Alone Together

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Requested by PyreFly77 on FanFiction.Net (Well, not exactly this, but the general idea is here.)

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It was time for another parachute practice, and as usual, Marshall doesn't want to join in. However, Ryder didn't want to leave him alone, just in case there was an emergency like last time. Now, it's up for the two pups to do something before they die of boredom.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Marshall groaned against the Pup Pup Boogie mat. Normally, with Ryder and the others out, he would be taking advantage of the situation to play the whole day. But he's already bored and there's still around three hours to kill before the others come back.

It would've been easy for the fire pup to find something to ease his boredom, but there's still one more thing to consider: Chase.

The police pup had volunteered to stay behind with Marshall as Ryder took the others for parachute practice. Apparently, Ryder didn't want him to take on missions alone, no matter how capable he is, and Chase was the one who volunteered to stay behind.

Marshall had first thought that it would be fun to be alone with Chase for once, but the police pup had chosen to take a nap in his pup house, leaving him to play alone.

"Ugh, what am I going to do now?" Marshall thought aloud, his blue eyes scanning everything for something to play with.

The dally's eyes lit up when he noticed the closet where Ryder keeps all of their costumes for Halloween. It was kept open just in case anyone wants to role play at random.

Marshall grinned as a thought popped in his head. He immediately dived into the closet and searched for a particular costume to put on.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Chase was napping in his pup house when he heard someone knock on his door.

"Chase?" an oddly girlish voice said. "Do you wanna build a snowman? Come on let's go and play!"

The police pup could only laugh as he finally recognized the voice on the other side of the door. But why would Marshall sing a Frozen song is beyond him, especially now that Frozen 2 is already out.

"I never see you anymore, come out the door, it's like you've gone away!"

Chase was tempted to open up the door of his pup house but he held himself. This was Marshall's way of getting him to play, and play he will.

He just wished he wasn't Elsa.

"We used to be best buddies, but now we're not. I wish you would tell me why!"

Despite knowing that it's only a game, the police pup couldn't help but feel guilty. It's true that he and Marshall were close, to the point that they could call themselves brothers. But with their busy schedule lately, they weren't spending as much time together.

He hoped to remedy that today.

"Do you wanna build a snowman?" Marshall sang in falsetto. "It doesn't have to be a snowman."

"Move away, Marshall," the shepherd chuckled. "I'm coming out."

If Chase was laughing before, he was hysterical now. Marshall looked ridiculous with Anna's green dress.

"Don't you laugh at me, Chase," the Anna-Marshall said, grinning. "You're gonna wear Elsa's dress."

"Bu-bu-bu-but..." the police pup stuttered.

"Come on, Chase," Marshall pouted. "There's only the two of us here, and the others aren't coming home for a few hours."

Chase tried to reason to himself. He was a police pup, a male police pup. He was supposed to be seen as dignified and manly, but one look at the dally's face made him change his mind.

"Alright," he conceded. "But only for today."

The fire pup howled in excitement and started to drag Chase inside by his collar. The shepherd tried to resist but ended up laughing at how excited his best friend is.

Chase looked at the mountain of costumes in hesitation then back at Marshall. Steeling himself, he dove into the pile of clothes and reappeared, wearing young Elsa's dress.

"See, that wasn't so hard," Marshall grinned at him. "Now, do you wanna build a snowman?"

Chase-Elsa laughed. "Marshall, it's summer. There's no snow outside."

"Not with Rocky's snowmaker," the spotted pup smirked and went to drag the said invention outside with Chase following behind.

A few minutes later, the two pups were enjoying the snow.

"Hi, I'm Olaf. And I like warm hugs," Chase mocked Elsa's voice as he moved the hands of the snowman.

Marshall giggled. "You're too good at this, Chase."

"What can I say?" the police pup grinned. "I'm a great actor."

"Yeah, but can you do this?"

Marshall then proceeded to grab Chase's front paw with his and twirled him around.

"Marshall!" Chase laughed as the dally dragged him into a waltz. Despite his clumsiness, Marshall was a great dancer.

The two continued to dance until they stumbled from standing on their back paws for so long. Chase laughed as they both emerged from the snow.

"That was fun," the shepherd remarked, grinning at his best friend.

Marshall chuckled. "I know."

"You seem comfy," Chase commented as he watched the dally snuggle deeper into the snow.

"I've always loved the cold," Marshall replied. "You know, being a firefighter and all."

"Oh really?" the police pup smirked. "Or is it just because of a certain someone?"

"I am not in love with Everest!" the dally shouted, blushing.

"But your face says otherwise," Chase chuckled.

"Ugh" Marshall groaned, covering his face with his paws. "If there's a prize for rotten judgment, I guess I've already won that."

Seriously, what's with the Disney songs? Chase thought as the dally continued to sing.

"Who do you think you're kidding? She's the heaven and earth for you," Chase said, internally groaning as he realized that it came out as a song.

"You didn't tell me you were good at singing, Chase," Marshall snickered.

"This isn't about me," the shepherd muttered, blushing. "Try to keep it hidden, Marshall, we can see through you. Boy, you can't conceal it, we know how you feel, and who you're thinking of."

"No chance, no way," Marshall denied, backing away from the advancing pup. "I won't say it, no, no."

"Give up, give in," Chase grinned. "Check the grin, you're in love."

It was true. Despite all of his denials, Marshall had a goofy smile on his face.

"Get off my case, I won't say it," the dally told him, turning even redder than his fire truck.

"Nope. Chase is on the case," the shepherd chuckled.

Marshall glared at him. "I hate you."

"Love you too."

"That's it." The spotted pup roared and pounced on his best friend, sending them both rolling towards the Lookout.

Unlike most of their wipeouts, Chase came out on top of Marshall.

"Say it," he said, refusing to remove himself on top of the dally.

"Fine," Marshall sighed. "I'm in love with Everest. There. Happy?"

Chase put his snout closer to the dally's ear. "Very."

"Hey guys, Everest is..."

Skye trailed off as she realized the position the two were in. Both pups were still wearing the princess dresses, and Chase was lying on top of Marshall in a very... sensual fashion.


Ryder and the pups stood behind Skye, their eyes wide and jaw gaping. The two pups blushed heavily from being caught in a compromising position.

"We... can explain?" Chase squeaked out.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Sorry for the poor attempt at comedy.

As you can see, I have abandoned my attempt on following the titles with the canon episodes. And sorry for not updating for almost ten days. I was struggling to write.

I'm also planning to create two books: one will be all about how the Paw Patrol started, and the other one is about their deaths. The beginning and the end of their journey, as I would say.

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"Primary Fears" by PyreFly77

"Do You Wanna Build a Snowman" from Frozen

"I Won't Say I'm In Love" from Hercules

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