Chapter 11

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"Mr.Potter." Professor McGonagall's voice fell over James like a cold thick blanket. "It's far past curfew. What are you doing out of bed?"

"Couldn't sleep," He responded with a shrug.

"Couldn't sleep," McGonagall repeated. "Forgive me, but I find that hard to believe."

"I don't blame you," James nodded dully. "I have quite the reputation for causing mischief and wreaking havoc."

"You and Mr. Balck," McGonagall replied with her lips set in a frim line. "Tell me, Mr. Potter, are you simply a diversion for the professors while your friends are off playing a prank that we will all be witness to in the morning?"

James 'tsk'ed playfully. "Haven't you learned anything about us in the past six years? Peter is the diversion, always Peter. And, to answer your second question, no. The boys are not off orchestrating a prank while I wander the corridors. They are all tucked in their beds sleeping soundly. If you doubt my honesty you can go check, they'll be there."

McGonagall gazed at James perplexed. "Then why exactly are you not in your dormitory along with them? If you have no mayhem to cause then I can hardly see the reason for you to be up at this hour."

"A marauder never needs a reason," James answered coyly. "Now Minne, go ahead, dock a few points and I will be on my merry way."

James began to walk away, and he was not headed in the direction of Gryffindor tower.

"Is there a chance Mr. Black knows why you are out tonight?" McGonagall called after him.

James stopped and turned to face her once more. "Like I said professor, Padfoot doesn't know that I'm out tonight. But if you were to go ask him, he would know why."

McGonagall was confused as ever. "Mr. Potter, if you were to enlighten me as to why you are awake you just might be able to avoid detention."

James didn't answer her right away, he walked over to one of the moonlit windows and gazed down at the grounds.

"They're hunting his followers," he finally said. "They were supposed to write me hours ago. They should be home by now."

McGonagall nodded as everything clicked into place.

'"The ministry didn't answer my owl either." James continued.

McGonagall looked at James with a newfound understanding. "Once you receive word from your parents it's off to bed." McGonagall turned to leave.

"What if it's bad?" He asked, desperate.

"It won't be."

Like always, Minerva McGonagall was right.

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