out!  Thank goodness indeed!   Why would a pity it would have been if the humans had  discovered the truth!

      The purses manage to camouflage  their expressions, their hair, their bows, and anything else that might be a give away about their top secret business.  They are happy that once again they manage to remain in the books as one who lacks air.  They are not seen by others as they are by themselves. They are to be seen as stylish, colorful,bags to carry things in like mints and such which might be seen as much.  

     After the service lets out, the choir goes back to the little space again.  This time the people in this group stay in here for less time than before.    The purses celebrate!  They are glad, while some are even mad.  A few are sad, but most they are able to show their personalities off  to themselves.   

      Paula sees a strap about to come off her friend.  She can not let this happen to her.  This is her companion as well as her relative.  She most do something, but what can she do?  She finds a sewing needle and thread. She is not sure how it got here, but who really cares?  She uses it to fix the strap secure to the purse next door.  She glances at it and sees the job looks swell.  She shrugs her shoulders as she sets the needle back where she found it.  She ties the thread end off with a knot.  

      Paula might be bossy.  Paula might be crazy, a comedian above the rest, but when it comes down too it she is also the best friend to many.  She looks out for them.  They look out for her.  She even knows how to turn her face inside out in such a way that know one can visualize it being there.  That is no human can which helps a lot since she knows a thing or two that no one else does.  She knows the exact time the humans will leave and the exact time they will return!

      to be continued in Chapter 4  The Personality  Test!  


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