Chapter 8 Purse Stationery?

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      Paula decides it is time for the purses to have something special.  Something that stands out to them as being unique to the as the purse society as a whole.  Something that is neat, yet bold and dashing.  Something with lots of  colors and that shows the group thought it out a lot.  

     She smiles as the others gather around to discuss possible ideas.  Charlie suggest they have their own postage stamps.  Suzie brings up the possibility of  a special mug to show how close they are with one another.

     Pedge rolls her eyes.  "Honestly, those ideas sound like such a bore to me!"  Pedge says.

    "Oh, that is what you always say!" Lily says.

    "She does have a point there!" Helen retorts.

    "Oh, what you know about it anyway?"  Pedge responds.

    "Hey, now that is no way to behave!" Charlie says.

    "Oh, yeah says who?"   Lily remarks.

    "Everyone pipe down!"  Paula says.

  "yes, sorry, Miss Paula!" The others remark. They immediately calm down.

      Paula thinks for a bit.  The others notice she appears to be deep in thought. They wonder what is our leader is so into that she dares not speak a word about it to any of us.  They listen to see if she says anything.  Sure enough, Paula remains silent on the matter.   A few minutes later, she says,  "Well, everyone I do believe that the votes are in now for the best idea ever!"  She appears to be very full of excitement now.   This begs the question, whose idea won, and what was it anyway?  Only, they dare not ask about it, nor do they try to persuade her to change her mind now that it seems she has made it up.   This is the best since she is in charge and one of the youngest members.

      The others look at her.  They just sit there in silence and think, well, out with it already will ya?

       Paula finally speaks up, "Pedge your idea for us to have a special monument built was brilliant yet, unrealistic as the owners would suspect something for sure.  However, Charlie's idea was alright, but still not quite what we meant.  Then, there is Suzie's idea for the mug.  I do not think this would work to well either.  Next we have the idea that Lily gave to me on paper.  Her suggestion is that we just forget about the whole thing. Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but we do not intend to forget about it."   

      "Last, we have the best idea yet, which Helen gave us. Her idea is to have purse stationery.  It would be something that would meet all our qualifications for a unique piece that stands out and represents us all so well.   It would take very little time, and the cost would be less for this than that of the monument for sure. "  Paula remarks.

      Paula continues,  "We know this by the research time spent to confirm such things. This was done last weekend in secret while I was said to have been in a nap mode.  Everyone ought to know by now, if there is one thing I do best than it is to do all I can to avoid a  nap at all cost.  When I say all cost, I really mean it.  Once, I even hid in the back of the room to avoid it. If anything, I tend to think of all sorts of things that I do not always wish to discuss with others. This is not one of those times."  

       The others nod their heads in agreement!  None can argue with this!  They all raise their hands in agreement to show their excitement that they can agree on something so quickly!  This shows the progress that the group has gone through in the last few months.   The others are glad to see it!  It is nice to have unity at last!  Who knows how long this will be so, or what it will take to split them up?   For now, they intend to enjoy their unity for however it does last and to the very fullest!  

      Paula smiles.  She thinks, Purse Stationery, huh?  Who would have thought that would been the icebreaker to fix our disagreements that we have had for the last couple of weeks?  Let alone to help us to be happier with ourselves and our owners as well.  She shrugs her shoulders. She thinks,the road to get there will not be an easy one, but then again, what is when you are a pocket book that everyone sees as an stationary object? 

    (Author's note: Stationary-not moving or intending to be moved, is what people sees as being a stationary object.    Then there ism stationery-nice paper to be written on in the form of a note, such as a thank you or a simple, basic friendly letter. )

     How soon does the this special work of art get done?  Who knows?  Who can be certain it will be a success?  Then, again who knows much of anything when it comes to the purse society and their way of thinking?   There is very little out there written about such things.  Very little indeed!

     Somehow the pocket books will find a way to succeed at their mission for such at thing!  This is due to their outstanding behavior, their awesome variety of personalities, and looks.  

       "Psst, Paula!  Yoohoo, Paula!"  Someone calls her name.

         Paula looks around and says, "Wait, who spoke to me just now?"  She cannot find the source so she gets quiet once again. She does not want to blow their cover after all.  She remains still to so as not draw any unnecessary attention to herself.  She feels so nervous, she sweats.  She can only hope that no one sees this or if they do they do not understand it.  

         All of  Paula's  friends can see she is a nervous wreck,but have no idea as to why their fearless leader appears to be, well, afraid!

          *Author's Note: so, what do you think about the mysterious plot twist?  Dun,...dun,...dun...         

       to be continued in Chapter 9  Welcome  Back, It Seems to Say!

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