First interview

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Starring: Gillian Cobbler and Jaxon Porter (Fairy Tale Reform School)

Host: Me (Rae)

Me: *breaks the fourth wall*

Me: Hello, Gilly and Jax

Gilly: Hi Rae!

Jax: Hey.

Me: Ok well I'm going to ask you both a few questions.

Gilly & Jax: Okay.

Me: First question. "What job would you be terrible at?"

Gilly: Random but probably.... A writer. I'm terrible at coming up with stuff to write even for a school project.

Me: Understandable. See I'd be good at it because even though I hate ELA I love reading and writing.

Gilly: huh *laughs* odd.

Jax: I'm not sure, um, maybe being a surgeon. I can't stand seeing seeing guts or anything like that. *makes a face*

Me: *also makes a face* ooh same I hate stuff like that.

Me: anyway next question, "What would be your first question after waking up from being under a sleeping curse for 100 years" (like sleeping beauty)

Gilly: I would ask "what year is it?"

Me: *chuckles* same though.
Jax: Probably ask for something to eat.

Me: Again; same.

Me: ok almost done. "What's the dumbest thing you've done that actually turned out pretty well?"

Gilly: um like half my plans? Literally half of them where totally stupid but somehow worked.

Jax: Yeah well I'm pretty sure if you didn't have me and the rest of the crew all of those plans would have failed.

Gilly: The fact that I can't even disagree with that.

Me: *is dying of laughter* Jax what about you?

Jax: Probably saving Gilly from the Kraken. It was really dumb cause I almost died but neither Gilly or I died so it worked.

Me: *trying not to start laughing again* Makes since. Next question, "What topic could you give a 40-minute presentation on without any preparation?"

Gilly: Stealing

Jax: Gilly!

Gilly: What! It's true I'm an expert!

Jax: *sarcastically* I thought you were ReFoRmEd?

Gilly: just because I'm reformed doesn't mean I don't know how to do it still!

Jax: *laughing* ok mine would probably be how to be a Royal. The amount of classes and people talking to me about it would be enough info for a whole 2 hours presentation.

Me: Oh gosh *laughing*

Me: Well that concludes the interview!!

Gilly & Jax: Bye!!

Any requests????

Also y'all are welcome to give me questions for the interviews!!!


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