Sequel Announcement!

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 Hey guys :)

I'm OFFICIALLY announcing that there will be a sequel to 'Pause' due to popular demand. It will be called 'Rewind'. I'd planned for a sequel from the very beginning, but I didn't want to say anything yet until I finished this book. There's still so much I have to add to this story. The sequel will feature all of the same characters and new ones ;) It will still be a humor story because what's this book if it isn't funny? :P

As for when it will come out, probably October of this year still - not too far away ;) I will notify you all when it is out and update the notification here too.

Stay tuned for the sequel because I have big plans for it :D It's going to be funnier and just all round better than this first book. I will be leaving that high school vibe behind as we take a closer look at them from a more mature perspective. But don't worry, they will still have the same personalities in check.

I'm not done with any of these characters by a long shot, I promise ;) :P Some might even earn themselves a spin off after the sequel.

Thanks for everything guys, I mean it! :)) 

!!!!!Thank you!!!!!


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